Hillary wipes server clean.

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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Because her doing State department email on her phone or laptop ain't nothing new in government. They all do it and have done it. Yes it was against policy.....so what. She aint SOS anymore. Why waste money investigating, it ain't like this issue will ever see a court room. To think otherwise is folly.

It's the same with fast n furious and Benghazi. When everyone from the President on down knows about something, nobody ever goes to jail except a couple peons. Kinda like Watergate and Iran/Contra.

But i digress. ....this us about a private email account vs a govt provided email account. Either way govt people know what was sent and received.

Personally I wouldn't give a rats ass if they spent 10 billion doing forensics on that thing. It doesn't necessarily even have to go to a courtroom. After a couple of months of letting her sweat while the forensics are going on, you send in a couple of FBI interrogators and ask her if she want's to disclose anything. She just might hang herself disclose her misdeeds and cop a plea. I'd consider it money well spent...


Aug 14, 2012
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Just wishful thinking I'm afraid. I'm sure the penalty is for using a private email account f or govt business isn't very harsh.

I doubt threats of a small fine or jail time will cause her much worry.

Since she actually ain't a govt employee anymore I doubt she'll lose her next job.


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Jan 12, 2007
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This whole email thing is a non starter to anyone but the Hillary haters......and they aint gonna vote for her anyway.

Look I didn't say she was wrong or innocent of any crime. I'm saying nothing won't happen because it's trivial. I'm sure she's broken a lot of laws. Probably breaks speed limit laws....Christ some of yall act like using a private email account is treasonous.

Like I said, yall give Uber rich people way too much credit for petty stuff. I doubt she knows how to buy groceries, or knows how to pay her cell phone bill or who her carrier is.

You're 100% right, which is exactly what is 100% wrong in America today.

The fact that she knows more about selling government access, trading secrets for campaign contributions, destroying records and artfully dodging the truth, than she does working a phone, email or buying groceries should prevent her from even remotely being considered a viable candidate, much less a leading candidate. :(

I'm afraid those emails have gone to the big data wiping center in the sky along with those from the Bush administration and Mitt Romney.

It seems to be epidemic...

Fox noise will be fair minded about it all I'm sure.

They were both sucky candidates too. FOX will not be fair minded, but it will pale in comparison to the lack of fair mindedness displayed by their competitors. While pointing out the red elephant in the room, don't pretend there isn't a blue one right next to it. :(


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Sep 22, 2009
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I seem to remember some where in fine fine print that if one used there private computer to access data and do official goverment work that the PC in question became goverment property. I don't know. Maybe I just dreamed that crap up.


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May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
...It's the same with fast n furious and Benghazi. When everyone from the President on down knows about something, nobody ever goes to jail except a couple peons. Kinda like Watergate and Iran/Contra.

But i digress. ....this us about a private email account vs a govt provided email account. Either way govt people know what was sent and received.

Your history is a little off - the investigations into Watergate lead to the first ever Presidential resignation in US history. I know it isn't jail time but it was serious and it certainly was a direct result of exposing what a politician had done. Don't be too quick to jump to cynical conclusions. Some things take time - change can be affected in the political system but rarely does that happen quickly. It will never happen if good folks throw their hands up and say "I give up, who cares they are all corrupt".


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Apr 6, 2008
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Since several of you guys, Hobbes/Glocktogo, seem to constantly slam Fox News as not being a fair news site, could you please show me all of the articles where they are so obviously unfair? They have reported on Hillary, most certainly, but they've simply reported what she did. They have mentioned that others have also used private emails, but in conjunction with their government accounts, as Hillary did not. Hillary used a private server in her house for all of her government business, if can't see that as a serious problem you're being foolish. It seems like you simply want to attack a source you don't like for some reason. It seems to me, your own bias is showing quite clearly.


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Jan 12, 2007
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Since several of you guys, Hobbes/Glocktogo, seem to constantly slam Fox News as not being a fair news site, could you please show me all of the articles where they are so obviously unfair? They have reported on Hillary, most certainly, but they've simply reported what she did. They have mentioned that others have also used private emails, but in conjunction with their government accounts, as Hillary did not. Hillary used a private server in her house for all of her government business, if can't see that as a serious problem you're being foolish. It seems like you simply want to attack a source you don't like for some reason. It seems to me, your own bias is showing quite clearly.

No, I'm not going to go data-mine their reporting for you, do it yourself. Besides, I'm not so much bashing FOX as I'm bashing the entire Fourth Estate in America today. None of them merely report the news anymore. They intentionally slant their reports to support the political and social views of their owners, management and "talent". They provide "color commentary" and call on people with a vested interest in convincing the viewer to support their views on hotly debated topics.

FWIW, I think Brett Baier is one of the better anchors on TV today.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
No, I'm not going to go data-mine their reporting for you, do it yourself. Besides, I'm not so much bashing FOX as I'm bashing the entire Fourth Estate in America today. None of them merely report the news anymore. They intentionally slant their reports to support the political and social views of their owners, management and "talent". They provide "color commentary" and call on people with a vested interest in convincing the viewer to support their views on hotly debated topics.

FWIW, I think Brett Baier is one of the better anchors on TV today.

At least FOX invites democratic operatives into their discussions to offer an alternative to what ever biased discussing might be going on.

Are you suggesting Juan Williams is a tea party member? He and his extreme left opinion is on there multiple times a day with the talking head pundits. Some times he wins.

Any other MSM outlets doing the same format?

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