2014 Oklahoma Legislature Firearms Bills

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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Well the bills have started to come rolling in and even though there is still a week left to get them submitted, there have already been some firearms related bill turned in for this session.

SB1240 Firearms and the Bus Passenger Safety Act
Would allow permit holders to carry firearms, open or concealed while on public buses

SB1258 Unconcealed handguns demand for certain documents
Would allow LEO to also demand OK drivers license or state ID along with your permit if you are OC

SB1264 Firearms modifying places for unlawful carry
Would allow carry in government buildings (other than federal) unless a security checkpoint must be gone through when entering. Adds Courthouse to list of prohibited places. Looks like it removes the parking lot exemption from sports arenas during professional sporting events and also places that offer para-mutual wagering. Removes the exemption for areas around buildings that are prohibited by the section...guess that would mean no more carrying at rallies at the capital. Removes the Administrative fine for violating the prohibited places list.

SB1266 Application for firearms deleting certain requirement
Removes the SSN requirement from the handgun license application

HB2324 Providing for individual firearms license for FGFSZA
If you are legally allowed to own a firearm in the state, you qualify for exemption from the Federal Gun Free School Zone Act

HB2351 Common Sense Zero Tolerance Act
Prevents schools from punishing students for brandishing pastries that may or may not be partially eaten that may resemble a firearm, from wearing clothing that supports the 2A, from talking about weapons and munitions, from drawing or having pictures of weapons and such.

More to come as I find them.

SB1334 preventing law enforcement from disarming people on their own property
Specifies that absent RAS of a crime, someone cannot be disarmed for carrying a firearm on their own property.

SB1357 Allowing County Commissioners to carry firearms anywhere in the state
Why must we constantly exempt persons in a government office and give them more "liberty" than everyone else??

SB1363 Allowing College and Tech Centers to make their own firearms rules for general public
Universities and Tech centers can grant students permission to carry on campus, but the student would have to carry that permission slip with them. This would allow the college or university to make a blanket policy for non-students.

SB1442 Allowing retired or defeated district attorneys to carry a firearm anywhere in the state
See comment for SB1357

SB1466 Changes to College Carry
Colleges would no longer have to report SDA infractions to OSBI. They would also become exempt from liability for allowing persons to carry on the property

SB1473 Piers Morgan Constitutional Right To Keep and Bear Arms Without Infringement Act

Legislated unlicensed open (and long gun on a sling) carry

SB1753 Removes for dropping off kids at school

Would remove the exemption for possessing a firearm in your vehicle when dropping kids off at school and the driver never leaves the vehicle.

SB2079 Modify definition of pistol
From something that can "...discharge a projectile..." to "...discharge projectiles..."

SB2101 Universal Background Checks

Would require background checks when individuals are selling a firearm at a gun show as an exhibitor. Seller would have to keep records. Buyers are exempt if they have a Handgun License. This needs to die in committee.

SB2109 Limits purchases to 1 of any type of firearm per month
Self explanatory. This needs to die in committee

HJR 1085 Constitutional Carry
Would put fourth a change to the OK constitution to a vote of the people that would require strict scrutiny when legislating carry of firearms.

HB3414 Revocation of License
Allows family members to get a handgun license revoked if you become mentally unstable
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Jack T.

Special Hen
Dec 28, 2005
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I talked to Tim Gillespie (OK2A) last week. It *sounds* like the House won't be a problem, but the Senate will need some. . .encouragement. . .to move on 'em.

He was really pushing the Federal Gun Free Zone fix. He's also talking like they are gonna try to push through a change to the Oklahoma Constitution. We have a good "2nd Amendment" in our Constitution. . .except that right after the good stuff, there is a "; but", and anytime there is a "; but", you know that whatever comes after the "but" will screw up the stuff that came before.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 7, 2009
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... Looks like it removes the parking lot exemption from sports arenas during professional sporting events and also places that offer para-mutual wagering. Removes the exemption for areas around buildings that are prohibited by the section...guess that would mean no more carrying at rallies at the capital...

Am I reading this wrong or does SB1264 need to be defeated?


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Am I reading this wrong or does SB1264 need to be defeated?
I don't think I would go that far just yet, but it definitely needs some amending. I think it has some good things in it, but it also has some bad. I like the idea of opening up government buildings that don't have security checkpoints, but not at the cost of giving up the exemptions and areas around prohibited buildings.


Special Hen
Sep 28, 2008
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I don't think I would go that far just yet, but it definitely needs some amending. I think it has some good things in it, but it also has some bad. I like the idea of opening up government buildings that don't have security checkpoints, but not at the cost of giving up the exemptions and areas around prohibited buildings.

They'll probably just put checkpoints at every building if it passes...


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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They'll probably just put checkpoints at every building if it passes...
Not every city is going to be able to afford to do that. Imagine putting checkpoints at the entrance to every public library and community center.

Hrmm...wonder if this would work as a jobs creation bill?? :scratch:

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