Injunction Denied By Judge Re: Permitless Carry

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Special Hen
Oct 1, 2018
Reaction score
I'm not a lawyer, sounds like you are, but I see some problems with this.
Pot is illegal under fed law, you're not allowed to carry (or even posses) a gun if you are a user of illegal drugs. So how does all this add up to a lawyer being able to do both? And you just admitted in a public forum that you did this; could that be a problem with the BAR assoc?

Am I missing something? Edumacate me.

The bar won't give a crap about this. If I were a betting man, I would say at *least* 25% of lawyers smoke pot. There is a HUGE substance abuse problem in the field of law, and it ain't pot.

Yes, I could be subject to federal prosecution. Odds of that happening are pretty slim. Will I carry a weapon and pot at the same time? Nope.

The changed Oklahoma law pretty much tells OSBI to get bent in regards to taking my SDA license. Besides, I never said that I smoked pot...I am just licensed to do so; I am not worried. :)

Edit: If the state tries to take my SDA card, I will sue them. And, barring any professional conflicts, if any member here in Oklahoma gets a pot card and OSBI tries to take their SDA card, then I will help you sue them, bono. Take that to the bank.

wait a minute, I didnt bite anyones head off. Just clarifying the same you mmay have done in the past correcting someone hen they misuse the word clip instead of magazine.

Nope, I wasn't implying that you were biting anyone's head off...I was speaking specifically to the Georgia folks that got all up in arms about it. The abbreviation has the same connotation and folks know what you are talking about...same as "clip" and "magazine." We all have our English/grammar hang-ups...mine is how I see "City of Oklahoma City" used everywhere. It's a city...I get it, no need to say "City of *** City" as this sounds ridiculous to me. Or how people interchange the words "motor" and "engine" which are different things.
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Special Hen
Jul 13, 2016
Reaction score
Outside of Slaughterville, OK
The bar won't give a crap about this. If I were a betting man, I would say at *least* 25% of lawyers smoke pot. There is a HUGE substance abuse problem in the field of law, and it ain't pot.

Yes, I could be subject to federal prosecution. Odds of that happening are pretty slim. Will I carry a weapon and pot at the same time? Nope.

The changed Oklahoma law pretty much tells OSBI to get bent in regards to taking my SDA license. Besides, I never said that I smoked pot...I am just licensed to do so; I am not worried. :)

Edit: If the state tries to take my SDA card, I will sue them. And, barring any professional conflicts, if any member here in Oklahoma gets a pot card and OSBI tries to take their SDA card, then I will help you sue them, bono. Take that to the bank.

That would make for a good fight. If it happens I hope you have the backing and the smarts to take it all the way to the Supreme Court.
9th Circus Court already ruled that Medical Marijuana Card holders were not allowed to purchase firearms. It would be good to get a different ruling from the Tenth Circuit Court and have them force the issue to the Supreme Court.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2018
Reaction score
That would make for a good fight. If it happens I hope you have the backing and the smarts to take it all the way to the Supreme Court.
9th Circus Court already ruled that Medical Marijuana Card holders were not allowed to purchase firearms. It would be good to get a different ruling from the Tenth Circuit Court and have them force the issue to the Supreme Court.
Well, I haven't heard of anyone having their SDA cards revoked for having the pot card, so no damages, and no cause of action. Yet. ;)


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
The deal with this was Lowe was looking for an injunction. There are pretty specific requirements for an injunction (and he should know since he's an attorney) and there was no way he could get close to meeting them. Just another toolbag using the courts for no reason but to say, "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!!!"

Oh, and I am still a fairly new resident to Oklahoma. Folks back in Georgia often ask what it's like living in such a "backwoods" state. When I tell them that I am licensed by the state to carry a gun, practice law and smoke pot, they usually shut up. :)

He wasn’t just looking for an injunction. He has challenged the constitutionality of the law AND asked for an injunction in the meantime. The injunctions (the initial one and the emergency one submitted to the SC) were denied, but my understanding is that the lawsuit is still alive and will proceed through the court.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 8, 2015
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Lincoln county
The bar won't give a crap about this. If I were a betting man, I would say at *least* 25% of lawyers smoke pot. There is a HUGE substance abuse problem in the field of law, and it ain't pot.

Yes, I could be subject to federal prosecution. Odds of that happening are pretty slim. Will I carry a weapon and pot at the same time? Nope.

The changed Oklahoma law pretty much tells OSBI to get bent in regards to taking my SDA license. Besides, I never said that I smoked pot...I am just licensed to do so; I am not worried. :)

Edit: If the state tries to take my SDA card, I will sue them. And, barring any professional conflicts, if any member here in Oklahoma gets a pot card and OSBI tries to take their SDA card, then I will help you sue them, bono. Take that to the bank.

Nope, I wasn't implying that you were biting anyone's head off...I was speaking specifically to the Georgia folks that got all up in arms about it. The abbreviation has the same connotation and folks know what you are talking about...same as "clip" and "magazine." We all have our English/grammar hang-ups...mine is how I see "City of Oklahoma City" used everywhere. It's a city...I get it, no need to say "City of *** City" as this sounds ridiculous to me. Or how people interchange the words "motor" and "engine" which are different things.
Here in Oklahoma we just shorten it up so when someone says they're going/headed to the City everyone knows where they'll be at.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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Dale00 said:
It would be interesting to see the number of terrorist incidents in gun-friendly 2A states vs regulated anti-2A states. This would likely be the perfect response to the people crying there's going to be "blood in the streets". Might also give Moms Demand Action something to mull over.

If we can make it past Halloween we'll probably be ok on Nov 1.
I don't think we'll ever know the exact numbers of terrorist attacks of those foiled in this country because Obama silenced and hid a lot during his tenure. I guess he didn't want o bring discredit upon his people....

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