What did you all have for Christmas dinner?

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
We did our first Prime Rib, with a Spicy Crusted outside, Fried turkey, and all the fixun's.
Now I have to say, I've had some prime rib at restaurants, and in most cases didn't think it was anything to call home about.
Didn't care for the au jous at any of the restaurants, and it was just juice, and I didn't care for it running all over the plate, and getting into the salad, and veggies.
So, its time to play.:D

Made small incisions in the outside, slid some fresh cut garlic pieces into the hole, brushed some olive oil on the roast, added a LOT of the Mckormic(spelling)Monterey Steak Seasoning, LOTS of garlic powder, LOTS of onion powder, and a little white pepper, making a crust, and pressed it into the meat.
Let set for an hour, and put into a 350 degree oven for two hours until the digital thermometer hits 125. Took it out and covered in foil to rest, and took the drippings in the pan and put it into a pan, pouring off the grease.
Put a cup of Good red wine in the pan to deglaze it, and let it reduce to half.
Added a tablespoon of butter, some flour to make a thick Roux, and put the drippings back in with some worchestershire, and a little beef broth to make a "gravy" out of it.
Man it was good.:D

What did you have for Christmas dinner?


Special Hen
Sep 23, 2010
Reaction score
Little Axe
We had one of the gobblers that I got this year, and a nice roast from the doe that my lil cousin shot last week, the one 1 posted about in the hunting section.

Everything was really good, especially the roast, because I really enjoyed listening to him tell the story on how it shot it.

I love teaching kids how to hunt/shoot

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