Petty Officer Second Class Michael Thornton and Navy Lt. Thomas R. Norris Medal of Honor.

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Special Hen
Jul 17, 2022
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Tulsa Oklahoma
Medal of Honor Monday: Navy Lt. Thomas R. Norris
April 11, 2022 | By Katie Lange , DOD News |
A graphic says "Medal of Honor Monday" shows an Army Medal of Honor.
When two American pilots were downed in enemy territory toward the end of the Vietnam War, numerous attempts to rescue them by other aircraft failed. That’s when Navy Lt. Thomas Rolland Norris was called in to lead a ground team to find them. Both missions were a success, and they earned the young Navy SEAL the Medal of Honor.
Norris was born on Jan. 14, 1944, in Jacksonville, Florida, to Rolland and Irene Norris. He had two brothers, James and Kenneth. Since their dad was in the Navy, the family didn’t stay put for long. They moved to Michigan, Wisconsin and then to the Washington, D.C., area, where Norris graduated high school in 1963.
A man in dress uniform poses for a photo.
Growing up, Norris became an Eagle Scout, ran track and wrestled — a talent that served him well when he went to the University of Maryland and became the Atlantic Coast Conference’s 1965 and 1966 wrestling champ. Norris graduated college in 1967 with a bachelor’s degree in criminology and sociology.
Not long after that, when his student deferment from the Vietnam War draft wasn’t extended, he enlisted in the Navy and was commissioned as an officer.
Norris said in an interview later in life that he’d wanted to be a Navy pilot since he was a child. He joined the program to become one, but vision issues forced him to drop out. Instead, he volunteered for a newly created naval special warfare unit that became known as the SEALs.
Spotlight: Commemorating the Vietnam War
Norris earned the Medal of Honor while on his second tour of duty in Vietnam. It was the spring of 1972, and the U.S. was in the process of de-escalation and Vietnamization. There were few American combat troops left in the country — U.S. airpower accounted for most of the force still in the region — and the military advisors who were still there were preparing South Vietnamese troops to continue the war on their own.
North Vietnam saw this as an opportunity, so in late March 1972, its army sent ground troops, tanks and artillery across the demilitarized zone to begin a full-blown invasion known as the Easter Offensive. The U.S. responded by launching B-52 Stratofortress bombers and EB-66 Destroyers, electronic warfare aircraft that could jam missiles aimed at the bombers.
Two reconnaissance aircraft sit on tarmac.
On April 2, one EB-66 aircraft was shot down just below the DMZ. Air Force Lt. Col. Iceal “Gene” Hambleton, 53, was the only survivor, and he was trapped in the thick of the enemy offensive. Army helicopters tried to reach him, but one was shot down and the rest were unsuccessful.
The Air Force then began its largest rescue mission in history, and it didn’t go well. According to an Army War College text, in six days of air rescue efforts, more than a dozen men were killed and six aircraft were either downed or damaged. Two Americans had been taken prisoner, and close-air support pilot Air Force 1st Lt. Mark Clark, who had also been shot down, was now stranded with Hambleton in enemy territory.
U.S. military leaders decided that the only way to get to the two pilots was by ground troops, so they asked Norris to lead that rescue effort. Norris said he believed he was chosen because he was one of the few special operators remaining in the country who had worked with the Vietnamese teams involved. He was comfortable running operations with them.
An aerial view of a winding river amid various encampments.
On the night of April 10, Norris and a team of five Vietnamese SEALs began their mission through more than a mile of heavily controlled enemy territory to find Clark, the more recently downed pilot. After carefully maneuvering around enemy units all night, Norris’ team picked up on Clark’s movements in a river that he’d been instructed by radio to float down.
“I could hear him coming,” Norris said during a Library of Congress Veterans History Project interview. “He was breathing hard.”
It took until daybreak, but Norris finally found Clark in the water and convinced the pilot he would be safe if he followed his lead.
“I told him to stay in line, follow me and do whatever I do,” Norris said.
Reversing course, the small team moved quietly back through enemy territory and made it to their forward operating base, where they delivered Clark to the medical aid station.
