Been bucked off a horse ?

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Feb 2, 2013
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I shouldn't be telling this on myself but the below meme brought the incident to mind.

I was probably around 13 or 14 and got put on a Greyhound bus in Wisc. and sent to my uncle in Kaintuck, who was a share cropper on a pig and tobacco farm, in hopes that he could work some of the meanness out of me (it didn't work :)).

My uncle had a old single shot Winchester .22 LR that I used to hunt groundhogs with and then I'd bring them back to the house and my aunt would cook them and they were darn good baked with sweet potatoes around them.

Anyway, there was a old mare that he was boarding for free for a older lady that could no longer care for it and even tho I'd been told not to ride her once in awhile I'd sneak and ride it bareback around the farm then one day I figured I'd save some walking and ride the mare to the far back side of the farm to hunt groundhogs so I grabbed the old Winch., a few shells, got on the mare and headed out.

Still on the mare and almost to where I was headed I saw a groundhog down in a pasture so I shouldered the .22, which put the muzzle just about between the mares ears, and touched off a round........the horse sent me and the rifle flying through the air and she hauled butt back to the barn.

The fall dazed and knocked the wind out of me and broke the stock on the old .22.......afraid to tell my uncle the truth about breaking the stock by shooting from the horse I told him that I'd dropped it from the hay loft in the barn but I still got my butt torn up. :)



Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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From another thread, My only horse experiences.
For some reason, dad bought a horse off of a friend of his. I was 12 and my sis was 8. I never asked for one and sis never went near her. It was my job to feed and water, saddle and ride the damn thing. Her name was Lady Buck and she sure did. That damn Appoloosa would shy at a piece of paper or a leaf flitting across the road. She would take off in a dead run and you could not stop her. The last time I "rode" her the saddle got loose and I was riding upside down, rather holding on for dear life. She drug me for about a hundred feet. I didn't want to let go because then I would have to chase her down. I was one scraped up bleeding Bactine and Mercurochrome patient.

She would bite me and step on my foot grinding it into the ground. I swear she was grinning while she was doing it too. She bucked dad and then kicked him. He tricked her into kicking him again while he was holding a pitchfork. She was given back to his friend.

In college, I had a job at the Alva sale barn. No problem with any of the horses there at all.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 3, 2010
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yukon ok
I can't remember ever riding with a saddle.
My kids and wife did.
When a horse was tired of me being on they would always make a dead run across the pasture and then slam on the brakes and tilt their head down and I would go flying right off the horse.

Drug under low hanging limbs a few times.
Lots of fun.

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