Nashville School Shooting

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
In the Covenant shooting, the shooter shot 152 rounds,
126 5.56 rounds with the rest 9mm.
Meanwhile, your gubberment wants to restrict you to ten rounds or less because of what commiefornika governor says three rounds is enough to kill a deer. If you can’t kill one in three shots, you don’t need to be hunting he said.

He fails to understand the 2nd amendment is so the population can defend themselves against people like him.

What’s the next step? Your only allowed to carry two magazines?
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Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I think the average FBI agents are on the up and up but the higher they go up the ranks, the more they become politicized. That is the pathway to promotions in the upper echelons.
I disagree, because the average agent gets trained by the ones higher in the ranks. You know what happens if a dog rolls in sh*t. It gets sh*t on it and smells like sh*t.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
As said in another thread, there are liberal operatives that believe in gun control so much they are using AR's in Kamakazi runs in mass shootings and willing to give up their life for the cause.
The last mass shooter left a manifesto that said exactly that. The media jumps all over it, and more rights are eroded by our leaders that wish to virtually imprison us so they have total control.
Oh? I wasn't aware that anything contained in the last shooters 'manifesto' had been publicly released yet.


Special Hen
Jun 13, 2010
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Norman, Oklahoma
Gents, and gals, I said I was going to do it after Uvalde, and I just didn’t, but over the last week I met with the school Superintendent, Police Chief, Fire Chief and a city council member. Tonight I spoke at the school board meeting.

It is incumbent upon us to act. We have to harden our schools. That means two things. Preventing entry, and having school resource officers to stop the threat in the event the passive security measures fail. Ballistic glass or film, and armed security.

We have to act. Everyone has been receptive. I haven’t made any demands, I’ve just offered my help in making these things happen. Knocking on doors to get a bond with capital improvements for security included, or raising money from local philanthropists in order to fund both. Grants are available for both ballistic improvements and SROs. The police chief committed to me he would pursue the grants with his department grant writer.

It’s isn’t cheap but it isn’t cost prohibitive either. Edmond schools have added it, and the students in Collinsville started their own fund raiser to install ballistic film. We have to act. If you are a member of a community I’d encourage you all to get involved. Tell the city officials what you expect, and then hold them to your expectations.

There is an entire industry around ballistic preventative measures to prevent a bad actor from shooting out glass and entering the building. SROs are available, and the police chief here was more than receptive. Everyone is onboard, we just have to make it happen.

I told them they may meet resistance from a vocal minority that will say they don’t want LE in schools, or “if we’d just take away all the guns we wouldn’t have a problem”. I encouraged them to resist the hyperbole and the counter productive resistance, we have to protect our children and our educational staff.

I’m retired, I have nothing else that is more important. I intend to see this thru. I’d encourage all of you to do the same. There is strength in numbers. Talk to your city officials and school boards.
Reinforcing schools against these attacks has to be the #1 priority. You can’t shoot people that you can’t get to. The very first thing I’d do is bring in security experts to make suggestions (ex Secret Service, etc.) for every school. Have armed security with, yes rifles on the premises. There are thousands of things we can do. Anyplace that people congregate in numbers must have security. That’s just the way it is. Also, it should be an insane fine to release the shooters name to the public, period. That’s a huge reason why they do it. They want to be known/famous. As they say, bad attention is better than no attention.
Dec 17, 2022
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Three pages of the note book. 'It' says that 'it' made a 10 minute video just before the attacks.
I read that Face Book is scrubbing it. Face book is not our friend.


Heres one page.


There is two more pages at the link.
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