Remember Toxic Masculinity?---Dad Teaches Trans Son to Shave in Heartwarming New Gillette Ad

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Special Hen
May 11, 2016
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Southern Oklahoma
sure, it's one difference for why things like beastiality and pedophilia are very different than things like homosexuality. But if people would stop saying that homosexuality leads to the other then maybe it'd be easier to see that they understand why consent matters. I wasn't trying to condescend. just pointing out that it seems like it's being overlooked as a distinguishing factor.

And i brought up consent again since you responded directly to a comment regarding it. I apologize if your response wasn't an attempt to rebut the quoted material and i misunderstood.
My criticism (if there was any) was regarding the "straw man" remark. Folks seem to think that phrase makes any analogy moot. It does not.

I never said that one leads to the other. I simply pointed out that if one group is "born that way," there's no reason to think the other is not. And if it's a choice, then LGBTs should stop telling folks they're born that way.

It's none of my business what consenting adults do in private, PROVIDING THEY KEEP IT PRIVATE. It becomes my business when I'm constantly bombarded with (and expected to accept) lifestyles that I find abhorrent.

YMMV. :drunk2:


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
My criticism (if there was any) was regarding the "straw man" remark. Folks seem to think that phrase makes any analogy moot. It does not.

I never said that one leads to the other. I simply pointed out that if one group is "born that way," there's no reason to think the other is not. And if it's a choice, then LGBTs should stop telling folks they're born that way.

It's none of my business what consenting adults do in private, PROVIDING THEY KEEP IT PRIVATE. It becomes my business when I'm constantly bombarded with (and expected to accept) lifestyles that I find abhorrent.

YMMV. :drunk2:

ah. But i still think consent matters, regardless of being born that way or if it's a choice. It is a big things that distinguishes homosexuality from the others mentioned. So saying 'we can't allow it because it will lead to the other' is a faulty argument that is repeatedly brought up (see the meme a few pages back). Call it a straw man or simply 'dumb' or whatever else.

And as for the 'bombarded' stuff, well heterosexuals don't really do a good job of keeping 'it private' so why should homosexuals? But i'm not trying to change your mind about how you feel. I just find it funny that people react so aggressively about seeing two dudes kiss, yet are totally normalized to seeing a man and woman and even get excited when it's two women (maybe not you, but see other threads about this topic and you'll find plenty of references i bet).

As you said, YMMV. Cheers


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 12, 2017
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If the same argument that defends the social and legal obligation to recognize and accept a person’s arbitrary transposition of their own gender in direct conflict with their biological sex (that something is true by virtue of an individual’s arbitrary desire that it is true), then this same argument could be used to legitimize a mature pedophile’s decision to be recognized as a silly little child.

Rational logic doesn’t apply in either case. Forcing individuals in society and the law to accept either premise is arbitrary, unjust and irrational. Enforcement of any law that affirms such a distortion of reality is a coercive act of tyranny.

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Non-truth : The bible says you can't judge me, that means "it is all good".

Granted y'all seem to cherry pick meaning out of the bible to persecute others much in the same the muslims do with the koran....... but...

I was under the understand it was up to "god" for the judgment but that doesn't mean it's all good.

To conflate homosexuality or even transgenders with pedophilia is a common tactic and justification for persecution. It's been used quite often by christians and other religions throughout history. The American Indians were savages.... makes it easier to slaughter them and take their land.....the slaves..... savages too... subhuman....etc. Now these homos must be pedophiles..... not like our priests though.... they are different. The silence is deafening around here when it comes to that subject though. Do as we say, not as we do.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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If the same argument that defends the social and legal obligation to recognize and accept a person’s arbitrary transposition of their own gender in direct conflict with their biological sex (that something is true by virtue of an individual’s arbitrary desire that it is true), then this same argument could be used to legitimize a mature pedophile’s decision to be recognized as a silly little child.

Rational logic doesn’t apply in either case. Forcing individuals in society and the law to accept either premise is arbitrary, unjust and irrational. Enforcement of any law that affirms such a distortion of reality is a coercive act of tyranny.

I had no idea a Gillette commercial could write laws and social norms......

Ethan N

Special Hen
Mar 31, 2013
Reaction score
OKC Area
Other than the fact that all sins equally condemn the sinner, I don’t know why so many Christians say all sin is equal or no sin is worse than any other. I’ve never seen any biblical support for this idea. All sin is abhorrent and worthy of death, but some sins are definitely worse than others. It’s not really of any practical importance that I can think of though.

I wouldn’t consider homosexual acts worse than any other fornication, or only slightly so. And homosexuality itself isn’t sin any more than heterosexual temptation is sin. It’s choosing to engage in sexual thoughts and acts that is sin. I also personally believe men embracing effeminateness in ways that deny their created sex can be sinful.


Special Hen
Jul 14, 2005
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Broken Arrow
Aren't all sins equal?

No, they are not. They all have the same effect of causing us to fall short of God's perfection, but that does not mean they are equal or the same in terms of how bad they are. Depending on the sin, they can vary in the damage they cause or how far they push one from God. Look at Cain and Abel. If Cain had lied about something that morning, it wouldn't even be in the same league as murdering his brother, would it? This is how it is with sin, the worse it is, usually the worse its effects. That isn't to say that lying is without its trouble, because it usually grows into something larger or comes back one too.

Why do Christian' consider homosexuality a "worse" sin than, let's say lying?

For one thing, the bible does say that sexual sin is more serious. On the level of society, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed over it. Its effect, like all sin, is damage and destruction. Look at what has happened to our country in the past 50 years. Dad's are teaching their little girls they can be young men and it is heartwarming! We have like 73+ so called genders.

I don't deny there is an element of hypocrisy in it. It is easy for people who aren't homosexuals in sexual sin to think they are lily white. If they are guilty of another sexual sin like stealing another man's wife, they have committed a serious sin as well.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 12, 2017
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I had no idea a Gillette commercial could write laws and social norms......


Commercials that promote solidarity with special interest groups; unwholesome, degenerate, and culturally destructive societal trends, are strategically intended to inure the public to these offensive processes and to eliminate resistance to imposed social changes that would force citizens to comply with unjust and irrational legislation, fund accommodations in public facilities and the military, and weaken our nation’s culture by the intentional emasculation and disempowerment of men in our aren’t going to enlist or draft many soldiers or marines when half of our young men are wearing dresses and the rest are dating them. I’d love to hear what my Drill Instructor would have said if he saw the sissified crap that goes on today.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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