SDA defense services

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Jun 7, 2013
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First: Probusiness, thank you for your input. You've given several examples of when this service would be needed, just like the guy pitching us in the class. I didn't have a chance to ask him I will ask here: can you site actual cases or name of those where these examples have been derived? Thats the biggest problem I have right now. Despite my best efforts (and I'm a programmer, I know how to get my Google fu on), I have been unable to find a single case or precident where US Law shield attorneys have been invoked to represent a client and protected their rights. I'm not saying they don't exist. In fact, I am sure the do. But like any product I want the product to be backed up by testimonials.

"this guy shoots a dog" "This lady kills an intruder" - all generic examples that don't really prove anything other than generalities can be used in lieu of real world examples. the BEST thing that US Law Shield could have done was show concrete, real-world examples where they had protected a person who exercised their SDA rights. If anyone can point me in the direction of an example where their service was used, I'd LOVE to read about the details of the case or event.

Badgebunny, your posts carry immense weight with me, if not with the entire forum. I recognize that you're not endorsing Friezen outright. Thank you for pointing me in that direction. I have a couple of other attorneys names to read about as well. The biggest problem with Friezen is that the coverage stops at charges filed, should it get that far.


Special Hen
Nov 20, 2009
Reaction score
Perkins, OK
I taught an SDA class for someone this summer and they had already scheduled the U.S. law shield group to come and speak. The salesman alone was enough to turn me off from their services...and then their sales pitch was even worse. Basically a lot of fear mongering. At one point the guy said something to the effect of, "if you shoot somebody at night and you haven't had any low light firearm training, you WILL go to jail". The whole pitch centered around the premise that if you shoot somebody in self defense you will go to jail and your only hope is U.S. Law shield. He offered me his card so I could enroll our school in their program. I politely declined.


Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
I taught an SDA class for someone this summer and they had already scheduled the U.S. law shield group to come and speak. The salesman alone was enough to turn me off from their services...and then their sales pitch was even worse. Basically a lot of fear mongering. At one point the guy said something to the effect of, "if you shoot somebody at night and you haven't had any low light firearm training, you WILL go to jail". The whole pitch centered around the premise that if you shoot somebody in self defense you will go to jail and your only hope is U.S. Law shield. He offered me his card so I could enroll our school in their program. I politely declined.

Funny, the exact same pitch was used in our class.


Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
Okay, before this turns into a "bash US Law" thread, lets get back on topic.

I'm not trying to bash any company. Like I said, good companies have bad salesmen all the time.

The Slime-ball that sold me my Ford F250 didn't make me hate Ford. I still drive that F250 and have no plans on selling it. I won't be buying another from douche-bag and sons Ford Dealership though.

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