Silly debate my son and I had

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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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If im going to hunker down will be doing in some out of the way place that has 1 entrance and 1 exit easier to defend that way, and already would have the location picked out and have researched the area to know what is available before hand dont wait til the last minute and try to rush into it you will make several mistakes doing that.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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The problem with being underground to my mind is that it would be easy to get trapped unless you had an escape well away from the main entrance. Same goes for many buildings. You need an escape route well away from the entrance. You need it planned in advance with alternate routes.

Water: When you first get to your planned fortress you put the weaker people to filling up every clean container they can find. You also look for anything you can find to catch rain water in. The stronger people will be busy fortifying the building.

Food: Eat the fresh first and preserve as much as you can. Refrigerated next then the frozen. Canned and dried last.

If a store like a Walmart, pick one close to the outskirts of town. Fewer zombies out a ways. They will still get there but it gives you time to fortify. You will have to deal with people trying to get in and it would be wise to take in anyone you can feed. Medical people will be a must, farmers, etc will also be needed long term as zombies will not last forever. Basically anyone that can shoot or swing a weapon will be needed.

And remember, several days of freezing temp and the Zs should be frozen solid with no blood pumping. When they are all standing around like frozen statues, It's Hammer Time!!!



Staff Member
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Special Hen Administrator Moderator Supporter
Mar 15, 2009
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Not a silly debate at all. It’s a worthwhile conversation to have with your family. Zombies or politicians can put us into a SHTF scenario. Our family has a plan.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Not a silly debate at all. It’s a worthwhile conversation to have with your family. Zombies or politicians can put us into a SHTF scenario. Our family has a plan.
Agreed. I look at it this way, picture the economy crashing and we enter another great depression. What are all the people shuffling along looking down at their phones while trying to find their next handout going to look like?

Seriously if you plan for a zombie out break you are prepared for most SHTF scenarios.

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
Ok, I'll pose this question here and give me and my son's responses and reasons.

Say a zombie apocalypses actually happened. Now you rural folk probably wont be too worried, but us city folk, well we would need some place secure if we could not get out of the city rapidly. So I posed to my son this question: If you had to find a place that was easy to secure but would be stocked for a while, where and what would you do.

My response: Take over a wal-mart. The doors can be locked and the entrances blockaded with items you won't need that are heavy. Most super centers have automotive departments that you could park a vehicle. They have food, clothes, cleaning supplies, health supplies, and some still have firearms and ammo. They even have plenty of air mattresses, blankets, pillows, etc. And if you can rig up a way to the roof you would have a good shooting floor for defense.

My son's response: take over a school. Plenty of room, locking doors. Has a kitchen. Not known to hold a lot of supplies so less of a target. Would need to make supply runs, but would be more secure than most other places.

Ok, now time for your thoughts.
Stay away from government facilities, they are all already occupied by zombies, that couldn't pass the intelligence test to be foot solders!


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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You can be burned out in a building.
When the electric goes off all that refrigerated food will get to smelling pretty bad.
Water will probably be turned off and you can poop in just so many buckets and kitty litter to cover the smell will go just so far.

Burned out would be my concern.

I ran away from home when I was an early teen and dug a hole underground with a spoon and made a trap door over the top like a trap door spider makes.
People were all looking for me and the cops also.

No one ever found me ..I got salmonella from eating an under cooked snapping turtle.
Had to go home as I felt like I was dying made it 2 weeks though by myself with some fishing line and a hook and some matches and a knife.

I am bugging out and going under ground.
You really do not need to eat a lot of food.
A lot of food is nice but not needed.
I survived on perch and frogs.
Why does this not surprise me at all?

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