Protech DNA Kit

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In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
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Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
Check this out:

My wife saw this on the Today Show...and she thought it was pretty cool so...Anyway, it's not really DNA, like human DNA, it's kinda like electronic DNA I guess. It's this kit you can get that has this gel with microscopic particles in it that you swab a little dab on a valuable item. It contains a unique code to a PIN number assigned to you. If you go to the website, it explains it better than I can but basically you mark your valuable items with this stuff, then list them in the Protech DNA database. Let's say you mark your laptop: It then gets stolen and ends up in a pawn shop or maybe an evidence locker. They scan the thing; it brings up the secret code embedded in the goo; and voila! They know to whom the item really belongs! The particles in the gel link it to your personal PIN number in the database. You get a call: "Hello, is this Mr. Gunn? This is Sgt Swat with the Podunk PD. Welp, we got your stuff back that you reported stolen."

What's that noise? Is your tinfoil hat making a buzzing sound? Well, I don't think it's a big deal; you can mark what you want. Here's the scoop on why I think it's legit. My insurance company paid for it. Yep, on the site, you can get it free (regular price is $40 I think) if you put in your insurance company and they participate; supposedly, a lot of them do. Mine does anyway. (USAA). Plus, Al Roker said it was cool.

So anyway, you decide what items you want to mark and list in the database, swab the goo on the item, (they give better instructions on locations etc) let it dry, and bingo. A record of who that item belongs to is established. I marked the wife's expensive jewelry, our TVs, PCs, Stereos, IPads, Tablets, cameras, optics, some electronic items and the only gun I still have, a Heritage Rough Rider .22. There is even an App, (Protech DNA), that you can use and just speak the info in to it to add items. It even let's you post a pic of the item if you want. You can also list serial numbers if you want, but it's not required.

They say each package of the goo will mark about 100 items. Then its just a matter of listing them in the database and ascribing them to your PIN. So; Bad Guy sneaks in whilst you and the little lady are out for Dollar Bingo Night, steals all your stuff and tries to pawn it, or maybe gets caught by the Po-Po. Or the cops find a storage unit full of stolen merchandise and they scan the stuff and discover who it belongs to. I also got a little secret squirrel pen thing with my kit to, it lets me write my code number on stuff and only shows up in special light and helps ID it as being mine. The pen doubles as a light so you can see the invisible
ink on the item even. I think it's just a black light...sort of a back up thing.

Judge for yourself, the website explains it better.


In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
They say to mark it in a couple of places; front/back, near the serial number or power input. Its shows up under black light I think it is, at least the pen does. This is from the website:

"Law Enforcement is key component of the program. Over 4,000 agencies are currently utilizing the technology in a effort to reduce property theft in their communities and engage their residents in awareness.

  • Over 36,000 law enforcement agencies have access to the IARLE database: Searchable by PIN, property description, serial numbers, etc.
  • No cost to law enforcement
  • All agencies are provided detection kits
  • Auto scrubs database when property is recovered and cataloged by property room
  • 50 – 75 new law enforcement agencies each month"
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