New England Journal of Medicine's take on your guns "Bracing for the Impact"

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Special Hen
Oct 12, 2008
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August 2010 Editorial "Bracing for the Impact of Expanded Second Ammendment Rights", on the defeat of the Chicago Handgun Ban.

We all know the position of the AMA on gun rights. NEJM has spouted the same garbage as AMA numerous times over the years but this one is tops. Alow me to share a few gems from the article.

"Bracing for the Impact" The AMA and NEJM have been bracing since the early 90's when states began to go to "shall issue" carry permits. You wrung your hands at the end of the AWB. You called the Heller decision one of the worst experiments in epidemiology in history. For what? Nothing happened.

"...esoteric questions of constitutional law may have real-world implications." Please explain what about the 2nd ammendment is ESOTERIC. "MAY have real world implications''...kind of an understatement don't you think!

"In the aftermath of Heller many in the pulic health community worried that the decision would uleash a torrent of guns on the public, bringing sudden, high spikes in rates of injury and death. Though it is too early to be completely reassured, dire predictions have not been realized"

No, what unleashed a torrent of guns on the public was the election of an anti-gun President and a Democrat majority in both houses. And yes, again nothing has happened. If anything, gun accidents, and violent crime are DOWN.

The article prominently features a chart of the statistics on both murders and justifiable homicides with handguns. If I'm reading this right, Murders commited with a handgun went DOWN from 2004 to 2008 significantly. (though there is a small increase from 04-06, the numbers are way down from 06 to 08) Justifiable homicides have increased somewhat.

Medical researchers prominent clinicians love to pick apart each others data and conclusions, they will do it for years following a major study. Where is the response to this? They would have a field day with the same trends and conclusions if this were an article on a new drug for diabetes or HIV.

"Ironically that handgun may not be the panacea he(Mr. McDonald, the plaintiff in case against the city of Chicago) seeks. It will not address the root causes of drug and gang related crime plaguing his neighborhood"

No Dr. Cantor, it won't. The use of a personal wepon by a private citizen is the treatment for the life threatening SYMPTOMS of an incureable disease and it's an effective treatment at that.

''The collateral damage from firearms, especially handguns, is breathtaking...
Perhaps the wisest play for the newfound constitutional right is not to use it at all.''

"Newfound constitutional right" Hardly. Perhaps the wisest play of all would be to not use your first ammendment rights until you understand that no right is created or granted by the constitution. Rather, the bill of rights simply guarantees the protection of those rights, like the right to defend ourselves, that are given to us by our creator.

This article would be not be worth mention in any other publication in the world. But it, and dozens like it are found in our prestigious medical and scientific journals, with the flimsiest of premises, in the hope that gun control can be institued in the name of "public health"


Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
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Guthrie OK
I guess the NE Journal folks never spent much time at the Cook County Hospital ER on Friday and Saturday nights. ---Pre Heller.

For a city that makes handguns illegal ... a lot of people been shot up there over the years....


Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
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Incidentally, did y'all see the outstanding treatise on the management of cholesterol in multiple-bypass patients in last month's Guns & Ammo?


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Hey, New England Journal of Medicine - If you're really interested in improving health and safety, stop wasting your time on guns and start looking at cars. Ten of thousands are slaughtered in accidents every year in terrible ways. Throw away your car keys and start walking!


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 21, 2008
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Hey, New England Journal of Medicine - If you're really interested in improving health and safety, stop wasting your time on guns and start looking at cars. Ten of thousands are slaughtered in accidents every year in terrible ways. Throw away your car keys and start walking!

This would save countless more lives but people will give up their cars about as easy as we will give up our guns.

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