Members who just want arms list, should I be bothered? Classifieds gripe…

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Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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In some of my dealings I'm apparently so regular that I've had a few people contact me before listing. I was pretty flattered to have someone reach out because they had a PS90 for sale a few months ago since we've talked that I like off the wall stuff. Well, duh, who doesn't want the ultimate space gun and a good deal.

That's just one example of why I always try to make good communication in addition to it just being generally good manners.


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Mar 15, 2009
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I don’t know though man… “easier to go silent than explain” hmmmm not really. It only takes a few minutes to check texts/pms and respond to someone. Especially if contact has already been made

It’s one thing to just totally not reply at all to a single thing from an individual. That’s more acceptable. It’s worse when they go ahead and reply to a few interactions, lead them on, then ghost them. At that point I feel they need to provide an explanation. It could literally just be one sentence.

To me ghosting people represents either selfishness/carelessness or ignorance/incapability. Neither option is flattering
Yeah, but they don’t.
May 15, 2010
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Unfixed Arrow
I can see that --- I would just think that for full disclosure I'd include that as a note to the first person. Like "I'll accept this, but on the condition that if someone else comes along at my ask before money changes hands with you then they get preference".

If I sell something on Facebook, I put a note that I won't hold an item --- first person to get to me with money wins the race, and that will trump any offer you've made me if that number is my ask.

I don’t buy/sell here very often. But I’ve made deals and then had other people offer at or over full asking price after accepting a previous offer, but I stuck to morals and tell them a deal has already been struck and if it didn’t sell, then I’d contact them back.

Likewise, if I’m doing a buy but cannot get to the item for several days, I always offer to send a down payment electronically (none have accepted yet) and I also tell them that if they have someone come up with cash in hand that they are free to sell it to someone else (has never happened and I’ve never welched on a deal). I also give out my phone # in a pm, since sometimes it’s easier to deal with texts than pm’s (don’t always get notifications).

Simple communication is all it takes sometimes. I just don’t know why it’s so hard for some.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 27, 2020
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In your momma’s bedroom.
Non gun related product I’m selling on fartbook marketplace.


🤣😂😆 really? Go sell your ‘gold’ and bring me the cash. 😎
Apr 11, 2022
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Well, regardless of my original gripe, I feel it’s constructive to occasionally complain and voice discontent. It can be beneficial, especially when multiple people put their heads together as a part of an overall group to help bring ideas and solutions.

God bless OSA and bless the good deals in the classifieds. May they be plentiful, like manna from heaven. May our bank accounts be full in order to make said purchases. Amen


Aug 25, 2024
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So recently I’ve had couple mildly irritating things happen in the classifieds. First being a cheap .38 I saw right after it posted, pm’ed, guy responded and I told him I’d buy it. We were communicating about a meet up. He even told me he ran home on break to grab the pistol and he’d have it ready for us to meet etc… so at this point, I’m planning my afternoon around it. Then the guy just ghosts me. Wouldn’t respond to any of my text, wouldn’t respond to my PMs, after a while he marked it as sold… never said a word to me

So then the other day I buy a different revolver from a new-ish member. The communication was a bit spotty but we got a deal and a meet up arranged. The gun came with 6 boxes of defensive ammo. During our meet up, he seemed like a fine fellow, I told him about feedback, told him I would leave him some feedback and asked if he would leave some for me also. He never did… then when I got home and began inspecting the ammo, I’m suspicious that a lot of it is actually reloads. He said he bought the gun and ammo from an elderly neighbor a few years ago. So I pm’ed him politely reminding about the feedback, and I asked him about the ammo if it was possible it was reloads if he knew anything about it. Zero response…

Last summer I bought a boat from a member. I asked him about the feedback in person as well and his response was pretty much “I don’t give a chit about anything on OSA” …. Hmmmm.. I’d say well over half of the deals I’ve done on here I never received feedback. I leave feedback each time. It takes 1 minute.

I guess I just wanted to gripe because I’m starting to get annoyed with these people on here who think this is just Armslist. The people who never post anything or get involved in any discussion. Only classifieds. And they seem to think it’s perfectly acceptable just to ghost people on here.

