Mitt Romney warns NRA against an 'unrestrained' second-term Obama

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Your right it is , but I can't stand by and not vote ,that would just be a vote Obama an we can't take 4 more of him

Or you could vote your conscience and draw a line for Gary Johnson. America can and will survive BHO, regardless of whether he gets another 4 years or not. I say let the chips fall where they may and stop compromising your principles by voting for the lesser of two evils. :(


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
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Didn't get enough petition signatures huh? <sigh>

Nope. Spent $50K or so on the petition drive, turned in 58K signatures, only 41K of which were determined valid (name, address, and signature match what's on file and on the form for the correct county) by the State Election Board.

Doc Holiday

Obama expanded gun rights by allowing carry in National Parks.

Not quite sure why he'd do that if he was ignoring the 2A!

Politics are quite humorous. It amazes me that Obama has done nothing to infringe the 2nd Amendment, and yet is again the target of the NRA this time around. IF this is always the case for a Democratic Presidential Candidate, then what incentive do they have in the future to care what the NRA says? If there is no acknowledgement of a term well-done, then why try to appease them? Sometimes I think the NRA does more damage than good when it comes to elections.

In reality though I realize that the NRA has become just another lobby organization, dependent on fear to pull in the mighty $$$. None of this is taken seriously by either candidate. Just like a professional athlete is required to stay after the game for the press conference, the Republican nominee is required to sing to the choir every election cycle.

Doc Holiday

Your right it is , but I can't stand by and not vote ,that would just be a vote Obama an we can't take 4 more of him

Don't be silly. A sitting pres without any major mistakes rarely loses. Unless the economy nosedives in the next 6 months, four more years looks like a done deal.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Politics are quite humorous. It amazes me that Obama has done nothing to infringe the 2nd Amendment, and yet is again the target of the NRA this time around. IF this is always the case for a Democratic Presidential Candidate, then what incentive do they have in the future to care what the NRA says? If there is no acknowledgement of a term well-done, then why try to appease them? Sometimes I think the NRA does more damage than good when it comes to elections.

In reality though I realize that the NRA has become just another lobby organization, dependent on fear to pull in the mighty $$$. None of this is taken seriously by either candidate. Just like a professional athlete is required to stay after the game for the press conference, the Republican nominee is required to sing to the choir every election cycle.

I wouldn’t say he’s done nothing. His administration has made solid efforts to demonize the 2nd Amendment at home and abroad. Fast & Furious and the UN arms treaty support come to mind. He just hasn’t done what Mittens has done to enact anti-gun legislation. Personally, I think Obamacare is far more unconstitutional than his anti-2A work. Sadly, Mittens enacted government controlled health care as well. This is why the Republicans are going to regret nominating him. The critical swing vote will be cast often for AOC (any other candidate). They have no one but themselves to blame. :(


Special Hen
Jun 16, 2011
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I am not a mitt Romney fan and don't really believe he has changed his mid as he claims on the gun issues and many others that he has went back and forth on over the years.

That being said I find i laughable that people on here for believe Obama is not anti gun.

DOJ fast and furious, AG holder brainwash video against guns. Obama on record for handgun ban, semi auto ban, assault weapon ban, told Brady campaign that he would work under radar for fun control, he was in favor of dc gun ban, in favor of local cities having harsher restrictions on guns such as chicago, california, and dc, Are you guys crazy. Obama is anti gun! No legislation has passed as anti gun but his ideas are anti gun. And he has let antigun things happen without repercussions such as fast and furious, an executive order to ban the imports of the M1 rifles. No legislation needed for this president who will use executive order, doj, and ATF to do everything for him and e can still say I passed no antigun legislation.

Here's a good read of his record as senator

Again I don't have much faith in Romney either and dont trust him, but any one who claims Obama is not anti gun is crazy.

I'll just go cling to my guns and religion now, c-ya :)

mons meg

Special Hen
Jul 6, 2005
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Oklahoma City
One redeeming quality of a Romney Presidency would be his short list of SCOTUS nominees. Also, his malleability seems to work both ways, so enough pressure from conservative groups can shape his policies. Of course, I would have preferred a more politically principled candidate win the office.

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