Washington State again - Bill to restrain cops on traffic stops

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Special Hen
Dec 11, 2021
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Yes everyone hates getting tickets, but the common traffic stop is at the core of police work. it is probably the number one way that criminals get off the street. Ted Bundy and Tim McVeigh (among others) we're caught due to traffic stops. The traffic stop is where you find warrants, drugs, ilegal guns, kidnapping victims and so on. Criminology 101, if someone is breaking minor laws, they are likely also breaking major ones.
The old “broken glass” theory. Although a few high profile cases have been broken by “minor violations” in almost all cases those Officers were canvassing the areas looking for people.

Minor violations disproportionately effect poorer and blue collar workers. Mud flaps, registration, minor light violations, and other technical violations are not criminal indicators. Officers can be forced into stoping people to “be proactive.” Those minor violations are low hanging fruit and easy pickings for Officers.

The only time they actually work are for wall stops when the suspect is known but independent PC for the stop is needed. Speeding and unsafe driving actions are significant criminal indicators.

Officers could easily focus on speeding violations, sign and turn violations, and unsafe driving behavior. Those things actually statistically produce results benefiting the community. I’m glad Policing is evolving from this stop every stupid violation theory to a more directed approach. We’ll be more free and Officers would do more good.

We need more Officers, more training, more physical fitness standards, and smarter more independent Officers. If the quality of Officers improved, the quality not quantity of stops would improve.

Bob White

Nov 14, 2021
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Many drivers that are stopped for these nonhazardous violations don’t receive citations. Many aren’t aware they have an expired tag, broken tail light, etc. until an officer stops them and brings awareness. I’m thankful officers can enforce these equipment violations. While I don’t agree with every law on the books, I realize the solution isn’t forcing officers to ignore certain laws. The solution is getting the law changed.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Make sure you always have full coverage so the poors don't have to pay for liability insurance!
This right here. They really ought to do away with forced liability insurance - there's so many that don't have it, you'd better carry uninsured motorist coverage.

Makes a lot more sense for vehicle owners to be responsible for their own coverage as opposed to someone else's.

As for the "minor" violations stops - yeah, I'm good with doing away with the BS stops. Window tint is one that really strikes me as BS, as I had a cop comment on our tint, while his tint was black as night. Bundy, McVeigh may have been caught, so was Jerry Brudos IIRC because of traffic stops, but what's the actual ratio of "minor" offense stop to actual criminal being caught.
(by actual criminal I mean one with a victim, not simply the state)

Wouldn't well-meaning cops be happier pursuing real criminals? If TPD doesn't have time to come to the scene of an auto break in, why are they doing "minor" traffic stops?


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 19, 2012
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Del City
Imagine Timothy McVeigh just driving off into the sunset, still out there, at large.

You mean like the ones that assisted him?
Or the pedophiles on Epstein's list.

I would like to see more aggressive police stops, especially for using or texting on those d**n cell phones. This is where forfeiture laws could really make a difference. Confiscate every cell phone within reach of the driver from every traffic stop. I would be fine with that.


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 24, 2020
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Lawton, Oklahoma
Man, I can’t believe some of the comments I’m reading here. If you don’t want to get pulled over then don’t drive with burned out taillights and wear your darn seatbelt. If you can’t afford to replace a headlight then get a job. If you have a job and still can’t afford a headlight then get a second job or learn a skill/further your education making you a more valuable employee and get a better paying job. This is nothing but more BLM/WOKE nonsense. If you don’t want to get pulled over then don’t drive dirty. If you don’t want to get tuned up then don’t run from the cops, this isn’t rocket science. As responsible drivers enjoying the privilege (it’s not a right) we agree to a few things like carry insurance and keeping up on the maintenance of our vehicles. Not sure why certain people think they shouldn’t be held responsible for their own actions but it started with the participation trophy generation/“time out” generation. Not sure what world you grew up in but I was appropriately punished by my parents for the wrongs I did and rewarded for my successes. Today we say “oh it’s okay Johnny, we know you didn’t mean to steal that candy bar.” “While sitting in your room thinking about this I want you to polish that soccer trophy you received for showing up to most of the games last year.” Gimme a break!

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