Later that day, the base was hit with an enemy rocket and mortar attack. Norris said that was a daily occurrence, but this day’s attack was particularly deadly. Two of the team members who’d helped rescue Clark were killed, and several more people were injured. Many of them, including Clark, were evacuated by helicopter. Norris stayed behind to continue the rescue mission.
Several men stand around a stretcher as it’s taken to an armored vehicle.
That evening, Norris and the remaining three-man SEAL team tried to reach Hambleton twice, but both attempts were unsuccessful. For five days since the failed aircraft rescue attempts, Hambleton had been communicating on and off with Air Force forward air controllers via radio. They were helping him move from hiding spot to hiding spot in hopes of getting him to a nearby river so Norris could get to him.
On the afternoon of April 12, a forward air controller located Hambleton and notified Norris. Because Hambleton hadn’t gotten survival packages that had been airdropped for him, he was really struggling, and the FAC stressed to Norris the urgency of finding the pilot as soon as possible.
By this point, only one of the Vietnamese SEALs, Nguyễn Văn Kiệt, wanted to continue helping Norris with the rescue mission. So, dressed as fishermen, the pair floated all night in a sampan — a small canoe-like Vietnamese vessel — down the river, passing numerous enemy encampments along the way. At dawn, they found Hambleton where he was expected to be.
“I parked right about where he was sitting,” Norris said. “That was luck.”
A man puts his arm around the shoulder of a younger man in a field.
Norris and Kiệt put the injured pilot in the bottom of the sampan, covered him with life vests, bamboo and vegetation, and began their return journey. Along the way, they successfully sneaked past enemy rocket positions and even evaded a North Vietnamese patrol that tried to stop them.
As they approached the relative safety of their forward operating base, the small craft was attacked by heavy machine gun fire from a North Vietnamese bunker. The trio quickly beached the sampan and hid. After checking for enemy ground forces, Norris then called in an air strike, which fired at the enemy bunker and provided a smoke screen that gave the trio a chance to get back into the sampan and safety reach the base.
Hambleton was treated for his injuries and eventually recovered. If it weren’t for Norris’ undaunted courage and dedication to the cause, he and Clark may have never made it home.
A man shakes hands with another man as a few others stand around them.
A man shakes hands with another man on a podium. A few others stand around them, as a few people sit in a crowd.
Six months later, during another combat mission, Norris was shot in the face and suffered severe head injuries. He was saved by Lt. Michael Thornton, a fellow Navy SEAL who earned the Medal of Honor for that rescue mission.
Norris medically retired due to his injuries, which included the loss of his left eye. His rehabilitation required numerous surgeries over the span of several years.
Norris learned he would receive the Medal of Honor sometime in 1974, but he didn’t get it until March 6, 1976. President Gerald R. Ford presented the nation’s highest honor for valor to the SEAL during a White House ceremony. His parents and both brothers were present for it, as was Thornton. Norris had attended Thornton’s Medal of Honor ceremony prior to his own.
In 1979, after getting a disability waiver, Norris became an FBI agent, which is what he’d hoped to do when he entered college more than 15 years earlier. He worked at the agency for 20 years and was an original member of its hostage rescue team as an assault team leader.
A man wearing a Medal of Honor shakes hands with a sailor.
Over the past several years, Norris has taken part in various Navy and Medal of Honor events and discussions that celebrate the meaning of the medal. He said he has a great deal of pride for what it stands for.
“I’m just a custodian of this medal. I wear it for the members of my teams and the people that served as valiantly and will never have the chance to wear an award like that. There are those out there who deserved it but were never recognized, and the folks that gave their lives for the missions they were sent on who will never be back again,” he said. “It’s an honor for me to wear it, but I don’t consider it mine.”
Naval unconventional warfare operators have not forgotten Norris’ legacy. At Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story in Virginia, the Lt. Thomas R. Norris Building is the home of Naval Special Warfare Group Two.

The Congressional Medal of Honor on October 15, 1973 by President Richard Nixon, “for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while participating in a daring operation against enemy forces in the Republic of Vietnam on October 31, 1972.”
