Troy incurs ire by hiring anti gun former Chicago PD Chief and Lon Horiuchi's partner

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Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
Stories here:

and here:

Troy Asymetric, a sister company of the popular AR accessory manufacturer Troy Industries, hired two very controversial instructors. Jody Weis was a former Chicago PD Chief who lobbied against gun ownership and concealed carry -- including advocating against the ownership of many of the products that Troy sells -- and implemented a mandatory fingerprinting scheme for anyone registering a handgun after the McDonald case forced the city to allow handgun ownership. Less than 6 months ago, Mr. Weis wrote an op-ed regarding the Sandy Hook shooting, advocating "enhanced background checks" and restrictions on "high capacity magazines for assault weapons."

Troy Asymetric also hired Dale R. Monroe, who was formerly a sniper on the FBI's HRT. Mr. Monroe was a partner of Lon Horiuchi at the Ruby Ridge standoff when Horiuchi murdered Vicki Weaver by shooting her in the head while she was holding her baby. In a congressional hearing, Monroe said that the shot was justified, and that he would have taken the same shot if he was in a position to make it.

The hiring of these two men has caused a lot of blowback for Troy from the gun owning public. Troy Asymetric immediately fired Mr. Weis after the story broke, but stated that it is reviewing its relationship with Mr. Monroe. They initially pulled both men's profiles from their website, and subsequently pulled all other instructor profiles as well.


Special Hen
Jan 8, 2008
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Saw this on the facebook page. :-)


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 25, 2006
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Rogers County
What the Hell??? Yeah if they dont get rid of Monroe I will boycott troy as well. I absolutely refuse to own a H-S precision stock because they are endorsed by Lon Horuchi.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Steve Troy announced that he's standing behind Monroe and will not terminate his employment.

I appreciate having the opportunity to speak to members of this forum. Troy Asymmetric, part of the “World of Troy,” is a business entity with a director who until this past week, held exclusive hiring authority. I am its owner, it bears my name and as we have witnessed in recent days, effects public opinion of all Troy divisions. Earlier this week, I terminated an instructor who did not support the Second Amendment as ardently as I and members of the community do.

Troy Asymmetric provides training to military and law enforcement personnel. If you spend 5 seconds on the website you’ll see a graphical depiction of a bomb explosion - the primary focus of the company. Take a moment to read the course list and you’ll note a common theme: training pertaining to explosions, bomb threats, post-blast crime scenes, incident command and crisis management. Instructors’ primary areas of expertise lie in the “bomb world,” with EOD experience, critical incident response, and tactical decision making. Some posters on the forum have said we only train “Jack Booted Thugs” and there is a secret agenda. These same posters conveniently ignore Troy Troy Asymmetric to this date has offered no firearms training for Gov’t and LE, but in comparison, Troy Prepared has always offered firearms training to qualified civilians. From a factual, non-emotional context, it is impossible to draw the conclusion that we somehow do not support the Second Amendment and are only training “secret army”.

On August 22, 1992, Dale was an HRT Operator tasked to a mission in which he found himself facing armed adversaries. His thoughts were not only on the situation at hand, but the tragic death of a child and a U.S. Marshal. During this type of confrontation when people die, you don’t have the ability to pick sides, they are drawn before you arrive. Dale did what he was trained to do as a sniper / observer. He was fortunate not to have to take a life at this engagement. Special Agent Horiuchi made the regrettable shot, a mistake for which he will never be forgiven. Of the FBI Agents assigned to the Ruby Ridge tragedy, Dale has been one of the most outspoken. He has delivered dozens of presentations to more than 1000 civilians titled “Mistakes and Lessons of Ruby Ridge”. I weighed carefully the decision whether or not to retain Dale and could find no ethical or moral reason to remove him. Dale has not committed a criminal act, he answered all questions honestly, he did not cover anything up and he did not shoot anyone at Ruby Ridge. Dale was asked to join TA for his critical incident management expertise. Dale was never slated by TA for firearms instruction.

We all know from our biggest failures come the greatest lessons in life. Providing training that is relevant with experienced, qualified instructors can prevent a tragedy like Ruby Ridge. Dale will be able to deliver this powerful message and lessons learned in crisis management and incident command. I am driven and passionate about bringing effective change through pertinent training and speakers that have lived through these nightmares. Many times I have seen posts in forums that state “if you weren’t there then SDASTFU”, with that same school of thought, there is no one better than Dale to speak about tragedies like Ruby Ridge.

I have been a longtime and outspoken supporter of the Second Amendment. I always choose to do what’s right, even if my stance goes against others opinion. I will not throw this man to the wolves as he has demonstrated throughout his life high integrity and honor. I know most of those who would disagree are using this forum to voice your anger towards the United States Government. In some cases that anger is justified. The Ruby Ridge tragedy and the loss of life there make no bigger example of abuse of power and Government gone wrong. However, I disagree with your personal attacks on my family and company as we are not the Government and we are not training “Jack Booted Thugs”. I am a patriot and I swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of The United States, all of it. Those who have taken that same oath recognize the importance of keeping it. Thank you. -Steve Troy


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 19, 2009
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Well Mr.Troy, and himmler was just following orders too.

BTW I wont be getting a flip up rear sight to match the front I bought from your company, might even replace it too.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Well Mr.Troy, and himmler was just following orders too.

BTW I wont be getting a flip up rear sight to match the front I bought from your company, might even replace it too.

The new Magpul MBUS Pro (steel) will be available in September. It and the more expensive KAC offering will be the go-to alternatives for weapons grade folding BUIS.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I can understand how hiring Weis was an eff'd up move and angered both Troy customers and people in general. Fortunately they canned him quickly after so that's good. Here's what I don't understand though, and please forgive my lack of complete knowledge of this subject, I've read quite a bit about it and have watched a couple different shows about it but I'm no expert by any means, but from what I have read I thought former agent Monroe initially called the shot his partner made a justified shot but later changed his position?

He initially supported his partners action based on the instructions they were given by their superiors and testified to such at the hearings following the tragedy. I thought Dale Monroe later went on to denounce what happened at Ruby Ridge? In my opinion if Dale Monroe still maintains that what happened at RR was justified then the disappointment of Troy is also justified but if Monroe has changed his position and no longer considers what happened "justified", as indicated by Troy, then I have no problem with him being hired by their company.

As for boycotting Troy over Weis, he's gone so that's a moot point. Boycotting Troy over Monroe I suppose is just a case of personal opinion and since Monroe never fired a shot at Ruby Ridge and has been vilified for initially supporting his partners action I have no plans to boycott them myself, however if someone else felt boycotting Troy was deserved then I could understand that choice also. Troy Industries has always, up until now, maintained a very respectable reputation and been a standup supporter of second amendment rights when other major companies used the recent attack on 2A rights to increase profits by raising prices. All things considered, at the moment, I have no plans to boycott them but I do wish they would release a statement by Monroe to clarify his current position on what happened during the Ruby Ridge tragedy because I think the Troy Industries customers deserve to know so they can make their own choices on who to support and who not to.

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