In what kinds of crime were you the victim? And why?

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 9, 2005
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Road rage that ended in shooting I was a passenger and a guy break checked us and the driver of the vehicle I was honked at the guy and he followed us then opened fire didn't end well for him.

I was a pedestrian and was hit by a drunk driver.

Attempted mugging, didn't end the way the suspect would have hoped.

My uncle Sam keeps skimming money out of my pay checks every payday, I still haven't figured out how to get him to stop.

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Here for Frens
Special Hen
Sep 26, 2014
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Then, in 2005 I let my cousin's girlfriend move in with me. Bad idea, she stole four pair of shoes from me and my decorative swords. I got the swords back but I couldn't get my shoes back. I hate theives!!!!
I had a girlfriend move in with me a few years back. She left when I was out of town, took all her stuff, and my brand new handle of decent vodka, and a brand new immersion blender. I still b**** about it every time I use my new blender or buy a new bottle of vodka. Luckily the vodka doesn’t happen but every few years now.


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Hmmm ... Let's see ...

I've been beat. Guy who did that was confused when I wanted to make nice a few weeks later. Took him out to our local watering hole and bought him a few drinks, told him not to worry I wouldn't help the DA. (They always wanna press charges when you gotta go to the hospital to get patched up.) He thought he was gonna get the best sex of his life that night. Not my fault I thought he was more into BDSM than he was. Also not my fault he didn't ask about a safe word before we got started. :anyone:

I've been raped. Same kinda deal. I made sure thru mutual friends he thought I'd decided I liked it. Apparently he thought no meant yes. He got another roll in the hay, too. Funny ... All of a sudden no really did mean no. Too bad I thought we were playing by his original rules -- not the new, updated version.

Been shot in the general direction of. They weren't gunning for me -- just somebody standing around in the same group I was with.

Had stuff stolen by roommates and strangers. Mostly family, though. Speaking of family, y'all don't have the time, nor the stomach, to hear some of the stuff my mother did. And my dad would just patch me up and remind me it could always be worse. Thank God they are both dead and gone now and the rest of them know better than to come around and mess with me. I kinda enjoy the peace and quiet I have now. :coffee2:


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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Hmmm ... Let's see ...

I've been beat. Guy who did that was confused when I wanted to make nice a few weeks later. Took him out to our local watering hole and bought him a few drinks, told him not to worry I wouldn't help the DA. (They always wanna press charges when you gotta go to the hospital to get patched up.) He thought he was gonna get the best sex of his life that night. Not my fault I thought he was more into BDSM than he was. Also not my fault he didn't ask about a safe word before we got started. :anyone:

I've been raped. Same kinda deal. I made sure thru mutual friends he thought I'd decided I liked it. Apparently he thought no meant yes. He got another roll in the hay, too. Funny ... All of a sudden no really did mean no. Too bad I thought we were playing by his original rules -- not the new, updated version.

Been shot in the general direction of. They weren't gunning for me -- just somebody standing around in the same group I was with.

Had stuff stolen by roommates and strangers. Mostly family, though. Speaking of family, y'all don't have the time, nor the stomach, to hear some of the stuff my mother did. And my dad would just patch me up and remind me it could always be worse. Thank God they are both dead and gone now and the rest of them know better than to come around and mess with me. I kinda enjoy the peace and quiet I have now. :coffee2:

:ooh2::sorry4: :scream: :fullauto:

That's all I can say.


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Hmmm ... Let's see ...

I've been beat. Guy who did that was confused when I wanted to make nice a few weeks later. Took him out to our local watering hole and bought him a few drinks, told him not to worry I wouldn't help the DA. (They always wanna press charges when you gotta go to the hospital to get patched up.) He thought he was gonna get the best sex of his life that night. Not my fault I thought he was more into BDSM than he was. Also not my fault he didn't ask about a safe word before we got started. :anyone:

I've been raped. Same kinda deal. I made sure thru mutual friends he thought I'd decided I liked it. Apparently he thought no meant yes. He got another roll in the hay, too. Funny ... All of a sudden no really did mean no. Too bad I thought we were playing by his original rules -- not the new, updated version.

Been shot in the general direction of. They weren't gunning for me -- just somebody standing around in the same group I was with.

Had stuff stolen by roommates and strangers. Mostly family, though. Speaking of family, y'all don't have the time, nor the stomach, to hear some of the stuff my mother did. And my dad would just patch me up and remind me it could always be worse. Thank God they are both dead and gone now and the rest of them know better than to come around and mess with me. I kinda enjoy the peace and quiet I have now. :coffee2:
OMG, you really have drunk from the skulls of your enemies...



Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
Reaction score
OMG, you really have drunk from the skulls of your enemies...

View attachment 197119

Haha! You made me snicker. In all honesty the only reason some people are still alive is because I don't look good in orange. I prefer to play nice. If I had my way people would just not be so damned mean. If someone tells you what a crazy unhinged ***** I am you can rest assured that they earned getting to see that side of me.

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