President Obama is actually good for guns!

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Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Instead of the usual fear mongering, here's something different:

Exposing the Manufactured Fear Mongering Paranoia over Obama and a Gun Ban is a Slick NRA, GOP, ALEC and Koch Brother, Multi-million dollar Marketing Ploy of Deceit.

President Obama Has Only Ever Signed Gun Laws That Expand Owners’ Rights


Why the Gun Industry Secretly Loves Obama

Number Of Gun Dealers Increased By 3000 Under Obama

Gun Sales Booming: Doomsday, Obama or Zombies?

Gun store’s sales increase over 400 percent after President Obama re-elected

The news that the United Nations is ramping up its efforts to secure an Arms Trade Treaty that will be used to disarm America.

Sure, we’d heard this one before. It is usually attributed to a Reuters news report, probably because so few news outlets use Reuters, making it easy to explain why you never see the story in a newspaper or on television news.

And yes, it has been legitimately reported that the U.N. is rewriting its original proposal for an Arms Trade Treaty to make it amenable to those countries who refused to sign the original.

The United States, under the Obama Administration, by the way, was one of those who refused the old proposal.

The scare lore being put forth again contends that Obama intends to use the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty to force gun control and a complete ban on all weapons for Americans. It says that the treaties allow Obama to use the State Department to bypass the normal legislative process in Congress, ignore the Second Amendment and pretty much ban private ownership of all firearms. Then, I guess, the jackbooted thugs will go house-to-house to confiscate all guns.

Yeah, right.

It is true that a new round of talks on the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty is scheduled for next March.

But the further truth is that the treaty has nothing to do with restricting the legal trade or ownership of guns within the United States.

The treaty is being pushed to combat the illicit international trade of arms. In fact, the text of the proposed treaty specifically “reaffirms the sovereign right and responsibility of any State to regulate and control transfers of conventional arms that take place exclusively within its territory, pursuant to its own legal or constitutional systems.”

The doomsdayers kinda ignored that part.

In fact, look it up: Even the most nefarious of leaders can’t sneak past Congress simply because any international treaty must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Senate before it can be ratified and binding.

There is simply is no legal way around the Second Amendment other than a further amendment that repeals or amends it —or a Supreme Court decision that radically reinterprets how the Second Amendment can be applied.

Right now the Supreme Court leans shakily toward the right. Decisions often depend on swingman Justice Kennedy’s leanings and he leaned toward the conservative in both recent landmark Second Amendment rulings.

While Obama (and possibly Cuomo, if he follows) will likely be adding new members to the Supreme Court, justices usually only step down when their party affiliation is in power —which means a liberal justice will retire only when the Democrats are in power and can appoint a liberal replacement.

But the justices are old folks and are prone to die. If a conservative justice dies during a liberal administration, the replacement could easily change the attitude of the court by 180 degrees.

Yeah, that does include the court’s view of the Second Amendment.

Of much more political importance hereabouts is the realization that the New York State Senate is now Democratic controlled. Along with a Democratic-controlled Assembly and a Democratic administration, conservative logic can be shelved.

What does that mean? I think we can be assured that the pistol microstamping law that has passed the Assembly several years running and was blockaded each time in the Senate will likely pass this time.

It will very probably mean the end of semiautomatic pistol manufacturing and sales in the state. There are rolls of gun control bills similarly championed by the Assembly in the past that never made it out of committee in the Senate.

All are now viable; and that’s pretty scary.

David Keene

Up to now David Keene led the American Conservative Union, which is the oldest operating conservative lobbying organization in the country. The ACU runs the event known as CPAC and spends money on lobbying and political campaigns. Keene is still the current President of the National Rifle Association. Which is also a strong lobbying group that is virtually an arm of the Republican Party that glorifies guns and believes that people should be able to carry guns anywhere they go, even near the President of the United States. Keene is mostly on this list because of the NRA. The NRA used to actually serve a valid purpose but has since become a pro-Republican political organization that has mixed guns and politics. It makes them a danger to the political process.

National Rifle Association (NRA)

Every election, they lie and claim that the democrats will take our guns but it has never happened!


Gun sales set record high due to Obama reelection fear

What The Left Won’t Tell You About The Boom In U.S. Gun Sales

NRA Endorses Presidential Candidate, Romney, Who Signed Gun Ban Over Sitting President Who Weakened Gun Regulations

GUN CONTROL OPPONENTS OUTSPEND ADVOCATES 25 TO 1 | Advocates for gun rights have spent nearly 25 times more in Washington than gun control supporters since 2009, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Led by the National Rifle Association, one of the most well known and powerful lobbying forces in politics, gun rights organizations spent $17.4 million on lobbying Congress and the Department of the Interior —about $5 million per year. Besides formal lobbying, these groups have flooded elections with cash; the NRA alone has donated about $2.8 million to state and federal politicians in the past 3 years and has already spent $60,000 on ads attacking President Obama during this election cycle. Republican politicians are their top beneficiaries, including House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), Sen. John Thune (R-SD), and Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV).

