Body Cam Video to be Released

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Jun 13, 2005
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IF the police decided to remove citizen from car, remove him. Don't stand there and talk about it, don't halfway grab the guy, do what you decide to do. Or - let the guy go home. Either choice would be better than this, wouldn't you agree?

The officers decided early on that they should haul this guy in, seize his property, all over a tag and license. You can expound on the merits of tax collection all day long, but that's ultimately what this was about. Ware didn't want to go back to jail. Ware didn't want to lose his car. Officers felt that it was their duty to force these things upon him. He resisted, won the fight. Now everyone is screwed.

You're going off on a red herring here but I'll get back to that. I'm saying you have a history of criticizing police officers, how they overstep their bounds, etc etc..... and here after the fact you're saying they needed to be more physical. Just appreciating the irony. If nobody had been shot, and they had to get rough with the guy, and he was seriously injured somehow and they released the body cam...... I wonder what you'd say?

To the rest... he might of "won the fight" but he lost the war. Part of being an adult is putting yourself in a situation to get what you want, life is typically much easier if you're not a *********. If you don't want to go to jail? Don't break the law.... multiple times. Hell I've been pulled over for an expired tag, never got a ticket for it. I wonder what was different?


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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You're going off on a red herring here but I'll get back to that. I'm saying you have a history of criticizing police officers, how they overstep their bounds, etc etc..... and here after the fact you're saying they needed to be more physical. Just appreciating the irony. If nobody had been shot, and they had to get rough with the guy, and he was seriously injured somehow and they released the body cam...... I wonder what you'd say?

Yes I do, and I'll stand by that all day long. If they got rough and he was seriously injured, I'd say the exact same thing. Pretty damn stupid to go through that over tax collection.

To the rest... he might of "won the fight" but he lost the war. Part of being an adult is putting yourself in a situation to get what you want, life is typically much easier if you're not a *********. If you don't want to go to jail? Don't break the law.... multiple times. Hell I've been pulled over for an expired tag, never got a ticket for it. I wonder what was different?

Ware had been to jail. He knew they'd take him back. They could have let him go, he could have complied, he could have not made that U-turn...ultimately he did, neither side backed down and two men got shot.

Irony you say? I'm speaking from a purely practical point of not getting shot.

Especially over tax enforcement.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Still pretty damn sad that this all happened over a traffic violation. Ware decided that going to jail wasn't an option. Cops decided that backing off wasn't an option. Was any of it worth it?
Guess who would not be in jail for murder if he had just said OK and got out?


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Nope. I'll take your word for it, just pointing out a bit of what seems to be semantics.

Monday morning quarterbacking is always 100% right, are you relaying that something should be done differently in the future?

IDK, sorta sounds like enforcing the law should be subject to the will of the violator? :anyone:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Obey the law. Comply with orders. You’ll be fine.

I wonder what they odds are for doing so vs fighting and shooting them? I dunno if subtly apologizing for this MENSA candidate as if he had a cause is the hill you want to die on? Or is that chip on your shoulder just too big and you can't help yourself?


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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I wonder what they odds are for doing so vs fighting and shooting them? I dunno if subtly apologizing for this MENSA candidate as if he had a cause is the hill you want to die on? Or is that chip on your shoulder just too big and you can't help yourself?

Well damn. I guess Mr. Russell lied - of course the car was moving, so it's just semantics. I wonder what will happen to the other cops on the scene, you know - the good ones that allowed this story to fly?

You haven't heard me apologize for Ware - he's obviously not a rocket scientist. He obviously didn't walk over to the cops, stand over them and execute them as was first portrayed by the TPD. That's my point. And if not for bodycam video being released, John Q Public would be no wiser, just like in Mr. Russell's incident.

At least Mr. Russell can honestly say he was called there, and thought he saw a gun (it was Airsoft, but looks real). Beats the hell out of getting shot or going to jail over a tax collection.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Well damn. I guess Mr. Russell lied - of course the car was moving, so it's just semantics. I wonder what will happen to the other cops on the scene, you know - the good ones that allowed this story to fly?

You haven't heard me apologize for Ware - he's obviously not a rocket scientist. He obviously didn't walk over to the cops, stand over them and execute them as was first portrayed by the TPD. That's my point. And if not for bodycam video being released, John Q Public would be no wiser, just like in Mr. Russell's incident.

At least Mr. Russell can honestly say he was called there, and thought he saw a gun (it was Airsoft, but looks real). Beats the hell out of getting shot or going to jail over a tax collection.

When in doubt, move the goalposts.

You haven't directly apologized for him no LOL. You are hinting quite strongly that he should've been let go. You can mentally masturbate about the tax collection/tag issue. If we pursue that further, you'll complain about it but I won't see you running for office any time soon. To me that's quite a stretch of oversimplification, but you do you.

To me, Chief Franklin said it best about the information issue. In which you really haven't proved your case that misinformation was the goal of TPD. He brings up the point that social media works fast and he's not wrong.

Franklin lays out the thought process to which led to the shooting. Again, it wasn't as simple as you relay, but this needs to fit your reoccurring narrative it seems.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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When in doubt, move the goalposts.

You haven't directly apologized for him no LOL. You are hinting quite strongly that he should've been let go. You can mentally masturbate about the tax collection/tag issue. If we pursue that further, you'll complain about it but I won't see you running for office any time soon. To me that's quite a stretch of oversimplification, but you do you.

To me, Chief Franklin said it best about the information issue. In which you really haven't proved your case that misinformation was the goal of TPD. He brings up the point that social media works fast and he's not wrong.

Franklin lays out the thought process to which led to the shooting. Again, it wasn't as simple as you relay, but this needs to fit your reoccurring narrative it seems.

If you go back and read..I said if the cops decided to arrest Ware, they should have done so with speed and motivation. They did not.

Beyond that, I stated that this whole incident was over tax collecting, and it was.

I moved no goalpost, you claimed the statements about execution were semantics, I used a similar situation (bodycam conflicted with report)

But you don't like my take on things, and I don't think I'd like the taste of boot polish. Do what you want.

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