When Islam infiltrates the US

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Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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How does the modern military/industrial complex deal with non-state actors, including those who already live in the same country? If there is a simple solution, I'm missing it.


Nov 5, 2008
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By no means a current tally but the Middle Eastern problem will never be solved. Centuries of tribal inbreeding and jealousy of Western freedoms have put these people in a position where their rich and religious leaders fuel hate and gift the families for service. On one hand it's brilliant; blame your poverty on civilized cultures hiding what you steal from your people to shift the blame.


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Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
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West OKC
But it's the refugees! Because, umm, wait. Errr, because I read it somewhere and because 'Murica!

Which wave of refugees did McVeigh come in on?
McVeigh was punished. No need for a beer summit, special probe, time to study his upbringing, and so on. We can even talk about it openly without being called racist, white guyaphobe, or McVeighaphobe. Nobody cares if he was going back to school, planned on being a pilot, or was a good boy. We don't have to worry about stopping, or talking about a white male.

P.C. has shut everyone else down. These things will keep happening until people can call things for what they are without being called names and being attacked. dnCNN is already calling people names for speaking up.


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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
I don't know if there are any answers here or not but......
When a lot of this mid-eastern terror came about in the 70's, much of it was politically driven from the proxy wars we were fighting with the soviets in that region and the fact we openly supported Israel. Nowadays it's pretty much ideological. I see a lot of current articles trying to compare mid-east terror to the IRA in the 70's but that too was political so I don't see the correlation except for some of the methods used and the damage that's done. At least the IRA knew they had to keep some of the public on their side, whereas ISIS don't give a damn. I have a few good muslim friends who have FOUGHT (literally) extremists in their own countries like Jordan and Morocco, and have fought extremism in their own mosques. I met some dudes in the Jordanian Air Force, those guys were more western than I am. Anyway, I think a good start for us to bring the poll numbers down that Tristan is posting about how most of them "accept" extremism is for US to show up to the local mosque and hear what they're saying. Engage them and ask them about their beliefs, etc. There are people there willing to sit down with you. After that, one of them tries to behead you for being an infidel, draw and blow him out of his loafers.... I would. And my muslim friends would follow up with secondary shots til he stops twitchin.


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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Just as the Enlightenment was inevitable for western civilization, so, too, is the eastern Enlightenment. The rapid expansion of technology, and in particular the spread of the Internet, will eventually loosen the hold that the radical mullahs have over the young and impressionable. That medieval worldview will collapse under the onslaught of modern technology, for it is not a question of "if"; it is a question of "when" the light will finally penetrate the darkness at the heart of radical Islam. Radical Islam is a huge problem now precisely because the radical mullahs realize that the darkness of their vision is very much in danger of being exposed to the light.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I don't know if there are any answers here or not but......
When a lot of this mid-eastern terror came about in the 70's, much of it was politically driven from the proxy wars we were fighting with the soviets in that region and the fact we openly supported Israel. Nowadays it's pretty much ideological. I see a lot of current articles trying to compare mid-east terror to the IRA in the 70's but that too was political so I don't see the correlation except for some of the methods used and the damage that's done. At least the IRA knew they had to keep some of the public on their side, whereas ISIS don't give a damn. I have a few good muslim friends who have FOUGHT (literally) extremists in their own countries like Jordan and Morocco, and have fought extremism in their own mosques. I met some dudes in the Jordanian Air Force, those guys were more western than I am. Anyway, I think a good start for us to bring the poll numbers down that Tristan is posting about how most of them "accept" extremism is for US to show up to the local mosque and hear what they're saying. Engage them and ask them about their beliefs, etc. There are people there willing to sit down with you. After that, one of them tries to behead you for being an infidel, draw and blow him out of his loafers.... I would. And my muslim friends would follow up with secondary shots til he stops twitchin.

I've posted it elsewhere but the answer is for Islam to modernize. One quick way to do that is declare ISIS and al Qaeda to be apostates. Cut them entirely out of the religion and they will dry up and blow away.

The answer was never within us, it is with them.


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Dec 26, 2016
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We have to ask ourselves did we have this "Muslim problem" some years back and when did we start having the problem? I personally believe that Bush started it and Obama exacerbated the problem with his open borders directives that very few in congress challenged. So, I blame Bush some and Obama a great deal for the Muslim problems not only in the US but throughout the world. And a weak, weak congress that couldn't stand up to Obama and the Democrats that supported Obama.
We have to also ask ourselves if congress is actually serving us or themselves. And, if Maxine Waters is an example of what we have working for us in congress are we really safe.

Hate to be a dick but you need to look into this a lot more!! The Muslim problem started long before any of us had heard of either Bush or Oboma!!!


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Just as the Enlightenment was inevitable for western civilization, so, too, is the eastern Enlightenment. The rapid expansion of technology, and in particular the spread of the Internet, will eventually loosen the hold that the radical mullahs have over the young and impressionable. That medieval worldview will collapse under the onslaught of modern technology, for it is not a question of "if"; it is a question of "when" the light will finally penetrate the darkness at the heart of radical Islam. Radical Islam is a huge problem now precisely because the radical mullahs realize that the darkness of their vision is very much in danger of being exposed to the light.
There is a lot of truth here. ^^^BUT the islamic state and china as well a others shut down the parts of the internet they don't want their people to see.
There are ways around it, but the punishment is sometimes death.
It's similar to what's happening in the farming/ranching community. (bare with me)
The kids in the past went to rural schools and when getting out of the 12th grade or earlier went back to the farm to continue the legacy.
With the internet, these farm kids have decided they don't want to wade in cow crap all their lives and want something different.

So yes, the internet will make a difference if they can actually have full access and not have censored internet like they do now.

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