Michael Thornton was one of only 15 U.S. Navy personnel, (three of them SEALs), who received the Medal of Honor for their heroic actions during the Vietnam War. He is also the only recipient in over a century to save the life of another Medal of Honor recipient – SEAL Lieutenant Thomas Norris – who had performed heroic, lifesaving actions of his own just months earlier. Both men are still alive and well today.
Other Awards
Silver Star
Bronze Star Medal with Combat “V” (3)
Meritorious Service Medal
Combat Action Ribbon with Gold Star
Vietnamese Service Medal with one Silver Star and two Bronze Stars
Michael Thornton enlisted in the Navy in 1967 after graduating from high school at the age of 18. Upon successful completion of BUD/S training, Thornton was assigned to SEAL Team ONE, and served several tours in Vietnam and Thailand between October 1968 and January 1973.
On his last tour to Vietnam, at the age of 23, Thornton heroically saved the life of his senior officer on an intelligence gathering and prisoner capture operation. The small team of two Navy SEALs and three South Vietnamese commandos was discovered by a larger North Vietnamese Army force, and a fierce firefight ensued. SEAL LT Thomas Norris, who had himself earned the Medal of Honor just months earlier, was shot in the face and believed dead.
Thornton ran into a hail of enemy fire to retrieve Norris’ body, and found him badly wounded and unconscious, but alive. He dragged Norris to the beach, inflated his life vest, and swam both Norris and a wounded South Vietnamese commando seaward for two hours before they were rescued by a comrade in a support craft, who had refused to give them up for dead.
MOH Citation
“For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while participating in a daring operation against enemy forces. PO Thornton, as Assistant U.S. Navy Advisor, along with a U.S. Navy lieutenant serving as Senior Advisor, accompanied a 3-man Vietnamese Navy SEAL patrol on an intelligence gathering and prisoner capture operation against an enemy-occupied naval river base.
Launched from a Vietnamese Navy junk in a rubber boat, the patrol reached land and was continuing on foot toward its objective when it suddenly came under heavy fire from a numerically superior force. The patrol called in naval gunfire support and then engaged the enemy in a fierce firefight, accounting for many enemy casualties before moving back to the waterline to prevent encirclement.
Upon learning that the Senior Advisor had been hit by enemy fire and was believed to be dead, PO Thornton returned through a hail of fire to the lieutenant’s last position; quickly disposed of two enemy soldiers about to overrun the position, and succeeded in removing the seriously wounded and unconscious Senior Naval Advisor to the water’s edge. He then inflated the lieutenant’s lifejacket and towed him seaward for approximately two hours until picked up by support craft.
By his extraordinary courage and perseverance, PO Thornton was directly responsible for saving the life of his superior officer and enabling the safe extraction of all patrol members, thereby upholding the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service.”
His Own Words
Thornton recently addressed a class of middle school students in April 2007. Asked if he was scared when saving his friend he replied. “Fear is a great thing, but you have to take that fear and focus it into something good.”
The students were surprised when he told them that he didn’t consider himself a hero. “I feel honored, but I’m not a hero,” he said. “This medal belongs to every man and woman who died serving their country. I feel honored to represent them.”
Naval Career
Michael Thornton went on to serve in the following SEAL assignments:
BUD/S Instructor at Naval Special Warfare Training Command
Senior enlisted man in a SEAL Team TWO operational platoon
Exchange tour with Royal Marine British Special Boat Squadron
Assisted in establishing and operated with Naval Special Warfare Development Group
In 1982, Michael Thornton received his commission as a U.S. Navy Ensign, after which he served 10 years as an officer in the diving and salvage community. In April 1990, he reported as Bravo Company Commander where he coordinated a rapid response deployment in support of Desert Shield/Desert Storm (the first U.S. invasion of Iraq).
Lieutenant Thornton retired in 1992. He was the last Congressional Medal of Honor recipient on active duty at that time.
Mike Thornton Medal of Honor.png
Thomas Norris Medal of Honor.jpg



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Medal of Honor Monday: Navy Lt. Thomas R. Norris
April 11, 2022 | By Katie Lange , DOD News |
A graphic says "Medal of Honor Monday" shows an Army Medal of Honor.
