Need advice...move or just put up with it

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Special Hen
Feb 3, 2010
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I posted this on another social media site and had to shut comments off due to some nasty stuff on the thread that had nothing to do with my question. I thought I'd give it a try here.
We have a new addition going in about a block away from us at Morgan Rd and 59th which is already a busy area. The developer (Home Creations) is going to put in 400+ new homes. They'll have a mixture of high end homes (500k+) and medium to low end patio homes (which will be on my end of the development). There will be two exits one on 59th (probably the oil lease access) and another that will feed directly into the street I live on. The city says they'll be starting to widen Morgan Rd. to four lanes soon (hopefully it won't take two years like Sara Rd did). The residents are NOT happy campers about loosing some of their property or the noise it will create 24x7.

The developer may be re-thinking the senior housing since so much of it is being built at 59th and County Line Rd. Won't matter much cause they just put in more single units. The one draw-back residents didn't want is the retail center at 59th and Morgan Rd. Who knows what the heck will be leasing the area.

Ok so figure two cars per unit that's at least 800+ cars that will be in the area at rush hour and school time. That's a lot of new traffic in the already busy area. I suspect that the new 4-lane Morgan will lower the speed limit to 35 like they did on Sara Rd. They'll also need a traffic light at 59th and Morgan Rd.

I live close enough to Morgan Rd that I can hear noisy truck traffic now let alone with 4 lanes of it when all is said and done.

I've lived in two areas where new construction was going on and the crime from the workers was evident. I even caught two workers on cam breaking into a staged house they help build then steal all the furnishings. The guy selling it wasn't happy. So I figure crime will go up big time at least for a while.

Moving will not be cheap with real estate fees and other moving costs. Finding a comparable house will be a challenge with the market the way it is. If we do move we'll have to do a major down size or pay more than what we may be able to sell our present house for.

So the question becomes, put up with all the road construction then all the traffic and noise once all the building is complete or down-size and move before it all gets going? Oh I should mention I'm a 100% DAV and not in all that great of health between back and knee issues.

Please keep the discussion civil and I'll take any suggestions. Thanks guys/gals.


Special Hen
Apr 27, 2024
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Haskell Ok
Agree with Jason. You're disabled, just stay home when things are rush-houry. Come out about 6am or 9am and skip the mess.

If you were fit, I'd say move to a rental for two years and rent your place out. Let someone else deal with it. Then buy once rates go down in 2025/2026. You'll increase your wealth and be better financially to buy a comparable home.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 6, 2007
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Agree with Jason. You're disabled, just stay home when things are rush-houry. Come out about 6am or 9am and skip the mess.

If you were fit, I'd say move to a rental for two years and rent your place out. Let someone else deal with it. Then buy once rates go down in 2025/2026. You'll increase your wealth and be better financially to buy a comparable home.
Best tactic right there. I follow that as a retired guy in the Glenpool area, major highway construction/improvements going on, road widening planned, new home construction all around. Just try to time my movement in between rush hours. Works most of the time except when caught out usually accommodating others wishes, requests, requirements.
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
South Central Oklahoma.
I don't really have any prudent advice for you, but my hat is off to you and everyone else who lives in that damned city.

I'm just an old country boy. I live just off the beaten path in rural Hughes county. My nearest neighbor is about 1/4 mile away.

I work in the neighboring Seminole county and my nightly commute (yes, I work 11pm -7am) takes me about 25 minutes.

My drive home after 7am, takes about 30ish minutes or so, depending on how long I stick around, shooting the breeze with the boss. If I hang around too long, then I gotta deal with the folks that are running late and driving reckless.

But yeah, country livin' is where it's at bro. If possible, I'd consider it. Get the :censored: outta that's toxic.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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TRYING to sell, with new construction happening and major road upgrades; is not conducive to getting top dollar.
Interest rates are not a positive for your buying.

The only reason to sell would be relocating 30+ miles, to a new area.

The situation sucks, but it seems you already know, just deal with it.


Special Hen
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
Its possible the new construction will raise your home value also. I think you'll be fine. You could move and face the same issues. Stay especially if you have a low interest rate. Maybe treat yourself to a better fence and some cameras, stronger doors. Maybe a new toy.
Aug 25, 2024
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You didn’t say how old you were but I’m buying a house in a 55 and over gated community that actually shuts the gate. If you stay put sounds like still a lot of activity after construction is finished. I’d be moving if I could afford it and up to the hassle of it.

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