The following is a text from my MIL, this morning,
My son just called from New Mexico and said a man and his wife from Venezuela came into their car dealership and Bought a car. They just received their drivers licenses and social security cards two days ago. They are receiving 9,400.00 EACH a month from our federal government . And free housing! Everyone there could not believe it. So they checked it out and it was INFACT true! What is going on? This has stop.
My son just called from New Mexico and said a man and his wife from Venezuela came into their car dealership and Bought a car. They just received their drivers licenses and social security cards two days ago. They are receiving 9,400.00 EACH a month from our federal government . And free housing! Everyone there could not believe it. So they checked it out and it was INFACT true! What is going on? This has stop.