2A Auditors back at it again last weekend.

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Jan 22, 2018
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Agreed no need to be rude. The potty mouth guy was Richard Hubbard who got pepper balled in BA park last month. Dosen't help his image the way he is acting on camera. Also their derogatory signs towards LEOs were asinine.

I didn't know that, good for the BA police. I can't stand these types. I was looking at his youtube page he does 1st Amendment audits. WTF. People like that are attention whores. This is what is wrong with the internet, it gave people like this a sounding board for other idiots to praise him.


Special Hen
Oct 7, 2008
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sand springs
With guys like that "educating the masses", you can kiss your gun rights goodbye.

If we let cops ignore the laws with impunity, we HAVE no gun rights.....or any other rights!!

Ask yourself this........if you were going to that event and were refused entry because you were carrying a concealed weapon (remember, they were searching those who entered) would you have walked away and let them violate your rights without repercussion???

What good are rights that you aren't allowed to exercise??

Who will assure that our rights are protected if we don't???

It's clear that those cops need a lesson in civil rights, and it needs to cost them personally!!

If guys like those in the video don't make sure our rights are protected, who will?? You??


Special Hen
Jun 17, 2016
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A few questions here.......

Regardless of what you personally think of the guys involved:

Is it OK for cops to arrest you when you have done nothing illegal??
Absolutely not
Is it OK for cops to ignore the law??
Absolutely not...unless, of course, they're exercising their discretion not to ticket or arrest you when the law doesn't saw that they "shall". Then it's okay, I'm sure.
Is it OK for cops to violate your civil rights just because they don't like the manner in which you are exercising them??
Absolutely not
That is EXACTLY what happened in this video!

You may think these guys are idiots and are "hurting the cause", but what good are rights that you can't freely exercise??
They ARE idiots but the two points are apples and oranges. A reasonable person watching 5 minutes of either of these men's videos will see that they are attempting to prompt a response so that they can make a point, and it's not the one they claim to be making. Having a beef with guys who are making mistakes enforcing the law or mistakenly prohibiting behavior not prohibited by law isn't the same as attention whoring and goading them into those encounters in the first place. Should accountability be a thing? Yep. Is it in the VAST majority of circumstances? You bet your ass it is. People act like cops leave the house looking to violate people's rights and shoot brown people like it's cool. Those people are morons.
Do you REALLY want to live in a country where cops get to decide the rules and can disregard the law with impunity??
Well, we don't live in a country like that but, no I wouldn't.
I hope the guy that was arrested sues the city and each officer individually........and I hope he wins big!!!
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Dec 26, 2016
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If we let cops ignore the laws with impunity, we HAVE no gun rights.....or any other rights!!

Ask yourself this........if you were going to that event and were refused entry because you were carrying a concealed weapon (remember, they were searching those who entered) would you have walked away and let them violate your rights without repercussion???

What good are rights that you aren't allowed to exercise??

Who will assure that our rights are protected if we don't???

It's clear that those cops need a lesson in civil rights, and it needs to cost them personally!!

If guys like those in the video don't make sure our rights are protected, who will?? You??

Buzzgun, I will not argue what you are saying because you are not wrong BUT, if you go out to intentionally cause **** you may get it. Why do these people knowingly go into areas like this to do "audits"?? It has been said before, they are attention whores and they received attention and then whine about it. The people that lose are the average gun owner that gets judged by the infantile actions of asshats like this. If you feel the need to spread the gospel of 2A please use better judgement and do not make a spectacle of your self.
Cussing and yelling and being rude to the officers that respond to 911 calls is stupid plain and simple!! Grow the hell up and represent your beliefs in a polite and respectful manner or shut the hell up and stay at home until you mature !!


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Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
Mr. Buzzgun, those officers acted just fine. They encountered idiots who decided on their own that they were going to create a scene intended to push the limit of intelligent actions. These clowns gave the exact same image of any if the recent mass shooting incidents. There is nothing good that can be said about any of these self-professed "auditors". They did nothing to preserve any rights.

I have too much respect for law enforcement to not speak in their favor. Sure there are individuals that give others a bad name, same as truck drivers, plumbers, store clerks, teachers, and preachers. But none of these individuals should be seen as representatives of all in that profession.


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
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They are hurting the cause much more than helping it.
You know what? I'm not so sure about that anymore. Forcing the issue seems to have worked well for the LGBTQXYZABC crowd; 30 years ago, Rock Hudson was ruined when he was outed with AIDS, and now you can't watch a show without an LGBTQXYZABC character.


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Jun 5, 2018
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Broken Arrow
Ok, the event was on city property, but during the event the management can make rules forbidding firearms correct? Isn't that how the Tulsa Zoo gets away with it. Its technically a city park but that area is leased to the zoo, so at that point and time they are considered a private entity that can dictate a no-firearms policy. Or is this a grey area that hasn't been hashed out yet?

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