Prayers (and help) for me nephew...

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Glock 'em down

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
My nephew is in need of a kidney and pancreas transplant. So this Saturday, February 4th, we (his family) is hosting a chili supper at the Holdenville Oklahoma high school...


A little backstory on this guy. When Mrs. GED and I were dating, Shawn was around 8 years old. He was her baby angel. He hung around us a lot. He and I used to fish practically every day when school was out for the summer.

Shawn is an avid outdoorsman. I think he was probably 10 years old when he got his first buck. He hunts everything and would be as happy as a chimp on rollerskates if he could make a living hunting and fishing.

Sadly, his health has prevented this and his passion for the field has been compromised. At the age of 11, Shawn was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Life as a diabetic comes with challenges and hurdles, and four years ago another challenge was thrown Shawn’s direction when he was diagnosed with Stage Three Chronic Kidney Disease. Through diet changes and the help of a great nephrologist, Shawn was able to slow the progression of this disease. Three months ago, however, Shawn’s lab showed that he would need to be placed on the transplant list for a kidney/pancreas, and our journey with transplant began.

I realize that Holdenville Oklahoma is hell and gone from most of my brethren and brethrenetts here at OSA, but what you can't help with by your presence and donation, you can help with by saying a prayer for my buddy. He and his wife Carrie have three sons, Tyler 19, Hunter 17 and Hayden 15. These kids sure need you thoughts and prayers.

If for some reason you do find yourself in Holdenville this weekend, I'll be there (I'm the big ol boy in overalls) making my famous chili. It's not award winning, but I've been told by many that it is legendary! :thumb:

Come see me and meet this awesome young man and his HUGE family.


Glock 'em down

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
South Central Oklahoma.
You should set up a Gofundme or similar page for those that can't make the trip.

Best wishes to everyone.

They might have. His wife and one of his aunts is ramrodding things. I'm just cooking 50 pounds of chili.

ETA: I called his aunt and she said they didn't do a GoFundMe because they take a percentage of the donations. The proceeds from the chili dinner go to him because once he gets put on the donor list, he has to move to OKC to be within 30 minutes of the hospital/OR. That's gonna get expensive!

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
They might have. His wife and one of his aunts is ramrodding things. I'm just cooking 50 pounds of chili.

ETA: I called his aunt and she said they didn't do a GoFundMe because they take a percentage of the donations.

I'll have to think on it, but I think there is another funding site that isn't so bad. Back during the Canadian trucker protests, GoFundMe held up the money that was donated to the truckers. This other company might still take some kind of percentage, but right now I can't think of the name of it to research it.

Just thought of it. It is "GiveSendGo."

Here is their website: GiveSendGo


Special Hen
Feb 10, 2022
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If you post a paypal address or make a Give Send Go account (not woke) I'd be happy to put money in. It's donation time in 2 days for us. Paypal wouldn't take a fee if you send it as "Friends and Family", though they are woke.
GSG takes a small percentage IIRC.

Glock 'em down

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
South Central Oklahoma.
If you post a paypal address or make a Give Send Go account (not woke) I'd be happy to put money in. It's donation time in 2 days for us. Paypal wouldn't take a fee if you send it as "Friends and Family", though they are woke.
GSG takes a small percentage IIRC.

I'll see what they wanna do.

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