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Jan 20, 2013
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I just remembered my Dad. Dad was born in 1912, and things were much different then. Great Depression and all that, the rationing of WW2, etc.

But back then men tried to have a suit and tie, white shirt, and some sort of hat to wear (not a ball cap or cowboy hat, the ones that were nice wear, I guess is what I'm trying to say. Nice black shoes, shined.

My Dad wore overalls a lot, ran one of the Experiment Stations back in the day, had khakhi work clothes, but nevertheless had a few suits in his closet. Men tried to maintain an aura of nicely dressed at times, back in that day.

Fashions come and go, nothing new under the sun.

I've watched over the years, and most of us, women and men, tend to dress like slobs way too often. It's not a $$$ issue, it's cultural. WTH do they wear brand new jeans with holes in them, holes from the factory, rips and tears and holes, and call that fashion? Gimme a break!

When I took my first commercial airliner flight ( a Boeing 727 from Las Vegas to OKC, in 1978, I noticed that people were dressed, at the minimum, neatly with decent to dressy clothing.

Fast forward to now. People get on the airplane with clothing that looks like they got from the dumpster behind the Good Will store. Their carry on bag is the sack that Piggly Wiggly put their groceries in. Flip Flops, wife beater tee shirts, they stink, crude manners to outright rude. Entitled behavior.

You don't need to own a suit nowadays, but at the minimum you at least need something decent for a Funeral. Decent shined shoes, khakis and a nice button down shirt, maybe a decent sport coat to toss on too. If ya don't have those or can't afford them, that's ok, just try not to look you just made bail at the jail after a weekend bender. Have some respect at the Funeral if you can.

I went to a funeral this summer. Inexpensive khaki pants, short sleeve button down shirt, brown shoes. It was hot. No tie, no suit jacket or sport coat, got a haircut and shave, used some deodorant and mouthwash. Just be decent.

If you can't afford that, that's ok, people understand, we all are having some difficulties with costs of everything nowadays. Just try to be decent.

Some family members go to a Cowboy Church. I like that. Come as you are, no one cares what your clothing costs, just show up. Do the best you can. That is what is most important in life, the Good Lord & Jesus don't care what you are or are not wearing, just show up.

Times change, are changing, and will continue to change, that's a true fact.


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Oct 9, 2012
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I don't mind the paisley at all nor the bell bottoms...however, the 100gal bowl on top is seriously questionable.
Giant butts are a thing now...not juicy booties or full figured, but giant fat asses.
What's easier, having a big butt or working out and eating right?

Glorifying obesity is the new trend. I guess diabetes is just a minor side effect from that.

Maybe in a decade or so we'll have an "amputees are beautiful" movement. 300 lb chicks with no feet, followed in a year or so by same chick with no lower leg....

Paternalistic beauty expectations and all that, you know.


Special Hen
Apr 11, 2009
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a nice clean pair of striped bib overalls with a nice print shirt buttoned up and a tie. a fedora on top. and a pair of shoes polished no matter how wore out they are. and a red or blue hanky in your pocket.


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Apr 26, 2018
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Lawton, OK

My Mom and Dad cir 1940's.

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