When two American pilots were downed in enemy territory toward the end of the Vietnam War, numerous attempts to rescue them by other aircraft failed. That’s when Navy Lt. Thomas Rolland Norris was called in to lead a ground team to find them. Both missions were a success, and they earned the young Navy SEAL the Medal of Honor.
Norris was born on Jan. 14, 1944, in Jacksonville, Florida, to Rolland and Irene Norris. He had two brothers, James and Kenneth. Since their dad was in the Navy, the family didn’t stay put for long. They moved to Michigan, Wisconsin and then to the Washington, D.C., area, where Norris graduated high school in 1963.
A man in dress uniform poses for a photo.
Growing up, Norris became an Eagle Scout, ran track and wrestled — a talent that served him well when he went to the University of Maryland and became the Atlantic Coast Conference’s 1965 and 1966 wrestling champ. Norris graduated college in 1967 with a bachelor’s degree in criminology and sociology.
Not long after that, when his student deferment from the Vietnam War draft wasn’t extended, he enlisted in the Navy and was commissioned as an officer.
Norris said in an interview later in life that he’d wanted to be a Navy pilot since he was a child. He joined the program to become one, but vision issues forced him to drop out. Instead, he volunteered for a newly created naval special warfare unit that became known as the SEALs.
Spotlight: Commemorating the Vietnam War
Norris earned the Medal of Honor while on his second tour of duty in Vietnam. It was the spring of 1972, and the U.S. was in the process of de-escalation and Vietnamization. There were few American combat troops left in the country — U.S. airpower accounted for most of the force still in the region — and the military advisors who were still there were preparing South Vietnamese troops to continue the war on their own.
North Vietnam saw this as an opportunity, so in late March 1972, its army sent ground troops, tanks and artillery across the demilitarized zone to begin a full-blown invasion known as the Easter Offensive. The U.S. responded by launching B-52 Stratofortress bombers and EB-66 Destroyers, electronic warfare aircraft that could jam missiles aimed at the bombers.
Two reconnaissance aircraft sit on tarmac.
On April 2, one EB-66 aircraft was shot down just below the DMZ. Air Force Lt. Col. Iceal “Gene” Hambleton, 53, was the only survivor, and he was trapped in the thick of the enemy offensive. Army helicopters tried to reach him, but one was shot down and the rest were unsuccessful.
The Air Force then began its largest rescue mission in history, and it didn’t go well. According to an Army War College text, in six days of air rescue efforts, more than a dozen men were killed and six aircraft were either downed or damaged. Two Americans had been taken prisoner, and close-air support pilot Air Force 1st Lt. Mark Clark, who had also been shot down, was now stranded with Hambleton in enemy territory.
U.S. military leaders decided that the only way to get to the two pilots was by ground troops, so they asked Norris to lead that rescue effort. Norris said he believed he was chosen because he was one of the few special operators remaining in the country who had worked with the Vietnamese teams involved. He was comfortable running operations with them.
An aerial view of a winding river amid various encampments.
On the night of April 10, Norris and a team of five Vietnamese SEALs began their mission through more than a mile of heavily controlled enemy territory to find Clark, the more recently downed pilot. After carefully maneuvering around enemy units all night, Norris’ team picked up on Clark’s movements in a river that he’d been instructed by radio to float down.
“I could hear him coming,” Norris said during a Library of Congress Veterans History Project interview. “He was breathing hard.”
It took until daybreak, but Norris finally found Clark in the water and convinced the pilot he would be safe if he followed his lead.
“I told him to stay in line, follow me and do whatever I do,” Norris said.
Reversing course, the small team moved quietly back through enemy territory and made it to their forward operating base, where they delivered Clark to the medical aid station.
Later that day, the base was hit with an enemy rocket and mortar attack. Norris said that was a daily occurrence, but this day’s attack was particularly deadly. Two of the team members who’d helped rescue Clark were killed, and several more people were injured. Many of them, including Clark, were evacuated by helicopter. Norris stayed behind to continue the rescue mission.
Several men stand around a stretcher as it’s taken to an armored vehicle.
That evening, Norris and the remaining three-man SEAL team tried to reach Hambleton twice, but both attempts were unsuccessful. For five days since the failed aircraft rescue attempts, Hambleton had been communicating on and off with Air Force forward air controllers via radio. They were helping him move from hiding spot to hiding spot in hopes of getting him to a nearby river so Norris could get to him.
