If your Looking for a Gun Trust!!

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Special Hen
Oct 8, 2017
Reaction score
Just got my Gun Trust finalized!! Looking forward to all the new NFA weapons i'm going to buy, and create. If your looking for a lawyer specializing in NFA Gun Trust's in our state.

Jonathan Udoka
711 South Husband Street
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074
(405) 293.2925 tel.
(405) 888-5404 fax

Super Nice guy, I had a lot of questions regarding the trust and how to apply to the ATF. What needed submitted, and what didn't have to be. He created a gun trust perfect for my needs, and at a reasonable price for the services provided which include alterations to the trust if needed, and consultation if any problems arise from the AFT regarding the trust. I could have gone with any "do it yourself" trust's but I wanted the trust to be specific to OK law, and have a real lawyer to discuss the in's and out's of the trust with and he's the man. After speaking with Mr. Udoka, I feel highly educated on the matter, and felt I owed it to him to recommend his business.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 11, 2007
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Just got my Gun Trust finalized!! Looking forward to all the new NFA weapons i'm going to buy, and create. If your looking for a lawyer specializing in NFA Gun Trust's in our state.

Jonathan Udoka
711 South Husband Street
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074
(405) 293.2925 tel.
(405) 888-5404 fax

Super Nice guy, I had a lot of questions regarding the trust and how to apply to the ATF. What needed submitted, and what didn't have to be. He created a gun trust perfect for my needs, and at a reasonable price for the services provided which include alterations to the trust if needed, and consultation if any problems arise from the AFT regarding the trust. I could have gone with any "do it yourself" trust's but I wanted the trust to be specific to OK law, and have a real lawyer to discuss the in's and out's of the trust with and he's the man. After speaking with Mr. Udoka, I feel highly educated on the matter, and felt I owed it to him to recommend his business.

I also used him and I am Extremely pleased with the results.
I can recommend him 110%.


Special Hen
Oct 8, 2017
Reaction score
I got a request asking what I payed for the service, and I don't mind telling anyone who maybe interested. The price was a flat-rate of $300.00 which includes all your face to face meetings or over the phone no time limit or at least he didn't rush me off the phone and I talk to him for awhile, since I knew very little about trust at the beginning. the fee included all the trust preparations, future minor alterations (adding or removing trustee etc.) to the trust and my favorite thing and one of the main reasons I chose this lawyer was he offers legal advise, and I believe assistance (fact check me on assistance though, im pretty sure that's what i read but defiantly make sure) if any illegal problems arise from a trust he has created. He will create a draft for you and once you approve he will send you the final trust for you to sign in front of a notary and be sealed. Afterwards your gun trust is legal have fun!!:fullauto:

O yeah I forgot to say once the trust has been signed and is recognized legally you can send a copy of the completed trust back to him and he will store a legal copy for you in-case you ever need it for whatever reason.
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Special Hen
Oct 8, 2017
Reaction score
Yeah I can explain a trust to the best of my knowledge and experience. If there is anyone out there that wants to add to this post feel free like I saided i'm not a lawyer or and expert. I wont go into much detail on all of the benefits of owing a gun trust. I'll discuses just the major one's to me and probably you.

First and most important is the owning of NFA firearms. When you submit your NFA form 1 or form 4, You have to specify if you are applying as an individual, trust, or legal entity (such as and LLC, corporation, etc). All have there own way of handling NFA firearms. Since most willn't be applying as a Legal entity because they don't own a business or so one. (I don't know much about LLC and NFA items because it didn't apply to me if it applies to you look into it, or call a lawyer). You will have two options when appling which are apply as an individual or as a trust.

The benefits of applying as an individual are that its cheap no special trust, no LLC, nothing special just telling the ATF you legally own this NFA item its legal and I know people that it works for. the con's are that you are the only one legally allowed to possess the firearm no one but you can transport, possess, or fire the firearm without you standing next to them. second if you were to pass away the firearm goes into limbo, because no one else is allowed to posses it. Legally the government could come take it and not have to give it back to your loved ones, or if they wanted to be D***s they could arrest anyone that possess it once you pass away (very unlikely but there have been a few recorded cases). That's a 10 year federal prison sentence and/or $25,000 fine and the confiscation of the firearm.
Third is what happens if you get into legal problems i'm talking assault or felony charges. You'r suck in a corner now no one can possess the firearm so no one can hold it for you and it's another felony for you to posses it. So turn the firearm it in to the cops or hid it I don't know what to say. That would suck because I have thousands of dollars with of firearms NFA or not, that myself and my family would loose.

Now onto Trust's a trust which can vary between $60 for a "do it yourself" and highest I found from a lawyer $500. Gives everyone that you define as a trustee the rights to possess and transport and use that firearm with or without you present. because the trust technically owns the firearm and they are trustee of your trust. Secondly the trust own's the firearm so if you pass away it passes to a specified trustee to hold or your specified beneficiary whoever that maybe. So in short a trust protects your investments from government seizure in the event of your death, while also allowing however you approve to possess, transport, and use that firearm legally. Just remember that you are allowed as many trustee's as you the settler/grantor want but it can become a massive pain in the butt when you apply for a new tax stamp because the new law in regards to trust's is that every trustee has to submit a responsible person questionnaire, finger prints, and photo with every form you file with the AFT (beneficiaries don't). However, Having said that you only have to submit the trustee photo, fingerprints, and questionnaire once a year. So if you buy 10 NFA in one year you only need to submit the trustee information with the first tax stamp, after that for the rest of the year it stays on file unless something legally changes on there part.
I know this was long but it's the shortest I could make it and get the information across sorry guys/ gals.

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