Trump admits he is taking hydroxichloroquine

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Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
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He does it for the reaction, lives off of the media reaction imo. Just like not wearing a mask, traveling to different states over the last few weeks. If it raises the msm eyebrows, he's going to do it. Genius imo. They attack him everyday no matter what he does or doesn't do, what he says or doesn't say, so what difference does it make?
I don't think it makes a single bit of difference, I just wish he'd exercise a bit more discretion. As an old friend used to say, you can only tell what you know, but that doesn't mean that you have to tell everything you know.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Most the time Iggy confuses me so much that I understand.

I've been in that aura for many years now. You would have been blessed with his earlier dichotomy of the state of the nation or the non state of the nation depending on the gravitational powers of the moon also known as tides.
You can or cannot take these mind warping editorials to heart or the colon.
It's just that simple.

The Scribe

Special Hen
Feb 11, 2020
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My sisters best friend was diagnosed with Covid19 this past week. The first hospital in Tulsa she went to (not sure which one) gave her NOTHING and sent her home telling her to “tough it out”. She got worse over Wednesday night into yesterday. She went to a different hospital and the doctors there gave her the hcq, azith, zinc cocktail and she was far better this morning. Her 02 sats were back to normal on room air and she felt a ton better. The treatment WORKS. The asshats don’t want it used. They want everyone scared and staying home. That way they can push for mail in voting and rob potus (try) of the election. But that won’t happen. We will be back up and running soon and he already said we will not shut down again.

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Unarmed boating accident survivor
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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 22, 2017
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My sisters best friend was diagnosed with Covid19 this past week. The first hospital in Tulsa she went to (not sure which one) gave her NOTHING and sent her home telling her to “tough it out”. She got worse over Wednesday night into yesterday. She went to a different hospital and the doctors there gave her the hcq, azith, zinc cocktail and she was far better this morning. Her 02 sats were back to normal on room air and she felt a ton better. The treatment WORKS. The asshats don’t want it used. They want everyone scared and staying home. That way they can push for mail in voting and rob potus (try) of the election. But that won’t happen. We will be back up and running soon and he already said we will not shut down again.

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Thanks for sharing!


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
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My sisters best friend was diagnosed with Covid19 this past week. The first hospital in Tulsa she went to (not sure which one) gave her NOTHING and sent her home telling her to “tough it out”. She got worse over Wednesday night into yesterday. She went to a different hospital and the doctors there gave her the hcq, azith, zinc cocktail and she was far better this morning. Her 02 sats were back to normal on room air and she felt a ton better. The treatment WORKS. The asshats don’t want it used. They want everyone scared and staying home. That way they can push for mail in voting and rob potus (try) of the election. But that won’t happen. We will be back up and running soon and he already said we will not shut down again.

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Good to hear she is recovering.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
My sisters best friend was diagnosed with Covid19 this past week. The first hospital in Tulsa she went to (not sure which one) gave her NOTHING and sent her home telling her to “tough it out”. She got worse over Wednesday night into yesterday. She went to a different hospital and the doctors there gave her the hcq, azith, zinc cocktail and she was far better this morning. Her 02 sats were back to normal on room air and she felt a ton better. The treatment WORKS. The asshats don’t want it used. They want everyone scared and staying home. That way they can push for mail in voting and rob potus (try) of the election. But that won’t happen. We will be back up and running soon and he already said we will not shut down again.

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Meanwhile the press in Michigan continues to say the same drug use by millions since the 40's safely for long term illnesses is now causing heart attacks and killing people.
Who is right? The medical community that has been prescribing this for years or the press?


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2010
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Meanwhile the press in Michigan continues to say the same drug use by millions since the 40's safely for long term illnesses is now causing heart attacks and killing people.
Who is right? The medical community that has been prescribing this for years or the press?

Follow the money...

The Scribe

Special Hen
Feb 11, 2020
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Meanwhile the press in Michigan continues to say the same drug use by millions since the 40's safely for long term illnesses is now causing heart attacks and killing people.
Who is right? The medical community that has been prescribing this for years or the press?

Why would anyone in their right mind believe the MSM over doctors all over the world who have proof that it works because their patients are proof it works. It’s not a hard choice. I’m willing to bet that the “vaccine that trump is talking about is enough hcq for everyone who wants it. And NOT the crap that Gates is pushing. Why would anyone also believe him over doctors? He didn’t even graduate high school and we are supposed to believe that he and his cronies have vaccines for everyone on the planet? If someone believes him then they deserve exactly what they get.

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Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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Why would anyone in their right mind believe the MSM over doctors all over the world who have proof that it works because their patients are proof it works. It’s not a hard choice. I’m willing to bet that the “vaccine that trump is talking about is enough hcq for everyone who wants it. And NOT the crap that Gates is pushing. Why would anyone also believe him over doctors? He didn’t even graduate high school and we are supposed to believe that he and his cronies have vaccines for everyone on the planet? If someone believes him then they deserve exactly what they get.

Holy crap that's an action packed paragraph right there. First, if HCQ was the vaccine lots of big pharma is wasting a lot of money and they don't like to waste money, they like to make money. That's why US drug prices are higher than the rest of the world. HCQ doesn't have the profit margin I'm sure that any new vaccine would have.

Second, it's been proven for what it's approved for, it's anecdotal on how it works with COVID. Viagra was originally developed by Pfizer for the treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure) and angina pectoris (chest pain due to heart disease). During the heart clinical trials, researchers discovered that the drug was more effective at inducing erections than treating angina. Many drugs are "created" trying to solve one thing and then discovered to work for other stuff. The COVID connection of HCQ at present is that it might be effective at treating a symptom that aids in recovery, but I'm sure most competent medical doctors are going to weight that against the potential side effects of hallucinations and heart arrhythmia (maybe more) before saying "hey everyone go take this!"

Third, I'm going to trust Gates because he decided to retire from being the richest person on the planet, and give his money away to make the world a better place and has spent years working with people at the top of their fields to do that in the most effective way possible. "But but he dropped out". First off, he didn't drop out of high school, he dropped from college. Lebron skipped college basketball because he didn't need it and no one questions his NBA credentials on that note. Gates was accepted to Harvard, Princeton and Yale, went to Harvard but decided to drop and go the computer route. Want some more people that dropped out? Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Oprah, Mark Suckerberg? Even more, how about Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, Coco Chanel, Colonel Sanders, David Green (Hobby Lobby), Frank Lloyd Wright, Frederick Henry Royce (Rolls Royce), John D. Rockefeller Sr. The list goes on.

Thankfully Jobs dropped out of school and went on to create Apple so that this part of your post was possible:
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Mar 22, 2020
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Okielqnder said:
Perhaps this will kill him
What happened to his post? It disappeared. Did he delete it?
Did he get butthurt
We're Sorry.....NOT
I certainly did not pull the post...….. All would have to know the drugs affect the heart. I was obviously sarcastic. we all know that Trump has no heart. almost 1000.000 dead and we have had no mention of a national day of mourning. Where have we strayed?

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