On the afternoon of April 12, a forward air controller located Hambleton and notified Norris. Because Hambleton hadn’t gotten survival packages that had been airdropped for him, he was really struggling, and the FAC stressed to Norris the urgency of finding the pilot as soon as possible.
By this point, only one of the Vietnamese SEALs, Nguyễn Văn Kiệt, wanted to continue helping Norris with the rescue mission. So, dressed as fishermen, the pair floated all night in a sampan — a small canoe-like Vietnamese vessel — down the river, passing numerous enemy encampments along the way. At dawn, they found Hambleton where he was expected to be.
“I parked right about where he was sitting,” Norris said. “That was luck.”
A man puts his arm around the shoulder of a younger man in a field.
Norris and Kiệt put the injured pilot in the bottom of the sampan, covered him with life vests, bamboo and vegetation, and began their return journey. Along the way, they successfully sneaked past enemy rocket positions and even evaded a North Vietnamese patrol that tried to stop them.
As they approached the relative safety of their forward operating base, the small craft was attacked by heavy machine gun fire from a North Vietnamese bunker. The trio quickly beached the sampan and hid. After checking for enemy ground forces, Norris then called in an air strike, which fired at the enemy bunker and provided a smoke screen that gave the trio a chance to get back into the sampan and safety reach the base.
Hambleton was treated for his injuries and eventually recovered. If it weren’t for Norris’ undaunted courage and dedication to the cause, he and Clark may have never made it home.
A man shakes hands with another man as a few others stand around them.
A man shakes hands with another man on a podium. A few others stand around them, as a few people sit in a crowd.
Six months later, during another combat mission, Norris was shot in the face and suffered severe head injuries. He was saved by Lt. Michael Thornton, a fellow Navy SEAL who earned the Medal of Honor for that rescue mission.
Norris medically retired due to his injuries, which included the loss of his left eye. His rehabilitation required numerous surgeries over the span of several years.
Norris learned he would receive the Medal of Honor sometime in 1974, but he didn’t get it until March 6, 1976. President Gerald R. Ford presented the nation’s highest honor for valor to the SEAL during a White House ceremony. His parents and both brothers were present for it, as was Thornton. Norris had attended Thornton’s Medal of Honor ceremony prior to his own.
In 1979, after getting a disability waiver, Norris became an FBI agent, which is what he’d hoped to do when he entered college more than 15 years earlier. He worked at the agency for 20 years and was an original member of its hostage rescue team as an assault team leader.
A man wearing a Medal of Honor shakes hands with a sailor.
Over the past several years, Norris has taken part in various Navy and Medal of Honor events and discussions that celebrate the meaning of the medal. He said he has a great deal of pride for what it stands for.
“I’m just a custodian of this medal. I wear it for the members of my teams and the people that served as valiantly and will never have the chance to wear an award like that. There are those out there who deserved it but were never recognized, and the folks that gave their lives for the missions they were sent on who will never be back again,” he said. “It’s an honor for me to wear it, but I don’t consider it mine.”
Naval unconventional warfare operators have not forgotten Norris’ legacy. At Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story in Virginia, the Lt. Thomas R. Norris Building is the home of Naval Special Warfare Group Two.

The Congressional Medal of Honor on October 15, 1973 by President Richard Nixon, “for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while participating in a daring operation against enemy forces in the Republic of Vietnam on October 31, 1972.”
Michael Thornton was one of only 15 U.S. Navy personnel, (three of them SEALs), who received the Medal of Honor for their heroic actions during the Vietnam War. He is also the only recipient in over a century to save the life of another Medal of Honor recipient – SEAL Lieutenant Thomas Norris – who had performed heroic, lifesaving actions of his own just months earlier. Both men are still alive and well today.
Other Awards
Silver Star
Bronze Star Medal with Combat “V” (3)
Meritorious Service Medal
Combat Action Ribbon with Gold Star
Vietnamese Service Medal with one Silver Star and two Bronze Stars
Michael Thornton enlisted in the Navy in 1967 after graduating from high school at the age of 18. Upon successful completion of BUD/S training, Thornton was assigned to SEAL Team ONE, and served several tours in Vietnam and Thailand between October 1968 and January 1973.
