Record 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs in August

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Apr 14, 2009
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Americans quit their jobs at a record clip in August, a new government report said Tuesday, with restaurant and hotel workers leading the mass exodus.

A whopping 4.3 million people quit two months ago, the most on record dating back to December 2000 — and 300,000 more than in July, according to the Labor Department report.

The August quits are the equivalent of 3 percent of the US workforce.

Hiring in August also plunged sharply — down to 6.3 million from 6.8 million in July — despite the number of available jobs remaining near record high levels.

In the past year, open jobs have increased 62 percent, though available jobs did fall to 10.4 million in August, from a record high of 11.1 million in July.

Quits in August at restaurants, bars and hotels jumped 21 percent compared to the previous month for a total of 900,000.

And August saw a 6 percent jump in retail workers leaving their jobs.

In industries such as manufacturing, construction, and transportation and warehousing, quits barely increased.

In professional and business services, which includes fields such as law, engineering, and architecture, where most employees can work from home, quitting was largely flat.

However, to fix this byeden is giving out work permits to people who break the law and enter this country illegally!

Docs Show Biden Admin Opening Border, Handing Out Work Permits​

Border Patrol documents show at least 160,000 illegal immigrants have been released into the country under the Biden administration with little oversight, monitoring, or risk for deportation — and have even been granted a level of legal status through temporary work permits — according to a new report.

Of particular concern to former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott is that the documents show an abuse of the Biden administration's parole authority, which can be used to grant work permits to illegal immigrants.

"By law and regulation, a parole shall only be granted on a case-by-case basis and only for significant humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit," Scott told Fox News after reviewing the documents. "Neither of these appear to apply to the current situation."

Documents obtained by Fox News show the administration has used parole authorities to grant nearly 32,000 work permits since August.

"As a field chief, I don't believe I ever approved more than 5 or 10 paroles in a year," Scott, who was forced out of his role earlier this summer by the Biden administration, told Fox News. "When I did, I ensured that the alien was monitored continuously and was detained or removed as soon as the circumstances allowed."

The documents also show 94,570 illegal immigrants have been released into the country with Notices to Report, which would require a migrant to check in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement when they resettle into the U.S., according to the report.

Those that check in are not deported or detained as they await their immigration hearings.

Also, according to the documents, 40,000 illegals have been released into the U.S. since Aug. 6 without Alternatives to Detention (ATD) protocols, tracking on their cell phone, or an ankle monitor.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has publicly denied that the border is "open" for illegal migration, but he did blame the mass migration push on economic conditions and violence in Central American countries — two similar concerns expressed among congressional Republicans in Democrat-run cities for the past year.

"The downturn in economies, the attendant rise in violence, the downturn in economies made more acute by reason of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the suppression of any humanitarian relief over the past number of years, and the pent-up thirst for relief among many different populations," Mayorkas told Yahoo News. "I think an accumulation of (these) factors contributes to the rise in migration that we've seen this week."


Special Hen
Jan 12, 2017
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Tuttle, OK
Just curios how those 3% are making ends meet? If most are from restaurants, bars, hotels and retail, they'll need other skills in order to obtain a job in the areas listed that were relatively flat. Just knowing what a hammer and nail are won't get you a job as a carpenter. Plus, most folks from the service industry I've met aren't the kind to roll up their sleeves and start digging ditches.

Unemployment, even with extensions and extra from the govt, has all but stopped I believe. So, how are all these people getting money to live on? If in CA, just get into shoplifting but what about the other "normal" states.

Are they going back to school, running up more student loan debt in hopes of it all being forgiven? No other way to get into some of those jobs without a specific degree.

Parents? Family? Guess getting old as I just can't figure out some of the younger generations way of thinking.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2009
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Just curios how those 3% are making ends meet? If most are from restaurants, bars, hotels and retail, they'll need other skills in order to obtain a job in the areas listed that were relatively flat. Just knowing what a hammer and nail are won't get you a job as a carpenter. Plus, most folks from the service industry I've met aren't the kind to roll up their sleeves and start digging ditches.