The National Rifle Association goes to great lengths (and spends a huge sum of money) to defend the right to bear arms. It is opposed to virtually every form of gun control, including restrictions on owning assault weapons, background checks for gun owners, and registration of firearms. hide

NRA’s influence is felt not only through campaign contributions, but through millions of dollars in off-the-books spending on issue ads and the like. Following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the NRA supported proposals to arm airline pilots with guns. Between 2001 and 2010, the NRA spent between $1.5 million and $2.7 million on federal-level lobbying efforts. During the 2010 election cycle, the NRA spent more than $7.2 million on independent expenditures at the federal level —messages that advocate for or against political candidates. These messages primarily supported Republican candidates or opposed Democratic candidates.

Paranoid NRA Chief: Obama Leaving Gun Owners Alone Is ‘Conspiracy’ To Take Away Guns

NRA uses ‘fear and paranoia’ to prop up gun sales, gun lobby

NRA Kicks Off UN Arms Treaty Conference With Fearmongering

Jon Stewart on the NRA’s Obama Conspiracy Theory

NRA claims ‘massive Obama conspiracy’ not to ban guns

How the Gun Industry Got Rich Stoking Fear About Obama


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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What, no comments? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of Obama, and i don't like what could happen to mosinnagants and AKs if the UN ban goes through. I also don't believe that Obama really wants to reinstate the AWB. I believe his statement during the debates was simply lip-service to the ultra left.


Special Hen
Nov 8, 2012
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Obviously there's a lot of hype. But it's that whole bit of, yeah, sure, Obama probably won't do anything. But given the chance.

And considering the treaty deals with exports/imports, I hope it doesn't affect the stock/prices of things like Uberti rifles.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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What, no comments? Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of Obama, and i don't like what could happen to mosinnagants and AKs if the UN ban goes through. I also don't believe that Obama really wants to reinstate the AWB. I believe his statement during the debates was simply lip-service to the ultra left.

So it was just another Obama-lie (not to be confused with Obama-phone or Obama-care)to his supporters?

And this really cracks me up.....after you accuse him of lying to his supporters you state that you trust him to not attempt a weapons ban. If you look at the sky are you looking up or down?


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
Got news for you: Obama DOES want to disarm you and so does EVERY OTHER RAT SUCKING POL in D.C. You can't trust ANY person in power that says you've nothing to fear when it comes to the 2nd amendment, regardless of what the GOP or the Dems say, regardless of what the NRA or the newspapers say, regardless of what Jon Stewart or Fox news or "" say and regardless of what the apologists on this forum say. You can't trust anyone to actually protect your gun rights and anyone who does is being extremely naive.


Special Hen
Jan 27, 2009
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under the rock
I wish I could find it again, somewhere after the 2008 elections I found an NRA contribtuions break down of people on the Oklahoma ballot. Obama received more than any of the others, I don't think our Senator (I think it was Inhofe in that election ) or any of our congressional delegation received a lot. I don't remember if there was a list of state officers or not. I didn't do a lot of research on it because I was looking for something else and it may be totally bogus, or I might be tripping, or I might be senile. Or any combination there of.
I just wonder if you offered the president a choice , no coal or no guns what you would get.
I bet if you asked the question you would get a totally non-answer answer. But that's politicians for you.
On another note, I occasionally write Inhofe about something, and I always get a response that is specific enough I know someone read what I sent. Now I'm not naive enough to think Inhofe answers every email, but you do get a response. I like that. When it was Nickels, you has just as much chance of getting a response if you flushed it down the crapper. I've only written Coburn once and I did get a response. I wonder if it was the $1000 doallar bills in the envelope?

Oh yeah, I wrote governor goober several times and didn't get squat.


Special Hen
Jan 27, 2009
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under the rock
Has there been any legislation on his desk that would have negatively impacted second ammendment rights?
It's hard to get caught signing something that isn't there........................................yet.


Special Hen
Jan 27, 2009
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under the rock
There are some cases on record where the courts have decided a treaty over rules the United States Constitution. There are also decesions that go the other way.
If the UN Small Arms Treaty passes the senate, would you want the courts to decide?
I think it's a reasonable assumption Obama would sign it if the senate ratifies it.

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