On his last tour to Vietnam, at the age of 23, Thornton heroically saved the life of his senior officer on an intelligence gathering and prisoner capture operation. The small team of two Navy SEALs and three South Vietnamese commandos was discovered by a larger North Vietnamese Army force, and a fierce firefight ensued. SEAL LT Thomas Norris, who had himself earned the Medal of Honor just months earlier, was shot in the face and believed dead.
Thornton ran into a hail of enemy fire to retrieve Norris’ body, and found him badly wounded and unconscious, but alive. He dragged Norris to the beach, inflated his life vest, and swam both Norris and a wounded South Vietnamese commando seaward for two hours before they were rescued by a comrade in a support craft, who had refused to give them up for dead.
MOH Citation
“For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while participating in a daring operation against enemy forces. PO Thornton, as Assistant U.S. Navy Advisor, along with a U.S. Navy lieutenant serving as Senior Advisor, accompanied a 3-man Vietnamese Navy SEAL patrol on an intelligence gathering and prisoner capture operation against an enemy-occupied naval river base.
Launched from a Vietnamese Navy junk in a rubber boat, the patrol reached land and was continuing on foot toward its objective when it suddenly came under heavy fire from a numerically superior force. The patrol called in naval gunfire support and then engaged the enemy in a fierce firefight, accounting for many enemy casualties before moving back to the waterline to prevent encirclement.
Upon learning that the Senior Advisor had been hit by enemy fire and was believed to be dead, PO Thornton returned through a hail of fire to the lieutenant’s last position; quickly disposed of two enemy soldiers about to overrun the position, and succeeded in removing the seriously wounded and unconscious Senior Naval Advisor to the water’s edge. He then inflated the lieutenant’s lifejacket and towed him seaward for approximately two hours until picked up by support craft.
By his extraordinary courage and perseverance, PO Thornton was directly responsible for saving the life of his superior officer and enabling the safe extraction of all patrol members, thereby upholding the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service.”
His Own Words
Thornton recently addressed a class of middle school students in April 2007. Asked if he was scared when saving his friend he replied. “Fear is a great thing, but you have to take that fear and focus it into something good.”
The students were surprised when he told them that he didn’t consider himself a hero. “I feel honored, but I’m not a hero,” he said. “This medal belongs to every man and woman who died serving their country. I feel honored to represent them.”
Naval Career
Michael Thornton went on to serve in the following SEAL assignments:
BUD/S Instructor at Naval Special Warfare Training Command
Senior enlisted man in a SEAL Team TWO operational platoon
Exchange tour with Royal Marine British Special Boat Squadron
Assisted in establishing and operated with Naval Special Warfare Development Group
In 1982, Michael Thornton received his commission as a U.S. Navy Ensign, after which he served 10 years as an officer in the diving and salvage community. In April 1990, he reported as Bravo Company Commander where he coordinated a rapid response deployment in support of Desert Shield/Desert Storm (the first U.S. invasion of Iraq).
Lieutenant Thornton retired in 1992. He was the last Congressional Medal of Honor recipient on active duty at that time.View attachment 385038View attachment 385039

What a great read to start the day. Thank you for posting it👏👏👏👏👏


Special Hen
Jul 17, 2022
Reaction score
Tulsa Oklahoma
What a great read to start the day. Thank you for posting it👏👏👏👏👏
I have been reading my old Soldier of Fortune magazines and i started reading in the april 1979 copy, a story about the U.S. Navy Seals, and in reading the story i found how the seals were involved in rescuing of downed American airmen thus i found these two Seals who received the Medal of Honor.

If i had not read this old story i would have never known about how they earned the medals.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
I have been reading my old Soldier of Fortune magazines and i started reading in the april 1979 copy, a story about the U.S. Navy Seals, and in reading the story i found how the seals were involved in rescuing of downed American airmen thus i found these two Seals who received the Medal of Honor.

If i had not read this old story i would have never known about how they earned the medals.

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