Unemployment, even with extensions and extra from the govt, has all but stopped I believe. So, how are all these people getting money to live on? If in CA, just get into shoplifting but what about the other "normal" states.

Are they going back to school, running up more student loan debt in hopes of it all being forgiven? No other way to get into some of those jobs without a specific degree.

Parents? Family? Guess getting old as I just can't figure out some of the younger generations way of thinking.
I think most either wanted a change from their current job or wanted more money and they moved jobs. I think they may have switched jobs, not just quit working. It's hard to tell from the reports I have seen.


Special Hen
Feb 3, 2006
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Im wondering how many was fired due to the vac mandate and they are listing them as quitting to up the figures, since Biden told everyone in a speech the other day that unemployment was at its all time low and wages was up and the economy was the best its been.
That translates to we’re racing towards the bottom.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
people are quitting because they are pissed.

Just curios how those 3% are making ends meet? If most are from restaurants, bars, hotels and retail, they'll need other skills in order to obtain a job in the areas listed that were relatively flat. Just knowing what a hammer and nail are won't get you a job as a carpenter. Plus, most folks from the service industry I've met aren't the kind to roll up their sleeves and start digging ditches.

Unemployment, even with extensions and extra from the govt, has all but stopped I believe. So, how are all these people getting money to live on? If in CA, just get into shoplifting but what about the other "normal" states.

Are they going back to school, running up more student loan debt in hopes of it all being forgiven? No other way to get into some of those jobs without a specific degree.

Parents? Family? Guess getting old as I just can't figure out some of the younger generations way of thinking.
to be completely honest, as one of these people (i guess) we really aren't making ends meet. i think we're literally waiting until we can't shop to just start stealing. then we'll see what needs to happen next.

i'm guessing this leads to UBI because i will never work for anyone else for the rest of my life. i simply won't do it; there isn't a single business other than your own worth working for. so if that counts me as "out of the labor force" then awesome. i think a LOT of people are straight up dropping out. most bills simply aren't being paid.

i've said before to just take all your money out of the market. take it all out of the banks. stop paying taxes. stop paying bills. we'll see how quick things change. i bet a helluva lot faster than voting every few years.

it's a bluff game.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
to expand; people in my age range have been poor their entire lives unless they were trust fund kids. i assume i will die poor; that's fine.
but the thing is, i'm *pretty* sure lots of people's *biggest* fear is to live like me.
so let's do it.

they only have power over you because you have so much to lose. look at the vaccine mandate, most of the people here say they are against it, but got it anyway! that's because they are targeting your livelihood, and you think there is literally no other way you could live other than waking up and going to your job every day.

but i assure you, you will wake up even if you don't have a job. you will indeed keep living. jobs don't, in fact, make the sun rise. i think we're about to see a massive, massive shift. just not sure who's going to be left standing.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 25, 2020
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Im wondering how many was fired due to the vac mandate and they are listing them as quitting to up the figures, since Biden told everyone in a speech the other day that unemployment was at its all time low and wages was up and the economy was the best its been.
Yep F_ _ _ Biden my very little bit of a retirement plan lost money for the first time since i enrolled 6 yrs ago.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 25, 2020
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to expand; people in my age range have been poor their entire lives unless they were trust fund kids. i assume i will die poor; that's fine.
but the thing is, i'm *pretty* sure lots of people's *biggest* fear is to live like me.
so let's do it.

they only have power over you because you have so much to lose. look at the vaccine mandate, most of the people here say they are against it, but got it anyway! that's because they are targeting your livelihood, and you think there is literally no other way you could live other than waking up and going to your job every day.

but i assure you, you will wake up even if you don't have a job. you will indeed keep living. jobs don't, in fact, make the sun rise. i think we're about to see a massive, massive shift. just not sure who's going to be left standing.
I feel your pain but is quitting working going to solve anything really. because unless your quitting and going to live in a homeless camp or have money or income your not telling about. that means your going to live off the rest of use who go to work hell or high water because its the right thing to do. don't know you so don't be offended . just can't quit and give up because of the political climate.

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