'You're a Liar:' 'Dreamers' Confront Pelosi

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Apr 14, 2009
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Things got a little heated Monday when a group of young immigrants confronted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at a pro-DACA press conference in San Francisco.

Several dozen young immigrants shouted down the top Democrat in the U.S. House, following her recent conversations with President Donald Trump over the future of a program that grants many of them legal status.

"We are immigrant youth, undocumented and unafraid," they chanted, taking over a scheduled press conference where Pelosi, along with Reps. Barbara Lee and Jared Huffman, was expected to call for the immediate passage of the Dream Act, a federal proposal that was never approved by Congress but offered many of the same protections as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA.

The protests appeared aimed at Pelosi's recent engagement with Trump on the future of the DACA program, which former President Barack Obama enacted to protect young people brought into the United States unlawfully as children. Trump said in early September he will halt the program in six months if Congress does not act to continue it.

Things got a little heated Monday when a group of young immigrants confronted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at a pro-DACA press conference in San Francisco. Sharon Katsuda reports.

After smiling and occasionally trying to speak through much of the protest, an aggravated Pelosi told the protesters to “just stop it, now."

The group cut off the "Dreamers" scheduled to speak along with Pelosi.

Protesters accused Pelosi and other democrats of deporting undocumented immigrants, asking for protection for 11 million undocumented immigrants across the country. They chanted: "Shut down ICE" and "All of us or none of us."

“Democrats created an out-of-control deportation machine,” the protesters yelled. “Democrats are not the resistance to Trump.”

“You’ve had your say, and it’s beautiful,” Pelosi told the demonstrators at one point. But the shouting did not stop.

At one point, the group called Pelosi a liar.

President Trump landed in Florida Thursday afternoon to survey damage from Hurricane Irma, but not before making a statement on immigration.

"We are not talking about amnesty. We're talking about - we're talking about taking care of people," Trump said.

(Published Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017)
"You're a liar, you're a liar," protesters said, attacking her about her efforts to stop deportation.

"You don't know what you're taking about," a visibly upset Pelosi responded.

Last week, Pelosi and Democratic Senate Leader Chuck Schumer met with Trump twice and discussed a deal to extend the program. Schumer and Pelosi said they reached a deal with the White House that did not include funding for Trump's promised border wall. But the White House and Congressional Republicans say nothing is finalized.

"It's clear you don't want any answers," Pelosi told the group. "It's clear."

Pelosi then walked out of the press conference and told reporters outside, "They don't want the Dream Act."

Pelosi told The Associated Press last Friday in an interview that she and Schumer are looking for ways to "build some trust and confidence" with Trump. She says it does not matter whether or not she and Trump like each other.

Trump's DACA Move Prompts Tears From Calif. Siblings

Abigail and Ray Tamariz, college students and DACA program applicants, wept on Tuesday as U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the program would end in six months.

(Published Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2017)
Trump has said he wants to protect those immigrants, despite his decision to wind down the program doing so over six months.

Following the Trump administration's decision to end the DACA initiative, communities across the country are fighting back to lobby for the protection of Dreamers.

Six immigrants brought to the United States as children sued the Trump administration on Monday over its decision.

The lawsuit filed in federal court in San Francisco alleges the move violated the constitutional rights of immigrants who lack legal status and provided information about themselves to the U.S. government so they could participate in the program.

The lawsuit joins others filed over President Donald Trump’s decision to end DACA, which has allowed nearly 800,000 immigrants to obtain work permits and deportation protection since 2012.



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Dec 26, 2016
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Seems like the illegals are finally figuring out that the Dems actually do not give a **** about them or they would have fixed the problem shortly after Obama put ink to DACA. 2 of the bigger things Obama put in place, ACA and DACA were feel good BS that he left unfinished in the case of DACA and hopelessly broken with ACA. Nobel peace prize winner!! Left the country in shambles!! I realize he did not start the snowball headed to hell, but he damn sure sped it up and cleared the path!!!


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Oct 27, 2012
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Pelosi is not used to being called down and it obviously shakes her up somewhat. She is used to calling the shots, waving her arms with hand gestures but this time it was different.


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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She got what she deserved, but the problem is ours, not hers. There is a segment of the population that has figured out they have power which the establishment (however you want to define it) cannot usurp. That segment of the population, which is relatively small, may wind up with more power than all the rest of us, cons and libs. Our country is changing.

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