Kids Now A Days

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 25, 2006
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Ponca City,OK.
I've been working on finishing up some chain link fence repairs. Friday, I dug out, poured, and set a new corner post. I had the post perfectly plumb with two torpedo levels. Saturday morning, I went to see how much the cement had cured. I could see the post was off while walking up to it. It was out an inch and one half at the top. I was pissed. The only thing I thought could have moved it was being hit with a basketball from the kid next door. They play right next to where I was putting the post. So, I rigged up my receiver hitch hoist I made onto my truck and pulled the post out. The post pulled up right out of the cement. So, I busted out more of the cement and reset the post. Not knowing what knocked the post out of plumb, I install one of my cameras to keep tabs on it. I checked out the post this morning and it was still good. Tonight, a little after 7:00 I got and email alert on the camera being tripped. I checked out the footage to see the kid next door walk by my post to get his basketball. When he walked back by, he grabbed the post and shook it. I guess it didn't move enough for him, so he kicked it a few times. This pretty much cleared up how it got out of plumb the first time. Pissed off doesn't even describe how mad I was. I went over there, and the kid had gone inside, and nobody would answer the side door. So, I went around to the front door, and nobody would answer it either. By then the kid had come back out so, I asked him if his parents were home and he said no. This kid looks to be about 10 years old. I don't know the law on leaving a kid that young home alone. I had been back home about 15 minutes and the mother drove up. She met me at the fence, and we had a little talk about junior. If it happens again, I guess I'll have to get the law involved.


Special Hen
Feb 10, 2022
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Parent's don't watch their kids anymore. They send them to school and then make "funny" posts about how their kids are so annoying, and they're so tired of parenting, and how they're feeding them candy for dinner because they don't want to cook. It's disgusting.

Facebook Moms will be the downfall of America.


Special Hen
Mar 8, 2016
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Boone, NE
When I lived in waco, I was sitting in the house minding my own business and heard a thud on the roof. I thought it was weird so I muted the TV to try and listen and I heard another one. And then another one. I looked out the back windows and saw two punk little kids throwing rocks at my house for no reason at all. I had never had a slightest interaction with him and didn't even know who they were but for some reason they thought my place was a good one to throw rocks at. I snuck out the front around the side of the house and they saw me coming so they booked it down the street and one of them ran in to his house and the other kid into his. I stopped at house number one and let the dad know what was up and he said I would not have to worry about that happening ever again. I got to the second house and the kid peaked around the corner when I banged on the front door and ran but then his dad came up and tried to throw me attitude saying that his kid would never do such a thing and I let him know that if I ever caught that son of a ***** again I would not be coming to the house I would call the police and let them deal with it. Thankfully I never had to deal with that again so I think I made it a bit of an impression on them.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
"Get off my lawn!!!" (Sorry I couldn't help it)

I would tell the parents JR would need to be out tomorrow evening to help fix it for the 2nd time. Have the kid do a little work, he may not be as bad as he seems, just a little neglected.
Yep! I had a bunch of kids come on one of my wheat fields once to have a party. Pretty secluded with their location below a hill so it couldn't be seen from the road. (pics posted and story told a couple years ago on OSA) They destroyed about three acres of near ripe wheat with their dirt bikes and atv's.
After the Sheriff, OHP showed up and rounded up all the kids, parents were called to come collect their kids.
Several of the parents approached me saying their kids would be available for some summer work to pay off their part of the damages they caused. A couple of the parents tried to defend their kids actions that wasn't cool with me or the OHP officer. He read them the riot act for 10 minutes with a speech I would have given a hundred bucks to record.
He dressed them down like a drill sergeant on day one of boot camp. They didn't pay their share either, so it was a good dressing down, but had no effect.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Part is the parents fault and some of it falls on the .gov trying to tell parents how to raise their kids. I know im having hell with a foster kid right now and they tie your hands to a point you cant do anything and they dont care as long as the kid is out of their hair and they dont have to deal with it and to make matters worse it has been 6 months with no assistance like they promised except medical bills on the child. I didnt take the kid in for the payments but when they make promises they need to stick to it and do it promptly since they made us jump thru hoops to get the house ready for the child and only had a week to do it. And we wasnt even signed up to be foster parents them came begging us to take the kid cause they had no place to put her.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 22, 2009
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Broken Arrow
I remember doing stupid crap when I was young, not throwing rocks at houses dumb, but boy stuff. I got stories.
Me too, but I can also attest that my parents would have whooped my butt, made me properly place the new post, and pay for the materials. Seems that teaching responsibility is a foreign concept to today's parents.

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