Glad you're able to get a diagnosis.We have a diagnosis on Jax. Its aspergillosis. We will be treating with anti fungal medication for possibly a long time.
Glad you're able to get a diagnosis.We have a diagnosis on Jax. Its aspergillosis. We will be treating with anti fungal medication for possibly a long time.
Thank you!Hoping for a speedy recovery for Jax. Always enjoy the pics of him finding deer or sheds.
Thank you!Glad you're able to get a diagnosis.
Thank you much!Thank goodness you have a definitive diagnosis! Now, let's hope the medication works miracles! We're betting on ya' and parying for ya' Jax!
Thank you!Cocci is a thing even in animals! I almost died from Valley Fever a couple years ago. If let go too long without something like Fluconazole, it can be deadly.
My daughter down in Dallas also just recovered from a mold fungal infection in her lungs. Aspergillosis was the label they put on it.
For Cocci, they need to do more than just the IGG, IGM blood tests. They need the Cocci complement fixation titer which has to grow in a lab to get the results.
Your dog probably feels like crap it if is Cocci, I could barely make it to the bathroom without stopping to catch my breath.
hope all goes well!
Thanks for your well wishes. I had Cocci back in 2020 but my lungs will never be the same.Thank you!
Glad you and your daughter are feeling better!
Jax has aspergillosis. If he is feeling poorly, he is hiding it pretty well. I hope this means the disease will be stopped quickly and he will heal up well.