I Think My Mother is Going Senile

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Special Hen
Apr 14, 2010
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Aging parents is hard. Try not to get frustrated. I type this from the Heart Hospital ER. Just brought dad in because he likely had pneumonia again.

We end up maintaining their home while leaning on our spouses to do what we would normally do at home. We take on their projects that they want because they just get into things they can’t handle (I did the books for Catholic Daughters for 2 years, I’m not Catholic-or a Daughter). And we get frustrated but for Goodness sake don’t let them know you are.

They went through these pains when they helped us learn to live successfully in this world. It’s our job And responsibility to respectfully help them on their declining years on the way out.


Special Hen
Jun 3, 2022
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Both of my parents had been taking Statins for alleged 'High Cholesterol'. The brain contains 20% cholesterol.
Statins dissolve brains, that simple. If she's taking Statins, get her off of them. I've seen quite a few folks just, mentally, 'Slip Away' after taking this crap (& other drugs). Read the labels on her meds, & compare the side-effects with her behavior & symptoms. Big Pharma just loves making us into Zombots, & my sister (a nurse) made sure Mom got LOTS of toxic 'Medicine'...it's her job.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 25, 2006
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Ponca City,OK.
My mother is 90 and my stepdad just turned 97. All of our families live in Virginia and we're here in Ok. My folks had a home in the country where my mother fell on their back steps. She was lucky she didn't break a hip which usually a life ending in a nursing home. The fall damaged her back and she has been in a lot of pain ever since. My brother called us and asked us to come home last Feb. to convince my folks to move into a senior living complex, so we did. They moved into the complex and my mother has regretted it ever since. Their house was too big for her to keep cleaning and my stepdad was still cutting the yard and having a garden. My stepdad's shoulders and knees have about zero cartlidge left in them so he can barely walk because of the pain. His short-term memory is about zero and my mother's memory is starting to go. My stepdad has given up driving but, my mother still does short local drives around town. My brother and his wife take them anywhere they need to go whenever possible. I wished we lived closer to them but, we have been in Ok. since 1978 and our lives are here. I call my mother every other day and plan to visit more often now that I'm retired. It is sad to see people you love going downhill health wise but, I guess that life and not much you can do about it.


Special Hen
Jun 3, 2022
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God Bless 'Em. They sound like wonderful folks.
I think we are DEsigned to do about 110-120 (w/ proper care & feeding). But most Americans are REsigned to do about 80-85, tops. It's hard to live a healthy life with all the toxins in the food/water/trails in the sky/& radiation from electronics nowadays though...but that's the whole point of the 'Globalists'. But after this 'Covid' thing, a LOT of people are getting hip to their tricks, & they are rapidly 'diminishing'.
My Mom was in her late 80s & could still lean down & pull weeds w/out bending her Knees. Her hands had bad arthritis though. Her mind was doing well until my sister & her sisters (my old Aunties) insisted that she continued to take Lisinopril (for blood pressure) & Statins recommended by a former Dr. ,who himself, died of cancer. (Live by the sword,.....).
Dr's. 'Tests' claim that most every older person has 'high' cholesterol/blood pressure and you NEED their garbage pills. Not a diet change, or supplements, just lots of Big Pharma pills. Same with diabetes. It's all curable & avoidable....but Americans are conditioned to just take pills.
Their TV sez, 'More drugs. Now.'
Most of these folks take better care of their driving vehicles than their bodies & would question a quack mechanic....but doctors are 'sacred'. Not to me (don't even get me started on Attorneys ;-)
Anyway, she had so many detri(mental) side effects, I took her off the poison & gave her colostrum, borax (boron for arthritis-keeps calcium in bones & teeth-not in joints), & kept her off sugar. She did MUCH better...
until my sister kidnapped her, took her out of state, & put her in a 'home' where she got LOTS of 'meds'. She lasted about a year.
Then Sis (an ASSt. Nursing Prof. who knows way less than I do about Health) stole all her stuff. She basically did the same thing to our Dad. That's her job, what she trained to do: kill off old folks & take their stuff. It's a whole 'industry'. It's NOT about Health. Even I was shocked at how little she knew about the body/drugs/nutrition, & about everything she did 'know' is ********.or just way off base.
We need to do our OWN research; don't just blindly trust 'professionals'.

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