Need advice...move or just put up with it

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Special Hen
Feb 3, 2006
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I would want too shoot so much it would sound like a gun range was in operation and I am sure with the neighbors so close they would quickly hate me unless they all had shooting ranges in their back yard, then it would be perfect.

I need more land and way far away from other people.
10 acres seems too small and 20 is just getting started depending on how far from other houses it is.

That is my take on it. I could be off base though
Yes, I agree. 5 acres is kinda of like a giant yard.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 26, 2012
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To tag along with this thread...

We're in our early 60's, semi-retired with no house payment and have been looking at houses lately. Holy h*ll, it's pretty crazy what they are asking for houses right now. Everything was around $100-$150K cheaper 4 years ago and anything even close to making a move worth it is around $350-$400K.

We're right on Choctaw Rd, (city lot size) traffic has increased but it's tolerable, you kind of get used to it. Our big reason for looking is the crazy neighbor. His cheese slid off his cracker roughly 12 years ago and he hasn't found it and hasn't looked for it. His trash, his stupidity, his attitude and the city does very little regardless of complaints. Not to be a total jerk but just not sure when he'll kick the bucket, so no idea if we can outlast him.

Still trying to decide the juice/squeeze dilemma as well.
$2000+ house payment is crazy.


Special Hen
Feb 3, 2010
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A couple of thoughts:
1. Minor but no one is "losing property", the easement always belonged to the city I would guess. I had the same thing happen to me on my second home, it was a corner lot with a huge side yard that kept the relatively busy street to my side from being too close to the house and then the city announced much of that was theirs and they would be widening the road to move it closer to my house which brings me to point two...
2. We sold the house and moved in part because we were worried about that road widening that they had all planned out, townhalls were held showing the plans with bike lanes and all...that was 8 years ago and the last time I visited that city and drove by my old house back in October they still hadn't done anything.
3. Will more road noise really matter? I feel like us humans tune out regular noise really well and after a few weeks of the "upgraded road noise" you'll hit a new baseline and not even notice.
4. Unless section 8 houses are going in crime will be temporary during the build phase as well as nails repeatedly getting in your tires as I had happen during the final build out of my neighborhood.
5. There are a lot of fees around moving but downsizing isn't always a bad thing as long as the house meets all of your NEEDS and maybe a few of your wants.

Bottom line: You have to ask yourself which would lead you to be less stressed and generally happier every day, not hearing road noise and the other issues you fear (which may or may not actually happen) or having that extra money in the bank/a lower payment on a larger house you are already settled in.

I'm sorry you are having to face this at all but remember to take a breath and count your other blessings in life...I'm not always great at this advice but when I manage to do it I find it but my troubles in their proper context.
Good points. My home is fully paid and being a 100% DAV I don't pay property taxes so $$$ is not really an issue. Finding something that doesn't require upkeep is going to be the big issue. Looking around there isn't much out their that fits our wants/needs and price range. We don't want a house that costs more than what we'll get out of our present house.

I get your point about the right of way for the city but when you have to maintain the real estate you kinda feel like you own it.

Mustang has followed through on all their plans so far so we expect they'll widen Morgan Rd soon.
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I'm contemplating a real high end, 40' 5er and a ford
F-350. I can change my address any time I want.
Brownsville TX in the winter, or similar area. Whitefish MT from summer to early fall.
No neighbors unless I choose.
Been there done that. Going back to just west of Brownsville shortly. Same latitude as Miami Florida.
Nice in the winter.
Been to Whitefish in the summer. Really nice but incredibly expensive
The billionaires have ran off the millionaires.
We stayed a month in Kalispel which is an hour away from Whitefish and 1/4 the price.
A friend had a summer lake house there he bought 5 years ago in Whitefish for 2 million.
He sold it right after we left for 4 million. Nice profit.

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