Oregon Militia take over federal building

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Larry Morgan

Special Hen
Oct 1, 2008
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I thought it was the blueprint for the OKC bombing.

The Order, an early 1980s white supremacist terrorist group, was named after the group in the book. The group committed one of the biggest highway robberies of all time, murdered three people (including controversial radio host Alan Berg), and engaged in other acts of violence, claiming to seek a race war.[13]
Timothy McVeigh, convicted for the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, was found after the attack with pages from The Turner Diaries. His attack closely resembled the bombing of FBI headquarters in the novel.[14]
John William King was convicted of dragging James Byrd, an African American, to his death in Jasper, Texas in 1998. As King shackled Byrd's legs to his truck, he was reported to have said, "We're going to start The Turner Diaries early."[15]
David Copeland, a British Neo-Nazi who killed three people in a bombing campaign against London's black, Asian and gay communities in April 1999, quoted from The Turner Diaries while being interviewed by police.[16]
A copy of The Turner Diaries and other Neo-Nazi propaganda were found in the home of Jacob D. Robida, who attacked three men at a gay bar in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Robida fled, killing a hostage and a police officer before committing suicide.[17]
A copy of the "The Turner Diaries",other Neo-Nazi propaganda and items associated with white supremacy and Nazism were found in the home of Zack Davies, who was convicted of a racially-motivated attempted murder in Mold, Flintshire, UK in September 2015.[18]



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Jan 12, 2007
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The Branch Dividians held out for a long time in the name of sex with underage girls and married women. Pastor David was the poontang king of the Waco Whackos, now forever immortalized as the Barbequed Bozos of the Brazos. Long may their memory burn in the American Conscience.

Yep, and the .gov protected those kids to death, didn't they?

Quote not mine - was posted in reply to a ridiculous comment by Montel Williams ... but actually seems reasonably on point.

"Sir, lets see, we have a group called 'occupy democrats', then we have the BLM people who create problems for people all the time. I was a college student in the 60's, saw school buildings at my school and others occupied by various left wing groups, including the black panthers, nobody wanted the buildings stormed with orders to 'shoot to kill'. So why do these people with Conservative ideas become 'terrorists'? Who are they terrorizing? Are you terrorized? They occupied an empty building to air their grievances, no one has been hurt, no one has even been inconvenienced, but they are terrorists worthy of being shot? I thought civil disobedience was a true American tradition, but apparently in your view this is only true for people of certain political persuasions, or skin color. Oh, but they have guns, I say, so what, they have a right to have them, check Oregon law. Your hypocrisy and hyperbole sickens me, your call to violence disgusts me. If these people can not protest by civil disobedience, and should be shot for doing so, then the obvious conclusion is that all protesters breaking the law should be shot down. I will expect you to call for dead bodies on the ground at the next Ferguson style riot, or the next BLM group harassment of people going about their business. If you do not, you will confirm what I suspect, you are just another ignorant poltroon."

As I'm reading this thread, that's where my mind went. Specifically, I believe it was a part of the curriculum vitae for our dearly beloved Attorney General, Eric Holder?


Yeah, the only time it's cool for the federal government or the BLM to steamroll people like this is when it's tribal land or they are tribal members.

Where do they get off treating Cowboys like Indians?

If these "Militia" members really cared about restoring the sovereignty of the land back to the people it rightfully belongs, they'd be calling for it to be returned to the Paiutes.

The feds should transfer this land back to the Paiutes and let the "Militia" tell the tribe about how they have a sovereign right to occupy it.

"10 points for Gryffindor!" Seriously though, the .gov has a long history of running roughshod over people. Anyone who thinks that is in the past, is an idiot.

I would. It's not like we're known for honouring treaties we've signed with the Natives before, why start now?

The same supreme court that created homosexual marriage and made all those racist rulings against blacks and asians? The same supreme court that caved into political pressure during the "court packing plan" of the '30s? The supreme court is a joke, and is even more so now that they rule on ideological lines and political pressure than on actual constitutionality. This 'evolving' constitution BS has it's uses, and we can evolve it to fit this situation if we can put people on the court who agree with it.

“We will be here as long as it takes,” Bundy said. “We have no intentions of using force upon anyone, (but) if force is used against us, we would defend ourselves.” -- http://newsone.com/3315846/armed-militia-occupies-federal-building-over-rancher-dispute/

So basically, they have no intention of using force. Unless force is used against them.

The only people i can imagine who would have any desire to use force on them are federal and state official seeking to enforce the law.

We can have this discussion in Congress, we can protest and write our representatives about this issue.

But we don't take guns and occupy federal buildings and land and threaten to use force against anyone who tries to enforce the law.

I don't even know where to start with this post. :disappoin

Possibly the same folks that stayed home when the founders signed the Constitution?

Its always amazing to see what a small group of "revolutionary's" can do no matter what side they are on these days.

With the media taking sides, the Wall Street fungus were champions, and the Bundy's are terrorists?

Well there's garden variety hypocrisy, then there's super special and privileged hypocrisy...

What I'm seeing here is TONS of hypocrisy, from both sides. It is the right of The People to stand up to government over reach, regardless of who you are. Like it or not, rural, predominantly white farmers and ranchers are just as susceptible to oppression by the .gov as blacks, Indians, Hispanics, etc. No. One. Group. Has. A. Lock. On. Being. Oppressed. Period!

If you support OWS or BLM, but oppose these "Y'all Qaeda" guys, you're a hypocrite. If you think OWS and BLM should be jailed, but these guys should be hailed as "heroes", you're a hypocrite. That's not to say I support looting and rioting, but these guys aren't looting and rioting. They're not burning businesses, hurting people and "terrorizing" the locals. The minute they do any of that, they've lost any shred of legitimacy they started with.

I can acknowledge that ANY group has the right to seek redress for their grievances, whether in court or on the street. So long as they don't initiate violence or property damage, have at it. You're free to support or oppose any particular event such as this one, but calling for the .gov to use violence on any peaceful protest is stupid.

To close, if you oppose any and all protests against the .gov, you're probably just a statist. Statists are people who have never been targeted by a government. The moment they are, they're conveniently no longer statist. Funny how that works...

Larry Morgan

Special Hen
Oct 1, 2008
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That's not to say I support looting and rioting, but these guys aren't looting and rioting. They're not burning businesses, hurting people and "terrorizing" the locals. The minute they do any of that, they've lost any shred of legitimacy they started with.

I'm actually curious about this part. I'm trying to image what they are going to be charged with, because I have to imagine they will be charged with something. But for now it just seems like maybe trespassing and/or breaking and entering? They haven't directly threatened anyone. There's no resemblance to hostage situations or kidnapping. Is there some kind of conspiracy they could be charged with?

It has resemblances to many situations that ended very badly, but the current circumstances are notably different, I think (for now anyway). :anyone:


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Interesting that a book from the 70s would talk about "real IDs", gun confiscation, electronic surveillance....guy probably was called a "tin foil hatter".

Larry Morgan

Special Hen
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Interesting that a book from the 70s would talk about "real IDs", gun confiscation, electronic surveillance....guy probably was called a "tin foil hatter".

Yeah, probably. But those ideas have been written about for quite some time. It's just, they usually aren't accompanied by the wet dream of a Neo-Nazi as he essentially muses about wiping out everyone who doesn't share the same skin color as him..

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