Brilliant Cruz strategy

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Dream Master
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Like it really matter what Cruz does or says. Trump is gonna win and everyone knows it. And then Chris Christie will be his vp nominee. Like we can't see that coming. Man that sounds like a great team doesn't it? This country is screwed. I really hoped Ted would win but it ain't gonna happen.

And Indvet, yeah people did say if Obama got elected a lot of bad things were gonna Happen. And a lot of bad has. Just because you still have your guns and religious freedom now doesn't mean crap. I guarantee if Bernie or Hillary gets elected we will lose a lot of our rights. They will nominate the most radically left justices that you can imagine. And they may be able to nominate more than one. That's almost a given. One liberal getting in there to fill Scalia's seat will mean the 2A decisions will be reversed. And so goes the religious freedom we have. And who knows what else. Our country is steadily going further and further down the toilet. You must be one that thinks everything is fine and nothing bad can happen to the almighty United States. We continue down the path we are on and I guarantee we will lose those rights eventually. If you think the left isn't constantly thinking of ways they can take away rights then you are blind. And as for speaking English. If English is the national language then why do we have to press one to here a menu in it? Why is Spanish on all kinds of signage? Why is Spanish on all kinds of food labels, hygiene labels, etc. if Mexicans come here then they are supposed to have to learn English. But instead of making them learn it. We cater the minority's and make it easier on them by putting Spanish on all our goods. And on our signage. That is not requiring they learn English. I guarantee if I were to go to another country that didn't speak English they wouldn't be doing what our country does for Mexicans. I would have to learn to speak, read, and write their language. But what does this country do, makes it easier on them. So don't give me that crap about speaking English. I guarantee one day English will not be our official language.


Special Hen
Jun 26, 2011
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Warr Acres
Like it really matter what Cruz does or says. Trump is gonna win and everyone knows it. And then Chris Christie will be his vp nominee. Like we can't see that coming. Man that sounds like a great team doesn't it? This country is screwed. I really hoped Ted would win but it ain't gonna happen.

And Indvet, yeah people did say if Obama got elected a lot of bad things were gonna Happen. And a lot of bad has. Just because you still have your guns and religious freedom now doesn't mean crap. I guarantee if Bernie or Hillary gets elected we will lose a lot of our rights. They will nominate the most radically left justices that you can imagine. And they may be able to nominate more than one. That's almost a given. One liberal getting in there to fill Scalia's seat will mean the 2A decisions will be reversed. And so goes the religious freedom we have. And who knows what else. Our country is steadily going further and further down the toilet. You must be one that thinks everything is fine and nothing bad can happen to the almighty United States. We continue down the path we are on and I guarantee we will lose those rights eventually. If you think the left isn't constantly thinking of ways they can take away rights then you are blind. And as for speaking English. If English is the national language then why do we have to press one to here a menu in it? Why is Spanish on all kinds of signage? Why is Spanish on all kinds of food labels, hygiene labels, etc. if Mexicans come here then they are supposed to have to learn English. But instead of making them learn it. We cater the minority's and make it easier on them by putting Spanish on all our goods. And on our signage. That is not requiring they learn English. I guarantee if I were to go to another country that didn't speak English they wouldn't be doing what our country does for Mexicans. I would have to learn to speak, read, and write their language. But what does this country do, makes it easier on them. So don't give me that crap about speaking English. I guarantee one day English will not be our official language.

Good God man, take a Xanax, Valium, hit of weed, pray with your preacher, watch a Freddy Krueger movie. We've survived Bush part 2 and Obama. Thankfully Bush 3 is out. Has your doc checked your blood pressure lately. Put on some milli vanilli and chill.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 18, 2008
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Cruz's next job will be either POTUS or a used car salesman. He starts 95% of his sentences with " Well, now let me tell ya"


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2010
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You Cruse guys just got your feelings hurt by realizing you have been supporting a looser. Sorry about that, should have realized Cruse is just another Harvard lawyer turned politician.

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