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Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
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Hey Mr. Glock and everyone else in here. Whether those of Muslim faith are or not on this forum, These posts can be seen through just about any search engine when searching for a specific term anywhere on the internet, so what you post online in any public forum is not private to that forum. It is searchable. If there is a chance a comment is offensive to any legal standard that offends someone, it shouldn't be posted in a public forum. Such comments can get a forum blacklisted as a hate group. For mods to leave offensive items or comments that are protected against under the laws of the land, could leave the site open for liable. If the mods tell you the reason they edit something, just nod your head and say OK. I can't understand why a mod would tell a bull story for the reasoning behind the edits when what I just pointed out is a very good reason for editing/deleting and YK could have used that as a reason for the action, but instead he told us the real reason. Anyone running a public website has got to know these laws and abide by them. The sometimes "snarky" comments in here crack me up and entertain me, some of them have even been directed at me, but while I have worse things to worry about more than a comment on a website, there are sensitive people out there that might be bothered by the comments made to others. I have to keep that in consideration when I post online because I work with a very diverse group of people, so keeping that in mind keeps my butt out of trouble in real life and in the matrix. You can be snarky to me if you want. You will find that it's like wrestling a pig in the mud. Soon you'll discover that the pig enjoys it. LOL...If I offended any swine, I apologize in advance.

If you can't even spell "libel," perhaps you're not qualified to discuss the implications.


Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
Come-on Dave, don't be the grammar Nazi.

Alright, fine. To be more specific, if he's not properly versed in all of the relevant laws, he's probably not aware that 47 U.S.C. 230 (the Communications Decency Act of 1996) grants immunity to providers of an "interactive computer service" (such as a web forum) for the posts of its users; in other words, OSA isn't liable for the libel that individual users post. This protection does extend to defamatory statements, and such immunity has been upheld in court; see, e.g., Zeran v. AOL, 129 F.3d 327 (4th Cir. 1997); Blumenthal v. Drudge, 992 F. Supp. 44, 49-53 (D.D.C. 1998); Carafano v., 339 F.3d 1119 (9th Cir. 2003); Batzel v. Smith, 333 F.3d 1018 (9th Cir. 2003); Barrett v. Rosenthal, 40 Cal. 4th 33 (2006).

If people don't even know the words they're using, it's not a terrible leap to infer that they might lack expertise on the subject.


Special Hen
Oct 27, 2014
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Oklahoma City
Actually that's wrong. The Karan specifically states that they are obliged to carry out Jihad on non Muslim run countries, the majority being Chrisitan. There are different stages and types of jihad. Just because some Muslims are not participating physically, does not mean that they are not rooting for it. Thier book instructs them to

Honestly, it would help if you would provide an explanation of the word Jihad. From the context of your post, it sounds as if you do not quite understand the meaning. Before I go any further, I am not a Muslim. Never was. Never will be. I do not believe in Islam, and I don't agree with a lot of their beliefs. That being said, I also have my qualms with Christianity, but we'll save that for later. I have a unique interest in religion. Whether I believe or not is irrelevant. Nothing else in the world has had such an enormous impact on human history. When I attended Church regularly (non-denominational Christian) at a younger age, we had some outside studies on Islam. This was shortly after 9/11, and many in the Church were interested in spreading knowledge, as opposed to hatred and fear (considering our attackers were Muslim). That being said:

The word "Jihad" translates in English, as "To Struggle". It does not mean to blow people up, or murder someone, etc. There are 6 forms of Jihad: Heart/Soul, Tongue, Pen, and Sword. Each one is broken down in a simpler meaning:

- Heart/Soul: AKA The Greater Jihad. The struggle against one's inner evil and/or Satan. Allowing Islam to transform ones soul into achieving eternal peace.
- Tongue: Spreading knowledge of Islam, or defending Islam, through teachings by word of mouth.
- Pen: Further spreading of knowledge, or gain of knowledge, by research and writings.
- Hand: Reaching out and helping through the grace of God. Deeds such as giving to charity, helping the needy, saving a life, taking one in for shelter, etc.
- Sword: AKA The Lesser Jihad. Only to be used in self defense (you are attacked, your nation is attacked), or against unjust evil which one should stop. The Qur'an states that even during Jihad of the Sword, civilians, women, and children are not to be touched (regardless of their religious affiliation). Should an enemy ask for mercy, it MUST be granted, etc etc.

And that's just the basics.

Basically, the issue with Islam boils down to one thing: Context. There are plenty of offensive and horrendous verses that one could quote from The Holy Bible. A lot of Christians don't even realize they exist. Some are worse than what you may find in the Qur'an. But, anyone that's actually read the Bible will tell you "Read it in context, then get back to me". Ezekial 9:5 is a great example. At a quick glance:

But to the others He said in my hearing, "Go through the city after him and strike; do not let your eye have pity and do not spare. 6"Utterly slay old men, young men, maidens, little children, and women, but do not touch any man on whom is the mark; and you shall start from My sanctuary."

Does that mean God is commanding us all to kill all who are not righteous? Context. Context. Context. So why do we see so many Islamic terror groups, yet not the same with Christianity? I don't think there is one single correct answer. I believe there are many contributing factors. For starters, Islam is confusing and cluttered. The Qur'an timeline is not easy to follow. When you combine that with the fact that the Qur'an is NOT the only Islamic holy scripture, it can be very difficult for the uneducated to understand. There are 6 other books, plus the Qur'an which are considered holy scripture. It doesn't come in a combo package, like The Bible. Not to mention, The Bible lays everything out in (mostly) Chronological order. In poorly developed countries, terror groups take advantage of this, and use Islam, patriotism, and selective scripture as their recruiting tool.

So where's the point, behind all of this non-sense? Pure Islam, as directed by all 7 holy books, is not an evil/violent religion. However, the fact that Islam can be so easily misinterpreted makes it a dangerous religion for the masses. Especially in cultures where war and killing have been the norm for centuries.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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The beheading incident in Moore didn't help relations any. Didn't that guy admit to being Muslim and wanted a lawyer of the same faith and was denied?

SM Rider

Dec 18, 2014
Reaction score
Colb, good post.

As a non-religious individual I only care about facts. It seems that some forum members get their facts from government, talking heads and pundits. The same government that wants their firearms.

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