LEO and open carry

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Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
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Guthrie OK
In my experience, we eat an elephant one bite at a time. An ammendent was tabled (on 2225) the other day that allowed a person to carry an open gun "while in fear for their life". That would have sunk the bill.

The bill still ties OC to a tax and legal hurdle.... that tabled ammendment would have opened the door to Consitutional carry... and that is were NEXT years agenda takes us.

So because I am a radical... my first bold move when this new code is enacted will be.... walking out to my car with my pistol in a IWB dressed without a COVER Garment... because I left said cover garment in the car the night before.

Kinda what I did the last few days... I guess I should turn my self in...

Then... I will drive my car without my shirt untucked.... and if I'm really feeling all Bruce Willis-e... pump some gas with my grip showing. Of course... when I have to be around a bunch of folks later... that jacket will go on- no need to worry the herd is there.

The only reason a state should regulate carry is so it's citizens can travel into a restricted state. AZ still issues permits for that reason... we can only hope ALL states get the memo and drop the taxation they impose on the right to self defense with a prefered tool.


I don't need to look here for a fight. LOL I never said YOU said it. I said the board has a segment of it's population that tends to lean that way. Why do you think every little thing is about you and not a general observation?? Some people's kids ... sheesh

My years of experience has taught me that activism is most assuredly a waste of time but some folks like to spend their time thinking they make a difference in front of the big white building with the Indian on top of it. Go ahead, knock yourself out.

We also have an difference of opinion as to how having OC passed will "restore" our 2A right. This doesn't "restore" anything ... it just regulates it in a different way -- just like it was regulated before.

I know that.

I understand perfectly well what you are saying.
You obviously do not understand, therefore I shall just leave it at that.


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator
Jan 2, 2006
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That was never my intentions.

Me neither ... Enjoy YOUR day ... And tell Security Six she needs some rabbits!! I'll share ... LOL ;)

I know. I didn't want it to get there.

Plus, I wanted to get in my little cut calling you both kids, since you're probably both older than me. ;)

No rabbits!!!

Oh... that reminds me of a story... heehee!

We were visiting my parent the other day, and my dad told me he saw a sign at the local gas station. It read:

"Baby Bunnies

...and Nutritious!"


Special Hen
Jun 10, 2011
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Hang around a little bit then. For some reason this board has always had it's fair share of folks who ask for JBTs opinions and then call them all manner of anti-American, revenue-generating Jack-Booted Thugs for having an opinion when it differs from their own. This issue is no different.

I could really care less about the "right" to OC. After 25 years as a paralegal and 12 years married to a JBT there are a couple of things that I am certain of:

1. Our uninaliable rights are regularly regulated by the government whether we like it or not and no amount of teeth-knashing and foot-stomping on our part is gonna change that. That's what government does ... it governs and regulates (oh and generates revenue so it can continue to govern and regulate).

2. A life lived quietly is a much more satisfying and fulfilling life, regardless of what the activists for ANY special interest group (and make no mistake, open carry proponents are activists).

Of course, I do also believe, others milage may vary.

I've not said this here but will now. I fail to understand how open carry proponents think that having open carry "restores" an uninaliable right, when it is still taxed and regulated just like conceal carry. And I'd much rather be able to make the decision on whether to enter a gun fight by virute of my HIDDEN conceal carry weapon than be drawn into one by some dimwit through virtue of him seeing my own throughly OBVIOUS open carry weapon and deciding to "give me a go". Again, YMMV ...

Oh, and you are projecting an awful lot in your response to ExSniper ... Nowhere did he say that he thinks you (or anybody else for that matter) "need" to do anything. However, he did say several times that HE sees little need for certain behaviors. So, no, you really didn't understand what he was trying to say at all.
I agree if the bill passes it will not restore our unalienable rights to carry as you said seeing it will still be taxed and regulated. My hope is that if it passes is that when we who do hold our CCW show how well we handle ourselves that our leaders decide to move towards constitutional carry. If it passes we are going to be the ambassadors of this. I again think it is wrong to make people pay for their rights. But for now I will take what we get and hope that our right will be fully restored. If anyone does not understand what I am saying just say so and I will try to explain myself more.

