Oklahoma Gov. Stitt won't renew hunting, fishing compacts with Cherokee, Choctaw tribes

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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Well i have both Choctaw and Cherokee blood in me but neither has been willing to help any of my family but then neither has the .gov so im down on all. But i have seen the Choctaws milk this city of money with nothing in return that the average citizen could benefit from.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Well i have both Choctaw and Cherokee blood in me but neither has been willing to help any of my family but then neither has the .gov so im down on all. But i have seen the Choctaws milk this city of money with nothing in return that the average citizen could benefit from.
Supposedly I have Cherokee and Comanche blood but that is only family history and it does not matter anyway. I do not let what my blood my have or what nationality my ancestors may have been define me. I am me, an American first and foremost. Anyone does not like it can kiss my butt.


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
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How is $6,320 “millions of dollars”???
If the Choctaw and Cherokee nations are actually paying for the 200,000 licenses but only issuing 3,000 of them, that's a heck of a win for ODWC--instead of the $130,000-ish they might've gotten for full-freight license sales, they got $400,000. (This is assuming that the fees paid for the unused licenses are accounted for elsewhere on ODWC's books.)

Either way, it's not millions of dollars.


Are you serious?
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Dec 31, 2013
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Logan County
Seems like we've had discussions about these compacts before . . . my wife and daughters would submit requests for their licenses from the Choctaws and I'd get my annual fishing license from the Cherokees. So we'll miss getting those, but I've got my lifetime hunting license so it's not a huge loss for me personally.

I haven't looked into the math so I don't know exactly how much money is being lost, but I'm tired of Stitt acting like a petulant child. He's not doing himself any favors by continually picking fights with Oklahoma tribes.


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May 15, 2010
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Unfixed Arrow
Seems like we've had discussions about these compacts before . . . my wife and daughters would submit requests for their licenses from the Choctaws and I'd get my annual fishing license from the Cherokees. So we'll miss getting those, but I've got my lifetime hunting license so it's not a huge loss for me personally.

I haven't looked into the math so I don't know exactly how much money is being lost, but I'm tired of Stitt acting like a petulant child. He's not doing himself any favors by continually picking fights with Oklahoma tribes.
You sound a little biased. Honestly, did we pick him to represent the Indian tribes or the state of Oklahoma?
My great grandparents on my dad’s side, paternal and maternal, were half Comanche in SW OK. As the times changed, they wanted nothing to do with the Indians and aligned more with the “white man’s” work ethic and gumption. Never went on the ‘roles’. The grandparents left in the late 40’s and went all around the world with the USAF, then settled in Texas. My wife and I wanted out of Texas in 2009, so we moved back to Oklahoma.
I say the governor should try to represent all people. However, when there is a divergence of opinions, hard choices must be made. Sometimes those outcomes don’t favor one side.
The Supreme Court has really stepped off in it. I think soon we may wish hunting & fishing compacts were the only thing affected. McGirt has really opened up a bunch of cans of big worms that we really haven’t seen fully impact the state yet. It could get a lot worse before it gets better, unfortunately. I have to think that the educated men and women on the bench had to have foreseen at least some of these problems.

Matt Giroux

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Mar 29, 2020
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I believe the McGirt ruling did "create chaos" and Im tired of hearing about "Native Americans" skirting justice because of their heritage. The whole tribe can pay full price just like me
There is no "skirting" of justice lol, the ones in prison just thought there would be. The main difference on the judicial side is that any tribal member that committed a crime on tribal lands has to go before a Federal Court rather than a local (county) court. Most of the local jurisdictions have already cross deputized with tribal LEO so the criminals can still be arrested. They just have to stand before a federal judge now, which actually sucks worse for them because the federal system did away with probation. So if you get 10 years you're doing 10 years.

Matt Giroux

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Mar 29, 2020
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The Supreme Court has really stepped off in it. I think soon we may wish hunting & fishing compacts were the only thing affected. McGirt has really opened up a bunch of cans of big worms that we really haven’t seen fully impact the state yet. It could get a lot worse before it gets better, unfortunately. I have to think that the educated men and women on the bench had to have foreseen at least some of these problems.
They only caused more headache for their other federal court friends, now all tribal cases have to go before the federal courts as they did pre-statehood, the federal courthouse dockets around Oklahoma are going to be full for AWHILE


Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty...
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Apr 5, 2010
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JuneBug OKLA
He’s giving away millions of dollars because he’s a racist against the tribes. Mark the words the tribes are going to assert sovereignty over tribal lands and no tribal members will a state license.
I don't believe this is the case. Let me offer a different perspective. Stitt is Governing for the state, a red state at that. He's applying state constitutional principles to his business practices that serve all peoples of the state. He’s treating the Tribes for what they actually are and self-professed; that is sovereign entities. The states fabric is intertwined with "Indianistans" proclaiming nationhood, claiming federal protections, and operating their own governments in a dependent socialist manner. Nothing wrong with a people who desire this, until their desires begin having an unreasonable impact on the laws and social norms of neighboring populations. I suspect Stitt is merely protecting the interest of the State of Oklahoma when dealing with the individual, and sovereign nature of tribal-nation-states.

Supposedly I have Cherokee and Comanche blood but that is only family history and it does not matter anyway. I do not let what my blood my have or what nationality my ancestors may have been define me. I am me, an American first and foremost. Anyone does not like it can kiss my butt.
Me either. Proud to be defined as a constitutional loving American first, anything else is just a colorful subcategory of me. Long live the Republic!
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Special Hen
Dec 17, 2008
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IMHO McGirt was McWrong, but I'm of the mindset that if you live on dirt from the Atlantic to the Pacific in USA territory that you're an American and should identify as such. At this point we're all "Native American" unless you hopped a boat yourself. Get over it and join or go make your own place and defend it.

Also, it's not Racist, stop using that word. At the most you'd be bigoted. Indian isn't a race, no matter how much they redefine the lines. Your races are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid. Anything else is just mixing the three.

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