Republican Hypocrisy?

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Jan 24, 2013
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If the POTUS was Republican and 47 Democratic senators signed and sent the letter to the Iranians what would have been the Republicans reaction? I don't think outraged would cover it. Those 47 senators have insulted and disrespected not just Obama, but the office of the POTUS and our entire country. And barely a peep could be heard over the din of outrage because Hillary used a personal email account.


Special Hen
May 25, 2010
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Broken Arrow
You can always see to which side of the spectrum politically someone leans by what they dismiss as trivial and what they are outraged by. Never demand from your own group what you demand from the other side. And sadly both parties give both sides plenty of ammo.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
You can always see to which side of the spectrum politically someone leans by what they dismiss as trivial and what they are outraged by. Never demand from your own group what you demand from the other side. And sadly both parties give both sides plenty of ammo.

Yep. Just politicians doing what politicians do ... and party purists on both sides miss the bigger picture, just eat it up, and ultimately cripple the moderates out there ...

Power and wealth are the ultimate drugs, I hear ... been close enough to both to think there may be a grain of truth to that ...


Duck of Death
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 28, 2008
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N36º11.90´ W95º53.29´


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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oklahoma city
Yep. Just politicians doing what politicians do ... and party purists on both sides miss the bigger picture, just eat it up, and ultimately cripple the moderates out there ...

Power and wealth are the ultimate drugs, I hear ... been close enough to both to think there may be a grain of truth to that ...
far more than a grain of truth BadgeBunny....those two things will be our undoing....ultimately its unbridled greed...


Jan 24, 2013
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How ironic the OP brought up hypocrisy. The selective outrage is deafening.

Everyone should be concerned about Hitlery's illegal activities, but since she's running for POTUS it will get overlooked by most.

Anyone that uses the phrase "Hitlery" is beneath contempt. Not only are you not helping, you are the problem. It's like you received a command from on high to go forth and be useless.


Duck of Death
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 28, 2008
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N36º11.90´ W95º53.29´
Anyone that uses the phrase "Hitlery" is beneath contempt. Not only are you not helping, you are the problem. It's like you received a command from on high to go forth and be useless.

Oh well. Call me contemptuous. Your ad-hominem is expected as well as typical. Keep up the good work.

Oh, and **** off.


Special Hen
Mar 16, 2006
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Del City, Oklahoma
A list of Hitlery's lies..........

Admitted Lies

- Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. (She was in bed watching it on TV.)

- Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. (She admitted she was wrong. He climbed Mt. Everest five years after her birth.)

- She was under sniper fire in Bosnia. (A girl presented her with flowers at the foot of the ramp.)

- She learned in The Wall Street Journal how to make a killing in the futures market. (It didn't cover the market back then.)

Whoppers She Won't Confess To

- She didn't know about the pardons of members of the violent Puerto Rico nationalist group FALN.

- She didn't know that her brothers were being paid to get pardons that Clinton granted.

- Taking the White House gifts was a clerical error.

- She didn't know that her staff would fire the travel office staff after she told them to do so.

- She didn't know that the Peter Paul fund-raiser in Hollywood in 2000 cost $700,000 more than she reported it had.

- She opposed NAFTA at the time.

- She was instrumental in the Irish peace process.

- She urged Bill to intervene in Rwanda.

- She played a role in the '90s economic recovery.

- The Rose Law Firm billing records showed up on their own.

- She thought Bill was innocent when the Monica scandal broke.

- She was always a Yankees fan.

- She had nothing to do with the New Square Hasidic pardons (after they voted for her 1,400 to 12 and she attended a meeting at the White House about the pardons).

- She negotiated for the release of refugees in Macedonia (who were released the day before she got there).

And the latest......

Hillary Clinton is the most transparent woman she knows. She said so in 2008:

I think I’m probably the most transparent person in public life…I feel you know a lot more about me than you know about anyone else. Much of it untrue, but nevertheless, it’s all out there.

Unfortunately, Hillary is a liar. When news emerged this week that Hillary had set up a private email server the day before her nomination as Secretary of State, and had used her private email address for her entire tenure as Secretary of State so that there were no government records of those emails, and that her aides also used private email addresses, and that her server had the capacity to fully delete emails, and that hackers could have hacked her emails…no one should have been surprised. Of course she did.

Let’s take a trip in the wayback machine.

When Hillary Clinton was 27, back in 1974, she worked for the House Judiciary Committee, which was investigating Richard Nixon. According to her boss, Democrat Jerry Zeifman, Hillary met with Teddy Kennedy’s chief political strategist – a violation of House rules. She then manipulated the system to avoid investigating Nixon, hoping he’d stick around long enough to sink Republican election chances in 1976, letting her boy Teddy into the White House.

According to the guy who shared office space with Hillary, John Labovitz, Hillary gave “erroneous legal opinions” and tried to “deny Nixon representation by counsel.” Zeifman said that Hillary wrote a “fraudulent legal brief” and “confiscated public documents.” Zeifman fired her and wouldn’t give her a letter of recommendation. Zeifman later wrote a book stating that “Hillary Clinton is ethically unfit to be either a senator or president.”

Fast forward twenty years. Hillary’s now in the White House, and there’s a big search going on for a memorandum written by a former presidential aide regarding the firing of members of the White House travel office. They go missing for two years. At the same time, documents regarding Hillary Clinton’s work at the Rose Law firm in Arkansas – specifically, regarding a savings and loan company run by the Clintons’ business partner in the Whitewater land venture – go missing for two years.

Then, in January 1996, they miraculously appear. The Rose Law firm documents magically show up. A White House aide finds them. In the White House. In a storage area in the third-floor of the White House – the private residence of the President and First Lady. And the long-lost memo shows up just a couple of days later. How miraculous. Hillary’s lawyers said that she had no idea the documents were there. Except that the FBI found Hillary’s fingerprints on the documents. Oopsies. Hillary is still the only First Lady in American history to be fingerprinted by the FBI.

All that was before the rise of email. But the Clintons loved email, because it was so much easier to hide emails than to track down every copy of every document for destruction. And hide those emails they did. According to Judicial Watch, Cheryl Mills, Hillary’s hatchet woman helped prevent the Clintons from turning over 1.8 million emails to Judicial Watch, Congress, and federal investigators. 1.8 million emails. When a White House computer contractor tried to reveal this, White House officials allegedly told her to “keep her mouth shut.” Cheryl Mills. You may remember her. She ended up being in charge of document production for Hillary’s State Department in the Benghazi investigation.

When she was Secretary of State, over and over again, document requests to the State Department were rejected, because they didn’t have the documents – Hillary did, on her private server. The Associated Press hit a stonewall. So did Judicial Watch. So did Gawker.

All a big coincidence, of course. It was all a big mixup when Clinton hit man Sandy Berger stole documents from the National Archives and stuffed them down his pants, too. And now Hillary has assured us via Twitter that she wants the State Department to release all her hidden emails.

We should believe her. After all, she’s the most transparent woman in American history. At least, the most transparently corrupt.

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