As far as asking what LEO thinks again it was not meant to be an avenue for people to personally attack them. It was merely meant to get their thoughts on it. I know some are going to be for OC and I know others will not and I know some might change their minds on the subject if we show how well we deal and handle the responsibility that it presents ( that again is if it passes) . So please allow them to express their views as they see fit . I don't see a problem if you question what they say as to get clarification on what they say. But please again do not attack them. Our LEO have enough of a fight on the streets.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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...1. Our uninaliable rights are regularly regulated by the government whether we like it or not and no amount of teeth-knashing and foot-stomping on our part is gonna change that. That's what government does ... it governs and regulates (oh and generates revenue so it can continue to govern and regulate).

Oh contraire! I would submit that without the teeth gnashers and foot stompers that today we would still not have concealed carry; that the week long delay prior to being able to pick up a purchased firearm would still be in effect. In many places the 1 gun a month restriction still exists but in many places it no longer does because of the foot stompers and the teeth gnashers.

Without the foot stomping and teet gnashing of those who are called Tea Partiers it is not outside the realm of possibility that the Dems would still control the US House of Representatives.

It is the screamers, the foot stompers and the teeth gnashers that incite things to get done not those that just accept that which is and remain silent about it even if they don't like it. With regards to gun rights it is the silent majority that has gotten us where we are today. It is the loud minority that has and will continue to get us our rights back.

...2. A life lived quietly is a much more satisfying and fulfilling life, regardless of what the activists for ANY special interest group (and make no mistake, open carry proponents are activists).

All I know of you BB is based on my impressions garnered from your many posts. Surprising to me that you would believe that "a life lived quietly..."

I for one am exactly the opposite. Until I reached the age of 34 I led what many would consider an active, exciting and to paraphrase you a very loud life. After that - well - married and with children, not quite as loud but in a different way still active and exciting (a different type of exciting to be sure). Both phases were satisfying but when push comes to shove I'd give the nod to the 1st phase as being more so.

...Of course, I do also believe, others milage may vary.

Of course it may and that is one of the things that makes life fun.

...I've not said this here but will now. I fail to understand how open carry proponents think that having open carry "restores" an uninaliable right, when it is still taxed and regulated just like conceal carry.

That was addressed by JefPaintHorse much more eloquently than I. I could add nothing that he hasn't already said about the issue. He gets it.


And I'd much rather be able to make the decision on whether to enter a gun fight by virute of my HIDDEN conceal carry weapon than be drawn into one by some dimwit through virtue of him seeing my own throughly OBVIOUS open carry weapon and deciding to "give me a go". Again, YMMV ...

See - you do get it after all. It's all about choice. A choice that heretofore was not an option because the government took it away. Now we may get it back because of the actions and voices of those called teeth gnashers and foot stompers.

I'm gonna add one more thing for folks to ponder on. A bit of prose by a guy named Ralph Marston that directly addresses the issue of foot stompers and teeth gnashers and their contribution to society.

Progress is made by those who do what they are afraid to do. Progress is made by those who do what they did not previously know they could do.

You cannot push the world forward by staying safe and comfortable. You cannot make great advances by holding tightly to the tired excuses and outdated assumptions.

It is energizing and liberating to turn down a road you have not traveled before. To reach toward what you cannot yet touch brings new passion and strength to your life.

You are amazingly able to do not only what you have already done, but also what you cannot yet do. Your capacity for learning and improvement has no limit.

Beyond where you are comfortable is where you will grow and improve and achieve. Nudge yourself away from what you already know, and discover how very much more you can be.

Give yourself the priceless gifts of new experiences, new skills, new knowledge and the confidence of knowing how quickly you can grow. Expand your horizons, again and again, and discover that every limit is there to be transcended.

- Ralph Marston

Good words to live by...


Dec 14, 2008
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I say go ahead if we change the conceal carry license requirements by adding a special "Open Carry" endorsement to the license. To get the endorsement you have to pass a standardized I.Q.test.
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