I’m not easily offended. Even if you sell something out from under me because somebody closer offered a little more or whatever I don’t care. Even if you withheld information about ammo being reloads, i’m not even mad about it, I just want to know what I’m dealing with. Just have the decency to let me know what the hell is going on! I guess communication just isn’t important to lots of people

Gripe over…
I'm a mod for armslist. If you see a scam or feel shady feel free to send it to me so I can take it down or help get rid of their profile. Nobody should be shady with our hobbies. I've never had a problem, but that doesn't mean others haven't.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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IF cross posting put it in the ad.
If it sells, mark SOLD on post
If you make a deal, stick to it.

It's really not that hard.
I'm a mod for armslist. If you see a scam or feel shady feel free to send it to me so I can take it down or help get rid of their profile. Nobody should be shady with our hobbies. I've never had a problem, but that doesn't mean others haven't.

My last dealing on Armslist, before they went stupid. I listed a SP101. Ad wasn't up 10 minutes and I get an "I'll take it."
Conversation starts, buyer wants shipped to Iowa. Sends name and address.
Ok, no problem. Send me a photo ID and FFL.
Email pops up. DL is Illinois, different name, Chicago address. FFL is from Seattle, Washington. Sale price was $600 and he was sending $800 for shipping and "trouble".
I didn't fall off of the cabbage truck, on my head. Tell him, "not happening"
Flag for Armslist. No response

3 days later, I get MAIL (never gave a name or address) from a different name, sa.e Iowa address, copy of FFL (same license number, different name, Idaho address), DL, (different name, Indiana address), and check for $3850 (different name), letter asking to ship gun, along with 25 Wally gift cards of $100 each. The excess to cover gun, shipping and added work.
Flagged Armslist, no response. Contacted BATFE, was told "local LE matter" contacted FBI, "local LE", contact OSBI, local LE, take to local PD, "we will contact OSBI." NOTHING EVER DONE, to my knowledge.

I should have taken check to bank and forgot the rest.


Aug 25, 2024
Reaction score
IF cross posting put it in the ad.
If it sells, mark SOLD on post
If you make a deal, stick to it.

It's really not that hard.

My last dealing on Armslist, before they went stupid. I listed a SP101. Ad wasn't up 10 minutes and I get an "I'll take it."
Conversation starts, buyer wants shipped to Iowa. Sends name and address.
Ok, no problem. Send me a photo ID and FFL.
Email pops up. DL is Illinois, different name, Chicago address. FFL is from Seattle, Washington. Sale price was $600 and he was sending $800 for shipping and "trouble".
I didn't fall off of the cabbage truck, on my head. Tell him, "not happening"
Flag for Armslist. No response

3 days later, I get MAIL (never gave a name or address) from a different name, sa.e Iowa address, copy of FFL (same license number, different name, Idaho address), DL, (different name, Indiana address), and check for $3850 (different name), letter asking to ship gun, along with 25 Wally gift cards of $100 each. The excess to cover gun, shipping and added work.
Flagged Armslist, no response. Contacted BATFE, was told "local LE matter" contacted FBI, "local LE", contact OSBI, local LE, take to local PD, "we will contact OSBI." NOTHING EVER DONE, to my knowledge.

I should have taken check to bank and forgot the rest.
I suspect if you cashed the check it would have caused more problems for you. Had a girl in Virginia have a similar check and navy fed didn't help her like you'd think they would.
I wasn't saying armslist is better than this. I haven't been here long enough to make an opinion. I will say since armslist started charging for membership, it's gotten much better. I used to take down scam ads multiple times a day. I haven't had to in a long time. Now scam profiles that ask to ship to a different state, at least once a week. But they are usually really easy to spot. IP from the Philippines or other countries, bad English etc.


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Mar 15, 2009
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@BrassGoblin. We eliminated requirements to use the classifieds not too long before AL began charging. We were bombarded by one time posters in the classifieds, unattended ads, ghosting complaintsetc(and we think it’s bad now). We then implement being a member for 60 days and have 50 posts. Many of the issues stopped at that point.
However, we still see a trend of flakiness especially since Covid days.
There is also a pay option to use the classifieds immediately with unlimited ads
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