Satanic Temple Performs Same-Sex Ceremony At Westboro Baptist Church Leaders Grave

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Dec 10, 2008
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This past Sunday, July 14, top officials from the New York-based Satanic Temple traveled to the grave site of the mother of Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps in order to stage a formal ceremony celebrating same-sex unions. Photos of the ceremony are publicly available on the new Satanic Temple-operated website,, where The Satanic Temple encourages other same-sex couples to submit their own photos from similar pilgrimages to the Mississippi cemetery.

Satanic Temple spokesperson Lucien Greaves officiated the ceremony while two same-sex couples celebrated their homosexuality at the gravesite.

The Satanic Temple supports freedom and the pursuit of happiness for all people, thus they support same-sex couples’ legal equality. The Satanic Temple claims that the mass was conducted as an affirmation of those values, and claims that the action is meant to convey a message of love in the face of hate.

The Westboro Baptists, famed for their bombastic "God Hates Fags" anti-homosexual activism, raised the ire of the Satanic Temple months previous. "The idea for the Pink Mass ceremony and website came during the aftermath of the tragic Boston Marathon bombings, during which time the WBC were threatening to protest the funerals of the bombing victims," explains Greaves. “Members of The Satanic Temple were in Boston, waiting for them, but they failed to show. Later, the WBC issued a statement that they had been present 'in spirit'. We decided that a same-sex couple celebrating ceremony at the grave-site of Fred Phelps's mother was an appropriate way to meet the Westboro Baptists, 'in spirit', but this time on our terms."

Explaining the ceremony itself, Greaves continues, "The Satanic Temple now believes that Fred Phelps must believe that his mother is now gay, in the afterlife, due to our Pink Mass... And nobody can challenge our right to our beliefs."

This revelation of The Satanic Temple's graveyard ritual comes fast on the tail of the Westboro Baptist Church’s announcement that they intend to picket the death of 31 year-old "Glee" actor, Cory Monteith.

The Satanic Temple is hoping their recent action will draw attention to the organization's efforts to raise funds so that they may participate in the New York City Department of Transportation's Adopt-a-Highway program. More information on the campaign can be found at this location.

Spectacle Films was present at the ceremony to document the event for an upcoming film about the Satanic Temple.
this makes me smile

Catherine Idalette Johnston, wife of Fred W. Phelps, Sr., Mother to Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps, Jr., was honored in a ceremonial “Pink Mass”, performed by The Satanic Temple, at her gravesite. The Pink Mass is a Satanic ritual performed at the grave site of a deceased person, which changes the sexual orientation of that person in the afterlife.

Other same sex couples are invited to respectfully and tastefully express their mutual affection at Ms. Johnston’s gravesite. After a Pink Mass has been performed, every time a same sex couple kisses over a gravesite, the now-gay deceased is pleasured in the afterlife.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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OK as much as I hate a$$holes like Phelps and his bunch that is taking things to far and is just as bad as the Westboro Baptist Church. You do not mess with someone's grave in any way. Sad to see anyone stoop to Phelps level.


Special Hen
Jun 11, 2006
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Ever heard of a pizzing contest between two skunks?

Actually these satanic temple freaking undesirables (STFU) appear pretty clever, and unlike WBC their motives are not likely to be cash driven. I eagerly anticipate the lawsuits that will no doubt be filed against the STFU.

RickN, as to messing with somebody's grave, I have walked on thousands of them (mowing), hoed weeds around tombstones, dug them, had a few fall in as I walked across them, and never once did anyone complain. My point is that there is nothing special about a grave except what those close to the occupant choose to invest in it. To publicly desecrate, even in a conceptual sense, a grave is of course offensive. I think the STFU tried as hard as they could to find an approach that would be likely to really cause pain to the WBC folks. If they really are satanists, any Christian values would be meaningless to them.

The STFU, according to the initial post, have some values pretty far from hard core satanism. While I find their name a little off putting, the idea of being able to change the sexual orientation of someone in the afterlife may be the funniest thing I have ever seen on a computer screen.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

I continue to be astonished that in our violent gun culture that so meny people are so fond of criticizing that WBC continues to exist.

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