Looks like Russia is invading Ukraine

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Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
And look how it ended for him.

The "Displaced Persons" did a number on him. Unfortunately his little black book disappeared after he was assassinated in the hospital so we'll likely never know the entire story. But we all know what happens when you build a story based on lies. Eventually it collapses. And then there will be a day of reckoning that will cause the parasites to be wishing for days of old. Americans will resent being played for tools and used as tax livestock. That is... if they still have their personal arms to remedy the lie.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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They have something of a revolt going on at RT television.
Yesterday Abby Martin had a on air editorial comment that what Russia is doing in Ukraine is wrong.
Today anchor Liz Wahl resigned on air.


Martin’s show is airing a repeat episode today because she has received an overwhelming amount of interview requests, including an appearance on Piers Morgan Live, and needs time to prepare, she said.



Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
I heard that comment. Freaking brilliant. One of our so-called "conservative" leaders pointing East for our guidance....
After revisiting some of "our" pre-WWII movies glorifying the Soviet Union, and of course, demonizing the Germans, it makes me believe all of this is horsehockey. If, after 70 years, we can see we were spoon-fed blatant lies to get us allied with Russia, why should we trust anything being said now?

I have a mother who lived in Holland during WWII. For the entire five year duration of German occupation, her family was required to quarter German troops. My grandfather was involved in the Dutch Resistance, helping allied troops escape back to England. There would be Allied troops hiding in the basement while German soldiers were upstairs. On all sides of their home lived German sympathizers. Even after nearly starving to death during the last year of occupation, my mother had and still has the deepest respect for those German soldiers. They were polite, they brought food when they could and helped out in any way possible. My mother was young but after the war ended she began to understand what the war was about. Survival against deception and enslavement...

Of course when I came to the US and was attending day camp prison, I "learned" how bad Germans were. Of course I had someone dear to me who corrected me as to what the facts were, in spite of what she had endured. As far as I know, my mother has never lied to me. Can't say the same for the USG...

Anywayz, the deception and enslavement is going on today in this nation. Hannity is a useful tool as he has bought into the deception. Same goes for other useful idiot tools like Beck, Rush and others. All because they believe what is printed in a book of hearsay, stories and myths...

Belief is the absence of knowledge. Knowlege is Truth. Truth is Light. Light is good. Belief is falsehood. Falsehood is darkness. Darkness is evil.

All so amusing to me. What is especially fun is listening to people jabber on about communism while they embrace socialism. Both are on the same side of a dodo bird. There is no left wing, right wing. Just left. If there is a right wing, it would be freedom. And there is no freedom in a world that has turned it's back on the Creator.

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