Anyone else have family that oppose CCW?

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Glock 'em down

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Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
My family never had a choice. I turned 21 in April of 1989 and was wearing a gun and badge two months later in June. Of course, growing up (and still today) I remember dad always having guns in damn near every closet too.

Both of my daughters were born into it. As far as they're concerned, I've ALWAYS had a gun on. Christ, I was packing the day they were both born and delivered.

Maybe even when they were conceived! :naughty:

In their eyes, It's just something I don everyday like my wallet, keys, pocket knife, watch, flashlight, cell phone and at least one gun.

Usually two. ;)


Special Hen
Jul 7, 2007
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I'm actually the only one in my family (except for a few retarded uncles) that owns any guns at all. Though a brother-in-law did make his first gun purchase, and took a CCW class, the other BIL to follow suit after graduation.

Cool enough, but none of my family members are anti-gun. My father was actually pretty proud that I ventured into guns at all, he's even complimented me about it a few times.

My mother has asked why I carry a few times, but that's how she is with anything. She's been very receptive to everything I've told her. She's a trauma nurse and sees gun shot wounds fairly often. Fortunately, she sees me being armed as a sound decision.

But yeah, my immediate family knows I carry, but not my other relatives (cousins/uncles/etc). Outside of that, only my best friend knows that I carry and that's only because he's a Sherlock Holmes type of guy, one of his more annoying traits. (he's also the one that wants to be a cop)


Special Hen
Dec 31, 2007
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I wouldn't let them off easy with a simple email. Even if you've already sent one, I really believe this discussion needs to be real time. (Eyeball to eyeball if you really care for and respect them, over the phone otherwise.)

If they don't want you packing in their house, they have a right to their opinion, but I think everyone should get the benefit of hearing the honest-to-God merits of having the comfort of someone able to help defend them.

I've been lucky in that every male in my nuclear and semi-extended family has a CCL in the state where they live. We all grew up shooting and when one of the ladies married into a "non-shooting" family, well let's just say we helped remedy the situation.....

To me, folks who send email/PM's of challenges/concerns are incredibly insecure with their position and are trying to avoid a real conversation. I say, don't let them off with such a passive, weak form of communication. (But that is my .02 worth. If you think they aren't mature enough for real communication and that this would escalate, then avoid the direct communication and stick with the electronic exchange.....) FWIW


Special Hen
Mar 1, 2006
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Sand Springs, Oklahoma
My Aunt and I were talking about CCW renewal one day and my other weird anti-gun aunt chimes in about qualifications for a CCW. I look at her and tell her that they just don't give those things to everyone, you have to pass a background check and several other things. She's very liberal, me being very conservative. I felt like slapping the stupid right out of her. She also told me the answer to our nations health insurance problems is socialized medicine. I quickly got up and left after that comment.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 7, 2008
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Interesting that they responded by email.... Guess they were scared of the type of response they would get if it was face to face. I guess I would respect them and not carry in their house, but that would also mean I wouldn't go in their house either.

"knock on wood" glad I have not had any family members object to CC; however, I do have 2 brothers that are LEO's and a SIL that is OHP so guns are pretty much accepted in throughout family.


Special Hen
Feb 13, 2007
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when i first bought my house my best friend moved in with me and lived with me for over a year before he got married. he is just about as pro gun as i am, but his wife(g/f at the time)was almost as anti as i have ever met. well her first time to come to the house she looked at my gun cabinet that sits in the front room and said "i dont feel comfortable with those being there..." i said well you can get used to it or leave" she said "well are they loaded?" i said "those arent but this one is" and pointed at my carry gun that was sitting on the coffee table. she just about freaked out and got all huffy. my buddy and i finally got her convinced that they were safe and were not going to spontaneously go off and even after a few months got her to go to the range with us. she still doesnt like being around guns but she is not afraid of them. she even lets my best friend keep one in their apartment, which was a big step for her. i even carried when i was the best man at his wedding and she was ok with it.

to further explain my first post in this thread:
my dad was never exactly pro gun or anti gun, he just never had a use for one. not a hunter or a shooter, just never was around them much. i got being a gun nut from my grandpa(mom's side) at an early age and i got a gun every year for christmas for about 10 years from my parents and a few birthdays too. but when i told my dad i was going to get my CCL he just couldnt fathom a reason i would need it. he was on my case about it for a long time before one night i just had to get mad and say somethings that i didnt want to say to him. he was on my case pretty bad that night about it and was talking about how he could never shoot someone no matter what and all this that and the other and i just looked him straight in the eye and said to him "Dad, if you are telling me that you could not shoot and kill someone to protect your wife, your daughter, or me, then you are not a man. your job is to protect us at all costs and means necessary." he was pissed for about 10 seconds until what i said sunk in, and then he just looked at me and said "i understand what you mean now." a few months and conversations later he bought a pistol and took his class for his license. he has not turned in his paperwork yet, but taking the class was a big step for him. he also makes sure that i have my weapon on me when we go to work.(we have a part time family business and we paint parking lots and we are in bad areas of the city a lot) he also bought my mom a pistol to keep at her bedside so when he is away for work so she has something to protect herself with.

i say all of this to say that dialogue with family and friends, either civil or getting pissed sometimes, will cause those who are against carrying guns to realize the necessity and reason for carrying a gun. my mom grew up around guns and she was shooting when she was very young and is pretty comfortable around them so i never had to convince her of anything.

my girlfriend just took her class for her CCL about a month ago and is waiting on her license. a couple of weeks ago she was at her grandparents house for a family get together that i couldnt make(luckily for them) and her uber liberal aunt and uncle started in on her about carrying a gun. she just told them that if she ever has to shoot someone then she will without thinking twice about it. and they kept it up telling her that they would just be dead because they couldnt do that. they choose to be victims. she is not the argumentative type and just let them ramble on until they were done. good thing i wasnt there or they would have gotten a little more argument from me.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I have a few family members who don't care so much for it, but I just tell 'em to get over it. :)

This seems like a good plan. We are all adults are we not?

O/P: Just make it clear that you understand their concerns and you would appreciate the same. Then just keep carrying discretely.


Special Hen
Jun 28, 2009
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my grandparents and my mother especially are very anti gun. its bad enough that i do security and carry a gun when working...they almost SH*T themselves when they found out i was carrying everyday concealed (THANKS DAD!)

however my dad, step mom, and brother also carry so at least im not alone!

i just tell my mom and grandparents that id rather be able to defend myself than be helpless. they agreed with that at least.

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