so-called refugees: is a completely different thing than illegal aliens. Sure illegal aliens can be classified as refugees but still there is a difference.The amount of correct information available to john Q Public is minuscule. It’s very hard to find amounts being paid to ‘refugees’. I’d venture to guess that there is a network of people and organizations that are providing the information to illegals to take advantage of every financial source available.
I’ll not dispute the amounts because we don’t know. I’ll bet there is plenty of free money if they know where to look. I’ll plant this here.
Migrants' monthly payments are higher than New Yorkers' SNAP benefits
A New York City program will give migrants about $350 a month for food and baby
I can't divulge too much but I will say the Gov rolls out the red carpet for these so-called refugees. Through the NGOs, Non-Profits, Gov contractors, so-called Churches (catholic charities, and other faith-based church orgs) all help usher in illegals and refugees. They literally meet at conference centers and have a ratio of 3 adults to 1 social worker. The social worker finds them churches to attend, get on welfare, section 8, other gov housing, ESL classes, training, money, pre-paid cards (visa. MC) clothes, food, and help gain employment. The kicker is these people receive a perfect credit score, not a 0 and build-up but a perfect credit score. This is all on American citizens back while the dims spit in the faces of our elderly, American homeless, veterans. Its sickening
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