Scariest hunt you've had

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Mar 15, 2009
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7stw, Please learn how to swim.. One of the greatest survival skills.

Soooo nobody has ran across bigfoot. That would be my scariest hunt.

a buddy and I got out of the truck and walked in different directions. I had the wind at my back and he at his side. the wind was kicking it pretty hard maybe 25 mph, enough to dissipate most odors. there was a smell of body odor and feces that was very strong. also, I was totally creeped out by a feeling I was being watched. we've hunted this place for a long time and I have never felt like that before or since that day.
after the hunt he was like lets go have some breakfast, we rarely do that and usually just head home. over coffee he says "I don't want to sound like a *****,but..." he goes on to tell me about the smell and about being watched. I was never so relieved to get up a ladder than that morning!

DEER 24/7

Dec 28, 2010
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not really scared well maybe a little,me and a buddie when we were in our teens went coon hunting one night we was sitting in the truck with the windows down listening for a strike from our dogs,while sitting there it felt like a cow was scrathing itself against the truck,i was raised on farm so I am very familiar with what it feel like it rocks the hole pickup I look at my budding thinking what the heck we got out expecting to see a ole cow standing beside the pickup there was nothing no cow no tracks nothing I said what the heck just happen,we get back in the truck and not 5 mins later it happen again I jump out with a light and there was nothing there we stayed outside the truck for about 30 mins or so and never seen or heard anything,never heard dogs so we started calling for them got back into truck and I be dam it happen again I look at my buddy and said my dogs will be in the morning I am ready if you are he said I thought you never ask lol,at first I was sure there was somebody that had snuck up on us and was rocking it then run and hind,but there was no human tracks but ours.still today a grown man I can'nt figure out what was going on


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
not really scared well maybe a little,me and a buddie when we were in our teens went coon hunting one night we was sitting in the truck with the windows down listening for a strike from our dogs,while sitting there it felt like a cow was scrathing itself against the truck,i was raised on farm so I am very familiar with what it feel like it rocks the hole pickup I look at my budding thinking what the heck we got out expecting to see a ole cow standing beside the pickup there was nothing no cow no tracks nothing I said what the heck just happen,we get back in the truck and not 5 mins later it happen again I jump out with a light and there was nothing there we stayed outside the truck for about 30 mins or so and never seen or heard anything,never heard dogs so we started calling for them got back into truck and I be dam it happen again I look at my buddy and said my dogs will be in the morning I am ready if you are he said I thought you never ask lol,at first I was sure there was somebody that had snuck up on us and was rocking it then run and hind,but there was no human tracks but ours.still today a grown man I can'nt figure out what was going on



Special Hen Banned
Oct 1, 2012
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Guymon, OK
Was pig hunting from a blind. My first pig I got. Shot him with a bow (61lb draw. Swacker head. don't remember arrow weight). Was nervous and shot him in the flank. Arrow didn't penetrate but maybe 6 inches. He slowly trotted off into the creek. Scariest creek ever. Salt cedars all up and down it. Not a very large space to be in. Me and my dad went to track him. He had a S&W 44magnum and I had a Glock 36. I chose a bad caliber. Luckily there wasn't a showdown. But somehow (luckily) that pig died from the arrow. I was afraid we were going to get charged. Only saw the pig because I saw my luminok.

Keep in mind that was at night with no moon and the place I hunt is the scariest place ever to hunt at night. I have seen racoons as big as pigs. Had a weasel or ferret whatever they are called crawl in my blind with me once. I have seen a Mountain Lion as well there.

Screw that bow stuff on pigs. I want to use a big gun for pigs from now on.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
1911 rules!

Just wish he had shot the pig in the head, and got the thrashing out of the way.

I'm not an animal lover just like to see one dispatched as quick as possible.


Special Hen
Jul 13, 2013
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collinsville ok
Thought about past "uh oh's" and remembered as a teen in the mid 70's when running the Ark river in the middle of the winter, bitter cold and the river had pushed a huge chuck of ice part way up onto the bank. Standing on the sheet of ice when it slid back into the river, dumping me into the water. Climbed out soaking wet and almost instantly my clothes were freezing. Ran all the way home, approximately a mile with frozen clothes. At the time I never gave it a thought but looking back it is probably the closest to meeting my savior as I've ever been excluding auto accidents. Definitely had a angel looking out for me.

Blue Baby

Special Hen
Oct 27, 2009
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Here's my favorite. My second hog hunting trip I studied up about neck shots and was ready to try one. I found a nice little 100# hiding behind a downed tree with about 4" of neck showing above it. I sight it in just over the tree and pull the trigger, perfect shot. I hear the pig grunt and fall. So I start walking that way just as he starts to come up and over the tree towards me. He wasn't a 100#, closer to 220# and I had just pissed him off. He starts to charge me, shot him again between the eyes at 10yds with my 336 30/30 and it bounced off his head (took a chunk of 4" fur with it) That made him pause and turn enough to drop him with a shot behind the leg. Meanwhile my 2 buddies behind me were pooping their britches and heading for the fence. That was a fun one.

Second favorite: Crawling on your belly thru heavy brush after a wounded hog. That will get your blood pumping.


Special Hen
Oct 27, 2010
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in the Boonies
Jumped a covey of quail walking to my stand, I thought I was a goner.

hah^ this has got me quite a few times. also doves coming out of cedar or pine trees as im walking right next to them in the pitch black darkness. my reflexes instantly put me in a combat/karate type position ready to defend or attack. i then realize its just birds, i take a breath, calm my nerves, and slow my heart rate back down, then move on through the field where it usually happens all over again by another tree. lol

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