Democrat Congresswoman: Women Bear Responsibility

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Apr 14, 2009
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Freaking amazing. The hypocrisy is unbelievable with these politicians. Their talking points are purely based on who commits the action.

Texas Congresswoman Weighs in on Harvey Weinstein Controversy

By Diana Zoga
Published at 7:31 PM CDT on Oct 18, 2017 | Updated 39 minutes ago
When the accusations leveled against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein came to light, U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX 30th District) says she was angry and disappointed in the man who supported many of her Democratic colleagues in D.C.

She also believes women bear as much responsibility for preventing sexual harassment and assault.

"I grew up in a time when it was as much the woman's responsibility as it was a man's — how you were dressed, what your behavior was," said Johnson, who represents Texas' 30th Congressional District. "I'm from the old school that you can have behaviors that appear to be inviting. It can be interpreted as such. That's the responsibility, I think, of the female. I think that males have a responsibility to be professional themselves."

When asked if it's time to stop talking about what women are wearing and instead discuss abuses of power, the congresswoman insisted her message is meant to empower women to prevent harassment and assault.

She said questions about a victim's attire or whether a victim's behavior invited abuse contribute to a culture of silence and prevent victims from coming forward, especially if the perpetrator is in a position of power.

"I think reasonable people want to try to figure out a reasonable answer for why something like this happens, and I think perhaps sometimes when we think maybe it's an ethnicity other than mine, or it's another economic group, or it's the victim’s problem, then maybe it won't happen to me," Langbein said. "It's a lot easier for society to blame a victim and wash our hands of it. The cure to this will be really hard work. It will be changing opinions and changing society's ideas of what power can do and not do and holding people accountable."

Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood producer at the center of a sexual abuse scandal, has been a big political contributor in recent years. These are his largest contributions since 1997.


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Apr 14, 2010
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Freaking amazing. The hypocrisy is unbelievable with these politicians. Their talking points are purely based on who commits the action.

Texas Congresswoman Weighs in on Harvey Weinstein Controversy

By Diana Zoga
Published at 7:31 PM CDT on Oct 18, 2017 | Updated 39 minutes ago
When the accusations leveled against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein came to light, U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX 30th District) says she was angry and disappointed in the man who supported many of her Democratic colleagues in D.C.

She also believes women bear as much responsibility for preventing sexual harassment and assault.

"I grew up in a time when it was as much the woman's responsibility as it was a man's — how you were dressed, what your behavior was," said Johnson, who represents Texas' 30th Congressional District. "I'm from the old school that you can have behaviors that appear to be inviting. It can be interpreted as such. That's the responsibility, I think, of the female. I think that males have a responsibility to be professional themselves."

When asked if it's time to stop talking about what women are wearing and instead discuss abuses of power, the congresswoman insisted her message is meant to empower women to prevent harassment and assault.

She said questions about a victim's attire or whether a victim's behavior invited abuse contribute to a culture of silence and prevent victims from coming forward, especially if the perpetrator is in a position of power.

"I think reasonable people want to try to figure out a reasonable answer for why something like this happens, and I think perhaps sometimes when we think maybe it's an ethnicity other than mine, or it's another economic group, or it's the victim’s problem, then maybe it won't happen to me," Langbein said. "It's a lot easier for society to blame a victim and wash our hands of it. The cure to this will be really hard work. It will be changing opinions and changing society's ideas of what power can do and not do and holding people accountable."

Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood producer at the center of a sexual abuse scandal, has been a big political contributor in recent years. These are his largest contributions since 1997.
This will be the death of her career .....l.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
..... a long line of beautiful women stood waiting in the hot, marijuana and drug hazed Hollywood air, waiting, each in their turn, to be victimized.
Lots of truth in that comment.
It was not a secret in hollywood that the casting couch was a way to success not only for women, but for gay men too.
It was an accepted practice and carried out with a wink.
Everybody going to hollywood knew the duty they had to endure to get where they are at today.
They accepted it and went with the hollywood norm, yet now come out with righteous indignation about the person that made them famous after he was outed by a newcomer with proper scruples.
It was and still is a despicable method of sexual exploitation that should not have ever happened and should not be allowed in the future.
The MSM liberal media that supported this POS in the past will shortly have him labeled as a Republican, and worthy of their attacks.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 12, 2017
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Lots of truth in that comment.
It was not a secret in hollywood that the casting couch was a way to success not only for women, but for gay men too.
It was an accepted practice and carried out with a wink.
Everybody going to hollywood knew the duty they had to endure to get where they are at today.
They accepted it and went with the hollywood norm, yet now come out with righteous indignation about the person that made them famous after he was outed by a newcomer with proper scruples.
It was and still is a despicable method of sexual exploitation that should not have ever happened and should not be allowed in the future.
The MSM liberal media that supported this POS in the past will shortly have him labeled as a Republican, and worthy of their attacks.

I believe that ‘sexual exploitation’ was going both ways: Quid Pro quo. All parties were equally amoral, here. But, that’s just an old man’s opinion.

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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“What Were You Wearing?” Student-Survivor Art Installation

A non-profit group I am part of is going to be bringing this exhibit to RSU Claremore in the fall of next year in the main exhibit hall of their art department. We are also working to get it displayed earlier in another location on campus, also working on Wesleyan University in Bartlesville and RSU-Bartlesville. It is a powerful exhibit and works to dispel the notion that if you "dress down" you won't be attacked or victimized, or that women who have been victims of sexual assault were "asking for it" or "contributed to it" by dressing provocatively.

I am the medical director for our organization ( and though we have been around for quite a while, we are just now starting to really work on getting more active in terms of community education, empowerment of victims - yes, men, too, and outreach. If anyone has any connections with other universities in OK where we could potentially put on this traveling exhibit, please don't hesitate to contact me here via PM. Of course, OU and OSU are our dream goals in OK, but certainly open to other regional state universities and colleges. Our vision is to put this on as a traveling exhibit almost constantly for the next couple of years.

*Oh, and please forgive the webpage, we're just getting it off the ground. It's super basic at the moment and has some glitches - we're trying to figure out how to get rid of the annoying ads some plugin has apparently added for us. :bah:


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Arrow Repaired
I have to admit...... why we are discussion this Texas Congress woman and not this piece of sheeet is beyond me

This one needs to be run out of office and off the planet
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 12, 2017
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I have to admit...... why we are discussion this Texas Congress woman and not this piece of sheeet is beyond me

This one needs to be run out of office and off the planet
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

View attachment 108397

. “I look forward to Inaugurating a New Era of Dictatorship over the groveling crowds in America! Ha! Ha! Ha! “ That’s what I thought I heard her say, anyway. Haughty, arrogant, no morality beyond furthering the cause of Socialism!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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