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Aug 14, 2012
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When He said, "A new covenant," He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear. Hebrews 8:13

But did Jesus say that or just the author of Hebrews??? Who authored Hebrews btw? When was it written? Who put it in the Bible? When was it put in the Bible?

And who was Jesus talking to when he uttered his last words? Seems kinda weird. Jus sayin.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 1, 2013
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If you're trying to be convinced to become a follower of Jesus it's not something that's probably going to happen on a message board unless you really want to put some time into it. I was as dirty as a dog could get less than a decade ago (and its by grace alone I'm saved now). Christianity is faith in Christ. You either want it and accept it or you can tuck your tail and deny it. Either way; you will bow before Jesus one day. Judgment via your will or His; believe it or not.


120 Acres

Special Hen
Sep 23, 2013
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If you're trying to be convinced to become a follower of Jesus it's not something that's probably going to happen on a message board unless you really want to put some time into it. I was as dirty as a dog could get less than a decade ago (and its by grace alone I'm saved now). Christianity is faith in Christ. You either want it and accept it or you can tuck your tail and deny it. Either way; you will bow before Jesus one day. Judgment via your will or His; believe it or not.


Not me. Nor am I here trying to convince anyone otherwise (though it would be nice to maybe open an eye and make someone question blind faith).

And my tail is high for all to see what lies beneath. I will never answer to your god or any of the others out there.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
How does one learn from the bible and not question its teachings? I am too curious and ask too many questions and would probably be kicked out on my bum.

All that old testament stuff killings and stonings, and belittling women, rape. I just dont get it. I could not go by any of this. I love and respect my wife too much to make her think she is below me. Almost animal or slave like.

It is good to question the Bible. Otherwise, one will get things completely out of context and not even realize it. While some say that the Bible contradicts itself, that isn't really true when one considers the whole of it. I was raised in the church of Christ, a "belief" that we center on the Bible and not man's teachings. For that reason, the "churches" don't use musical instruments in the worship services, among other things. By asking questions, which I've done since I was 18 or 19, one can get the answers and not be misled. If no questions are asked, one obviously can't get the true answers.

As for women, one interesting little historical nugget for you. In following the lineage from Abraham to Jesus Christ, one will find that one of the wives of the lineage had been a prostitute. Matthew 1: 5 mentions Rahab as the mother of Boaz.

Leviticus 3:17
It shall be a perpetual statute for your generations throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor blood.

Hamburger anyone?

Leviticus 11:7
And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.

Damn I love bacon.

Leviticus 19:27
Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.

Be some shabby dudes out there...

Mark 10:11
And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.

Boy, you best not get that divorce after all.

Timothy 2:9
“Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments.”

Ohhh, thats a shame.

As for the Old Testament verses, yes, those were superseded by the New Testament following the death of Jesus. It was He that has established His church, although it was the Apostles that then taught it so that those that were following the old law could be brought into the new. Even the disaster of the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem were a benefit to the spreading of the church because the Christians in that vicinity went out into all other parts of Israel and the Gentile world. His church makes up a large part of God's kingdom.

Act 10, verses 9-28 addresses two different things. It speaks of Peter refusing to eat "unclean" foods, but is told to not question what God has cleansed. Later in the series of those versus, Peter informs a gentile (the Centurion) that he can no longer call someone common and unreachable. In Jesus "Great Commission," the apostles are directed to go forth and teach all nations. Jesus himself approached and spoke to the Samaritan woman and asked her for water, something that a "true, practicing Jew" would not have done.

Can you tell me what that means please?

Does this mean that anything in the old T is obsolete?

With the passing from the Old to the New law, the Old Testament is still relevant as a historical document to show how things were and had changed. Many times in the New Testament, references are made to the Old, especially with regards to the fulfillment of the prophesies of the Old, that being the coming of Jesus, the Messiah. 2 Timothy 3: 16 addresses that all scripture is relevant to teaching, reproof, correction, and instruction.

As an example of that last scripture in 2 Timothy, the Old Testament tells in 2 Samuel 6: 3-7 that Uzzah was struck dead for touching the Ark of the Covenant, a violation of the old law. From that example, we can presume that God would also punish anyone who would sin against His teachings.

scalawag pimp

Special Hen
Aug 16, 2012
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The Woodlands
When He said, "A new covenant," He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear. Hebrews 8:13

For the record I have read the bible, including the books of the apocrypha and many of the others that MAN decided did not belong in our KJV. I studied at Christians schools and consider myself a Christian. However listening to nonsence that is spewed out by "people who know" and uneducated priests drives me crazy. I attached your quote as an example of how religious talk can slide off into 1000s of subsets (I did not want it to seem like a personal attack.)

Specifically, the OP was wanted to know what heaven looked like. Jesus DID not come to remove the law but to fulfill it UNTIL he mad his heaven on earth. That heaven is described in rev 21.

As for me heaven is simply where I will be to console with my maker. It's not a place of riches and jewels. It's not a place as in the clouds or on earth. It's more of a becoming one with God and understanding his purpose.

And just for a little fun, if God made a new covenant, the the all knowing, all seeing God changed his mind? Or does he just have a flare for the spatular?


Aug 14, 2012
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For the record I have read the bible, including the books of the apocrypha and many of the others that MAN decided did not belong in our KJV. I studied at Christians schools and consider myself a Christian. However listening to nonsence that is spewed out by "people who know" and uneducated priests drives me crazy. I attached your quote as an example of how religious talk can slide off into 1000s of subsets (I did not want it to seem like a personal attack.)

Specifically, the OP was wanted to know what heaven looked like. Jesus DID not come to remove the law but to fulfill it UNTIL he mad his heaven on earth. That heaven is described in rev 21.

As for me heaven is simply where I will be to console with my maker. It's not a place of riches and jewels. It's not a place as in the clouds or on earth. It's more of a becoming one with God and understanding his purpose.

And just for a little fun, if God made a new covenant, the the all knowing, all seeing God changed his mind? Or does he just have a flare for the spatular?

Good answer. So you think you will console with God? Become one with and understand his purpose?
Like sitting beside God and him talking or teaching?

This kinda begs a question about a soul.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Good answer. So you think you will console with God? Become one with and understand his purpose?
Like sitting beside God and him talking or teaching?
Yes sorta, not so much talking or teaching, if your there, you have already learned his teachings.
Man Lurker, your a nut.


Aug 14, 2012
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Yes sorta, not so much talking or teaching, if your there, you have already learned his teachings.
Man Lurker, your a nut.

My next question is what part of you is going to be in his presence? And "there" implies being somewhere. .....where is that somewhere and what is going to be in his presence?


Special Hen
Jun 26, 2011
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Warr Acres
I love this thread!

I can trade verses with the best. After growing up and seeing inconsistencies in what has been pounded in my head I've grown to question. Where's the book of Nathan referenced at least a few times in the cannon?

What about the book of Judas, Thomas, Mary Magdalene, Enoch, and others found to exist. Guess a group of men centuries later didn't feel they fit.

I laugh when people say the old covenant doesn't apply then turn and quote it.

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