When Feral Hogs ATTACK!!

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Special Hen
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
Lincoln County
I was hunting deer yesterday out in Lincoln county and it was about 4:00. I had to head out soon but I decided to take a loop around the fenceline before heading to the truck. I was creeping slowly along and scanning with some 10x binoculars and I spotted a wild pig. Couldn't believe it at first since I've never seen one there or seen evidence of them. I was a bit shocked. I immediately looked around the area for other pigs since they tend to travel in groups. I didn't want to creep up on the piggy and be surprised by a tusky boar charging at me. The pig was solo and so she'll be in the smoker tomorrow. Nice little piggy. Didn't look like a wild pig. Was kinda grey skinned and white bristled with dark spots. I figure it was probably a farm born pig that got loose. First generation wild piggy.

I've heard stories of wild pigs being mean, charging people, and tearing them up. So...

Do you guys have any stories of wild pigs charging, attacking, goring, chewing your leg off or anything sensational?

I'm wondering how big of a threat they really are. Next time I go out there I'll be on the lookout for monster boars and will for sure be ready to run or stand my ground and meet force with force!:gun2::gun2::gun2:


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
My story is about 15 years ago in Kay county, when a farmer answered an ad that said you could raise hogs on hay, instead of feed. He suckered into it, and built pens waiting for the hogs to arrive. The instructions said you had to have a wire bottom, as they dig, and he did not do this so the hogs got out and bred. The local game ranger asked If I'd be interested in a hunt so I jumped all over it.

We walked into an area behind a pond, and jumped them. Three sows, and a boar. I shot the boar in the spine with the 06, and he went down to his front legs, got really angry. He came after me and I pulled out my .44 mag hand gun, and shot him with intention of hitting the brain, but he turned his head at the last minute, and the bullet went full lenght, but no vitals.
He kept coming, and at 3 yds a 220 gr bullet put him down for good.


Special Hen
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Last year I set up a deer feeder on the far bank of my pond hoping to attract some deer. In no time my free range pet ducks found the feeder and started eating off of it. I decided to just let them have their fun until one morning I went out on my porch and looked across my pond just in time to see a big piglike creature swoop in and grab one of the ducks.

I took down the feeder to discourage the ducks from going over there and had the intention of hunting down the creature but never saw another one. A neighbor about 1/4 mile away traps and does something with them or I'd probably have a real problem with them.



Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 30, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
I was hunting deer yesterday out in Lincoln county and it was about 4:00. I had to head out soon but I decided to take a loop around the fenceline before heading to the truck. I was creeping slowly along and scanning with some 10x binoculars and I spotted a wild pig. Couldn't believe it at first since I've never seen one there or seen evidence of them. I was a bit shocked. I immediately looked around the area for other pigs since they tend to travel in groups. I didn't want to creep up on the piggy and be surprised by a tusky boar charging at me. The pig was solo and so she'll be in the smoker tomorrow. Nice little piggy. Didn't look like a wild pig. Was kinda grey skinned and white bristled with dark spots. I figure it was probably a farm born pig that got loose. First generation wild piggy.

I've heard stories of wild pigs being mean, charging people, and tearing them up. So...

Do you guys have any stories of wild pigs charging, attacking, goring, chewing your leg off or anything sensational?

I'm wondering how big of a threat they really are. Next time I go out there I'll be on the lookout for monster boars and will for sure be ready to run or stand my ground and meet force with force!:gun2::gun2::gun2:

Did you get the pig?


Special Hen
Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
Saw my buddies brother get chased by a 300 lber on the coastal range in Cali. All the way up there he was bragging about his 338 Win Mag.. My 338 this and my 338 that. I don't know how you guys hunt with those 270's. You are going to get eaten up and hog cut when those guns don't put down the hogs.

Three hours later we are standing on the ridge and hear that 338 go of once. Then some yelling.. We see Mr. 338 Win mag running down a trail 338ing it over the shoulder. He drops that gun and starts shooting over his shoulder with a 357 mag. Hog chasing him is pissed!!! He climbs a tree, reloads his pistol and shoots three more times. Drops the hog finally. Come to find out, a 338 win mag is a piss poor hog gun if you are a horrible shot with it. He grazed the hog with his first rifle shot and pissed it off. Watching that hog chase him through binocs was kind of funny in retrospect. Not only that, but he destroyed the scope on his rifle when he dropped it. Poor guy didn't have anything to say on the way home....


Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Norman, OK
That's nothing! Last July I was out hunting hogs with a .45-70. I came across one rooting for corn, took aim, and shot him twice in the head. That just pissed him off. He turned to look at me and I saw his eyes--they were glowing red, red like the fires of Hell! The hog stamped his hoof twice, then charged straight at me.

I'd prepared for this moment all my life: I stood my ground, stared him down, and tactically soiled myself. With a cover scent to throw him off the trail, I dropped my rifle, let out a tremendous war-whoop (which sounded nothing like a little girl shrieking), and immediately established a position on the high ground, climbing the nearest tree.

The hog was smarter than I thought, though--he wasn't fooled for a minute by the scent. He walked over, picked up my rifle, reloaded it, and climbed the tree after me. I don't mind telling you I was terrified! Realizing it was him or me, I pulled my Spyderco Endura from my pocket, opened it, and stared Death straight in his glowing eyes. It was on!

While the pig fumbled with the sling on my rifle--my cunning plan to confuse him bore fruit here--I jumped at him, my razor-honed blade at the ready. The pig was too quick for me, though, and stepped aside just as I was about to connect. My arms grabbed thin air, my feet slipped off the branch, and I fell to the ground.

The hog fell for my cunning trap! Believing me to be distracted, he fired all five rounds in my rifle, only hitting me twice. While he recovered from the recoil of the powerful .45-70 Gov't round, I squinted into the sun, drew my arm back, and threw my beloved pocketknife. My aim was true--the blade entered his belly, slitting him clean up the middle, travelled up his neck, and split his skull from the inside, sticking in the top. His internal organs fell with a *splort* in a neat gutpile, then, a few seconds later, he hit the ground with a mighty *thump*, neatly field dressed.

I retrieved my knife from his head, cut out a piece of tenderloin, and savored the sweet, sweet taste of success.

Oh, and I even remembered to take a picture after it was all over: http://www.okshooters.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61204

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