US preparing to launch cruise missile attack on Syria

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Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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Is it me or did this show just come on about a year too early?


A U.S. sub refusing insane orders to start WWIII suddenly seems more plausible.

Wonder how many higher ups in the military have huge reservations about what is going on?

Tyson C.

Special Hen
Nov 4, 2009
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No - you realize that the whole Benghazi incident stemmed from us funneling weapons to the rebels in Syria through Benghazi? Could one of those "weapons" been a nuke? Did Barry just slip up and inadvertently mention it, as he likely knows it was the rebels who were the ones using the chem bombs, too?

it all makes since now. we supply, they used it wrong, now we gotta cover our ass'. no wonder Putin is setting back, it all looks and smells a little fishy.

am I wrong, or should I grab my tinfoil


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Wonder how many higher ups in the military have huge reservations about what is going on?

I been wondering the same thing. Then senator Obama stated that Bush didn't have the authority to attack another country unless we had been attacked or an attack was imminent. Biden said he would push for impeachment if Bush attacked Iraq without congressional approval. They don't seem to think congress is worth the effort and same with the U.N. since Russia is already off the table. I guess something has changed because Bush tried both? /sarcasm


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Wait, the UN inspectors; escorted by Assad forces, waltzed into rebel held territory? Then, have the leisure of spending 4 days there?

Not buying it.

I'm not buying a dammed thing that comes out of that squalid country.

The "rebels", mostly from foreign country's, and associated with terrorist organizations, are paid mercenaries for the muslim brotherhood that our "dear leader" supported in Egypt.
There are dammed few actual "rebel" fighters fighting for their beliefs as true citizens of Syria that want a regime change to better the country.

The "inspectors" go into a "chemical weapons room" that looks like a set-up for a photo op using nothing more than dust masks.

The people that are supposed to be journalist for U.S. news organizations report on this like its not propaganda??

I'm just a dumb-assed redneck and I can see a thousand holes in reports from both sides.

Send in a couple of missiles without expecting a regime change as a result like in Iraq, is a totally worthless gesture to pump up the balls of the buffoon idiot we have in office that keeps putting out a line in the sand and then keeps backing off of it.

The U.S. is the laughing stock of the world right now and the buffoon has put us there with his lack of international knowledge, and how things work in the world today.

Wars are where you beat their ass into submission, not try to give them lolly pops. Our country has forgotten this since WWII

His socialistic idealism has backfired like every endeavor throughout history.

This idiot has put the U.S. into a corner, and with his inept leadership we will fall into a second class nation.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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This is exactly like Iraq, a Sunni/Shi'a power struggle. On the one side (Shi'a) you have Syria/Iran/Hizballah and on the other (Sunni), Jabat al-Nusra/Al-Qaeda in Iraq/Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood. So tell me which one you'd rather align the U.S. with? Which one of these factions represents good old fashioned American values?

This entire "Arab Spring" as reported by western media propagandists is a farce. Only when we're up to our ears in it will they come clean and reveal the rest of the camel behind the tent wall. Every last one of those bastards calling for military intervention in Washington, DC (and John McCain in particular) should be parachuted into Aleppo with a rifle and an Arabic phrasebook before our military fires a single shot in this debacle.

I never thought in a million years I'd say this, but Vlad is the only smart person in this whole debacle. If the U.S. wants to win this war so desperately, then it should have Saudi Prince Bandar and Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan step up to the plate and send their ordinance in! That they aren't doing so is a good indication that perhaps we should sit this one out. :(


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
GTG I've been thinking for some time now that Putin has been right about Syria. What I find curious is that I haven't heard a word at all in the media about what the Israelis want. Seems that if they wanted Assad out the world would know it. I know that Assad is a murdering tyrant but what's going to replace him? A murdering tyrant! Hello? Something about the enemy you know? Assad keeps these pukes in check and poses no direct threat to us, so he really does prove useful to our interest. His replacement likely will eventually pose some risk or draw us into something else later. I heard yesterday McCain on the tube stating how he'd been there and talked to one of the influential rebel leaders and how he was a good person and our friend. McCain and the others are going to get WWIII going yet. I like your idea about letting them lead the initial charge.

The thing that chaps my ass is that we've been helping these zealots all along. Otherwise Assad would have beaten them back long ago, far fewer people would have died and the chems would have never been used. This is Obama's war. We need to lay it right at his feet. I get the felling that Putin is the only one with a set enough to do it.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
GTG I've been thinking for some time now that Putin has been right about Syria. What I find curious is that I haven't heard a word at all in the media about what the Israelis want. Seems that if they wanted Assad out the world would know it. .

,They are smart enough to not put out a line to cross in the sand, and back off of it.

They are also smart enough to not telegraph their intentions before an attack.
The stupidest thing I ever saw was when I was in Vietnam. We dropped leaflets a week before starting an assault from a huey.

Then we went in with guns ready for nobody there, but giving advanced notice for snipers to set up ranges, etc.

What a wonderful tactical technique.

Turn on the TV camera's and torch a hootch. Job done...

Seems we have never learned the politically correct failures.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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GTG I've been thinking for some time now that Putin has been right about Syria. What I find curious is that I haven't heard a word at all in the media about what the Israelis want. Seems that if they wanted Assad out the world would know it. I know that Assad is a murdering tyrant but what's going to replace him? A murdering tyrant! Hello? Something about the enemy you know? Assad keeps these pukes in check and poses no direct threat to us, so he really does prove useful to our interest. His replacement likely will eventually pose some risk or draw us into something else later. I heard yesterday McCain on the tube stating how he'd been there and talked to one of the influential rebel leaders and how he was a good person and our friend. McCain and the others are going to get WWIII going yet. I like your idea about letting them lead the initial charge.

The thing that chaps my ass is that we've been helping these zealots all along. Otherwise Assad would have beaten them back long ago, far fewer people would have died and the chems would have never been used. This is Obama's war. We need to lay it right at his feet. I get the felling that Putin is the only one with a set enough to do it.

Assad has long allowed a conduit through Syria for Iranian arms to Hizballah, particularly Katyusha rockets. This is a Shi'a operation. So why wouldn't Israel want to shut that down by getting rid of Assad? Simple, chaos is like catnip to terrorists. With a destabilized regime comes disorder and security lapses. First, hundreds of tons of Syrian army supplies would simply disappear in the chaos overnight. Second, the Syrian border would become even more porous, allowing additional arms shipments to Hizballah to slip through. Additionally, Hamas would then have greater access to military grade hardware, which the current Shi'a regime isn't on board with.

Assad controls the timing and frequency of Hizballah attacks to some extent. The new regime couldn't and likely wouldn't try to do this. The only reason Iran props up Assad is to keep weapons flowing to their Shi'a friends and not their Sunni enemies. Israel doesn't have a "force in depth" substantial enough to effectively invade Syria and control the border. Israel understands this all too well. Better the devil you know than the one you don't. :(


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Looks like the Security Councel is not authorizing a missle strike. We'll have to wait and see what Obama does.
Will he be an international outlaw bombing people who don't need it? Will he be a weak sister and Muslim lover who's afraid to bomb his Muslim brothers?

We'll just have to wait and see. Whatever he does will be wrong.

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