Anybody been bit by

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 11, 2022
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I’ve been bit twice by brown recluse spiders and had steroid shots and antibiotics. But honestly my reading has led me to believe that a large percentage of “spider bites” are actually just misdiagnosed infections. Usually a strain of staphylococcus or worse: MRSA.

That being said I have also witnessed on others 3 times a 100% certain brown recluse bite (literally felt the bite, then squished and identified the spider) that didn’t do much more than a misquote bite damage.

Who knows… it’s tough to say. But I’m glad you’re doing better! Heal up and keep them crotch crevices clean haha


Special Hen
Jun 3, 2022
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A week'r2'r so I noticed a couple of little pus 'bubbles' on the top of my arm. I'd clean them up, but one kept returning, & seemed to want to get a little juicer & go a li'l deeper- & get a bit redder.
Being pretty much the complete opposite of a Hypochondriac, & a real despiser of Rockefeller schooled "medical professionals"...I looked it up, asked around, & diagnosed it as some type of 'Spider Bite'.
I cleaned it all up again, & really dried it up this time...not wilth 90% Rubbing Alcohol, but with Acetone! It cleared right I forgot about it, & went on.
UNTIL: a few days ago, I noticed my other arm (elbow) was getting increasingly stiff & sore. A few hours later, I rubbed it. & felt some 'bumps'. I looked in a mirror, & sho' 'nuff...2 more of the same type spots....only Bigger,,,,& Badder. And Redder. So I re-researched 'Spider Bites', & discovered that infections from lesser ('Common') spider bites can get pretty nasty too. Not just Black Widows & our own ubiquitous 'Fiddle Backs' (Brown Recluse).
I also felt inordinately tired, sleepy. & somewhat achy. More than 'usual'.
So; recalling that all types of venom can be knocked out by Vitamin C (usually heavy IV doses for very toxic snakes & spiders), I started taking a lot of 500 mg. C tabs (can't hurt), drying up the wounds with Acetone (once again; a 'big' .22 cal.bubble, & a smaller 1), & slept a lot...barely ate anything. Felt too lazy to cook, no big deal. I also did a rnd. or 2 of the Ice Pack thing to 'get the red out' my elbow was pretty hot, & a bit sore. NOT itchy, however (possible SB symptom).
After about 2 days (right now) it seems the Acetone has gotten any 'infection' or possible 'spread' under control. I'm not sure what species bit me, but whatever it was, it looks similar to the bites I had before. There is still a little 'bruise' looking spot from then, but I think the Acetone treatment...(plus the C & the Ice Pack) will send these bites packin' too.

P S- Watch out for 'Black Corsair' (Assassin Bugs) too. Ask my how I know ;-/
Y'all sure gotta lot entomological opportunities out here in Oklahoma!

Post P S- Ever try the common Oklahoma 'weed' Wild Lettuce/Wild Opium for pain?
It's drying out & going to seed right now in this heat, but there are several ways to
use it, & it's really one of God's Classic Remedies. Great stuff.
God make's a wonderful Doctor, too. Cheap AND effective!


Special Hen
Jun 3, 2022
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Active Black Charcoal poultice. It will draw the poison and infection out fast. If you’d of got a poultice one on fast enough, you could have most likely forgone the Doc and in couple days it would be a mosquito bite. Heal fast. I’d still do the charcoal.
I've successfully used both regular bleach & acetone to clean up & dry out several types of infections in the past. Charcoal is also an excellent I make colloidal silver. I've used it to clear up many an eye/ear/nasal infection in both people & pets.
I know lots of 'Religious' people who go to church to pray to 'God'.
But when it comes down to their health, they trust some highly paid 'Dr.' (allopathic drug dealer) over their Creator's
preventions & cures.
Mostly because, 'They saw it on TV'. They don't call it 'programing' por nada, amigos.
Ever notice what's advertised on the 'News'? Lotsa unhealthy 'Fast Food', Communication/Irradition Devices,
& plenty of artificial 'prescriptions' with a yard-long list of devastating 'side-effects'!!!
If you, 'Ask your Dr. if it's right for you'- GUESS what they'll say ;-)
Might want to find a quiet place to 'ask yourself' first.
Who else knows guys who are intricately concerned with buying the best products to keep their cassic vehicle's
transmission & engine in top condition, but stop at some fast food House of Medical Horrors for lunch on the way back?


Special Hen
Jun 3, 2022
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I’ve been bit twice by brown recluse spiders and had steroid shots and antibiotics. But honestly my reading has led me to believe that a large percentage of “spider bites” are actually just misdiagnosed infections. Usually a strain of staphylococcus or worse: MRSA.

That being said I have also witnessed on others 3 times a 100% certain brown recluse bite (literally felt the bite, then squished and identified the spider) that didn’t do much more than a misquote bite damage.

Who knows… it’s tough to say. But I’m glad you’re doing better! Heal up and keep them crotch crevices clean haha
Similarly; I've been bitten thrice by diamond back rattlers (all about 2' long).
Symptoms ranged from (dry bite) quarter sized green bruise surrounding fang marks on ankle, squeezing a bit of blood & venom from a finger, to me spitting blood & some tissue damage in finger. the 1st times went unattended. Last round took 20 vials of antivenin & a hospital stay... got outvoted on that one ;-}
It just depends on how much toxin was delivered & the size, area of bite, state of health. etc..of the chompee
I'm thinking these (minor) spider bites I've gotten lately are likely from the brown I've seen a few around.
The important thing is to get the bites cleaned out & DRY'd up. So far; Acetone, & Ice Packs (for the heat, redness & shininess ) has worked for me. As noted; I did feel very sleepy & a bit stiff for a while- so I slept & took lots of Vitamin C too. Pretty much over it now I'd say...after 3 1/2 days total.
I've heard it said that, w/out spiders, we'd be 7 ft. deep in bugs. I HATE Flies & mosquitos, so a little. occasional, spidy nip here and there is OK as a trade-off ;-)


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 11, 2022
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Similarly; I've been bitten thrice by diamond back rattlers (all about 2' long).
Symptoms ranged from (dry bite) quarter sized green bruise surrounding fang marks on ankle, squeezing a bit of blood & venom from a finger, to me spitting blood & some tissue damage in finger. the 1st times went unattended. Last round took 20 vials of antivenin & a hospital stay... got outvoted on that one ;-}
It just depends on how much toxin was delivered & the size, area of bite, state of health. etc..of the chompee
I'm thinking these (minor) spider bites I've gotten lately are likely from the brown I've seen a few around.
The important thing is to get the bites cleaned out & DRY'd up. So far; Acetone, & Ice Packs (for the heat, redness & shininess ) has worked for me. As noted; I did feel very sleepy & a bit stiff for a while- so I slept & took lots of Vitamin C too. Pretty much over it now I'd say...after 3 1/2 days total.
I've heard it said that, w/out spiders, we'd be 7 ft. deep in bugs. I HATE Flies & mosquitos, so a little. occasional, spidy nip here and there is OK as a trade-off ;-)
Interesting approach to home remedies. If it works it works. I too have a deeply ingrained distrust of the modern medical system.

That’s true about the spiders thinning out the insects! I don’t mind most species of spiders, minus the fiddleback and widows of course


5HCattle Co - Josh
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 19, 2007
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Off the creek that’s next to the river
Finished the antibiotics Friday, hardly visible now just a “lump” under the skin.
I think the bleach and baking soda really helped putting it on early, yes it hurt like crazy but it had to of kill the venom. No rotting, can still feel pressure on nerves in that area but I think the ride is over!


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