Face Mask, Now We Know

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Jan 10, 2014
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Reading is fundamental. The flu can kill up to 500K+ worldwide per year. So that's nothing to sneeze at. The flu can kill just as Covid can, can it not? It can kill a child just the same and anyone that has respiratory issues for that matter. It kills what like 40-80K per year here in the U.S.? Or are those numbers not significant enough for you to "care." So are you going to wear a mask during flu season? Yes or no question. Where's your conviction?

That last statement being rhetorical, I'd respect what you say if it held any water. Again, no comments about social distancing, quarantine, treatments, basic hygiene/sanitary practices, or any sort of supplement prevention at the very least. You just want to shame people into wearing that mask because it makes you feel better, well as the numbers have shown, it has VERY limited results. Especially with regards to anything I just mentioned.

Finally, lots of people have health issues, good for you for managing yours. However I'm STILL not responsible for your health, again, where does that responsibility stop? If you leave the house that's the risk you take, life is tough that way. I grew up with two boys that had Cystic Fibrosis. Long story short, one of them caught the flu on a plane back from St Louis after a transplant check up and passed away. Could that have been prevented?

Now I'm sure you're dying to bust out more strawman arguments but nothing I said means I go around coughing on people. Quite the contrary. I just correct people when they try to shame people into what they should do with their life.


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Jan 10, 2014
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Wow what a great idea, a free site corrector! Had no idea we had that here and it’s free too! Never seen that on any other site! So all I need to do in the future is just click on a key and my posts will become correct? Which key do I use for that? This could be something big. You know add a site corrector to every site.Wait though if we all use a site corrector then we’d have nothing to discuss because every post would be correct by simply using our site corrector. Hmmm I’m going to need to think about this.JD8 thanks for the tip on this! We should all at least consider using it.
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Wow what a great idea, a free site corrector! Had no idea we had that here and it’s free too! Never seen that on any other site! So all I need to do in the future is just click on a key and my posts will become correct? Which key do I use for that? This could be something big. You know add a site corrector to every site.Wait though if we all use a site corrector then we’d have nothing to discuss because every post would be correct by simply using our site corrector. Hmmm I’m going to need to think about this.JD8 thanks for the tip on this! We should all at least consider using it.

I'm not special in that regard. Most 2A friendly people don't care to be told how to live their lives.


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Jan 10, 2014
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I'm not special in that regard. Most 2A friendly people don't care to be told how to live their lives.

Oh but I think you are would be in high demand as a site corrector! Hey don’t be shy about it
As for most 2a being that way not sure about that statement Most of my 2a friends are sticklers about wearing a mask Maybe it has more to do with age.
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Jun 13, 2005
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Oh but I think you are would be in high demand as a site corrector! Hey don’t be shy about it
As for most 2a being that way not sure about that statement Most of my 2a friends are sticklers about wearing a mask Maybe it has more to do with age.

Seems that word triggered you pretty good, glad you took notice.

I'm not really interested in who choses to wear a mask or not, more power to them, they know what's best for themselves. However, it's when they think they know what's best for other people that doesn't go over well. I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but there seems to have been quite a bit of pushback over the last year when it comes to telling those on the right side of the isle, what to do when it comes to Covid.


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Sep 26, 2014
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Sometimes I come out of a store, get in the car, and get a half mile down the road before I realize I still have the mask on. You've probably seen me.... :rollingla

Not me. I come out from the office or whatever building, the first thing that come off is the mask. I want to breath the fresh air that Oklahoma has to offer. I want smell the fresh cows patty. When I in the car I want to smell my farts, they are a good indicators as to how my digesting system is working. Now if I was living in LA,NYC or San Francisco I will leave the mask on all day. The damn mask fogs my glasses up too.


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Feb 2, 2013
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Heading out the door pre-Wuhan it was always grab......sunglasses......wallet......keys......pocket knife and.....carry piece.

Not real fond of wearing it but post-Wuhan I've added a mask to the above list.....IMHO wearing a mask isn't really a biggie if it in some small way helps me or others.

In short.....wear a mask when out if you want to and if you don't want to then don't.


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Sep 26, 2014
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My wife and I are not maskers unless it’s absolutely required like in a Dr office etc.
A lot of business/restaurants have the signs posted but don’t really care if you have one or not.
If an employee objects, we just walk out with no argument and find the business’s that don’t object to spend our money in.
We have been fed so much bull-butter by our government, the CDC, the WHO and others with zero medical training like Governors and mayors while moving the goalposts almost daily at times that we can’t believe any of it as fact, only speculation because nobody really knows how it’s transmitted. This thread proves it.
We have been attacked by social justice warriors that came running toward us in a parking lot telling us we need to mask up to save lives. WTF??
Had a lady come up to me in an outdoor situation wearing a mask, a clear plastic barrier around her neck facing up and a clear plastic hood like one would wear while running a grinder over all of that start dressing me down about covid like I’d just murdered one of her kids from about 2’ away while waving her bony finger in my face.
I gently reminded her she was in violation of my social distance, was a fawking lunatic and to GTF out of my face.
I don’t get people like this.
We know people that have religiously worn the proper PPE, quarantined, ordered everything online and so on to stay away from people. So guess who came down with covid? Yep you guessed right, they did.
We are around 8-12 people daily, don’t wear any PPE, and have to our knowledge never had it.
We suspect I may have had it but never took a test. What was the point?
Just like any illness, you deal with it using over the counter products until a professional medical person needs to be involved because you couldn’t handle it any more.
That’s my theory anyway and I’m sticking with it. Been a winner so far.

This, I think the CDC and the government did more harm than good. DR. Fascist was the worst one by trying to play politics.

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